Saturday, February 8, 2025

Larissa Ho


In her third year, Larissa became the News Editor after serving as the Associate News Editor and the Features Editor in the last two years. Larissa loves to write creative non-fiction and play the piano.


An illness to manage, not cure

I’ll be honest—now and then I get tired of writing my typical editorial, so I like to keep a lookout for the topics that...

From Age to Age

I was five when I decided I would attend the University of Toronto Mississauga. I sat in my father’s lap in my grandmother’s house, where...

On the Lislehurst Cricket Pitch

I sat down with the three most recent principals of UTM: current principal Deep Saini and former principals Ian Orchard and Bob McNutt, to...

My summer abroad journey to Jerusalem

Jerusalem never crossed my mind when I thought of potential places to study during a student exchange. I always thought of Europe as my...

Referendum fails

The Student Centre expansion referendum has failed, according to the unofficial results released by UTMSU today. The union posted the initial vote counts of 1,618...

Results delayed

The unofficial results of the Student Centre expansion referendum held last week have not been released as of press time. UTMSU’s president, Raymond Noronha, had...

Sustainability coordinator quits

UTMSU’s sustainability coordinator resigned from his position last month, alleging in a Facebook post that the work environment was unwelcoming to his needs. According to...

UTM displays its pride

The UTM community held its annual Pride Week, with programming and events running from January 17 to 24 for the benefit of students, staff,...

Students warned away from construction

Because the hallway inside the Kaneff Centre is being demolished in order to attach it to the new Innovation Complex, the entrance closest to...

Symposium for inclusivity

Dr. Al Condeluci, a global activist and CEO of Community Living and Support Services, Pittsburgh, led a dynamic Social Capital Symposium at UTM to talk...

New plan underway to protect UTM women

A new anti-violence plan has been launched on campus to protect young women, since UTM is home to many women aged 15 to 25,...

UTM students seek to get hired

The Career Centre provided students the opportunity to get noticed by employers with its newly renamed Get Hired: Summer & Full-Time Job Fair last...

International students begin studies in January

UTM officials allowed international students affected by the foreign service workers’ strike to begin their first-year studies in January “on humanitarian grounds”, according to...

Students to vote on expansion fees

The UTM Students’ Union is holding a referendum on fee increases that would see the levy rise to $50 per semester for up to...

North Building Phase One named

The name “Deerfield Hall” has been chosen to grace the latest addition to the UTM campus: the extension to the North Building, UTM’s oldest...

UTM library waives fines

The Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre held their second annual Food for Fines event during the last week of November. The library donated 9,681 pounds...

Students petition to divert Varsity fees

A group of UTM students collected 600 signatures in support of their petition to the UTMSU board of directors to hold a referendum asking...

UTSU AGM drives on through opposition

The U of T Students’ Union addressed each of its pre-approved motions at its annual general meeting despite procedural motions to amend the agenda...

Campus undergoing wireless upgrade

The campus is undergoing a wireless Internet upgrade that began in the summer at a cost of $694,000. To satisfy what she called an “insatiable...

UTSU AGM to run amid controversy

The University of Toronto Students’ Union, which represents all full-time undergraduates at the St. George campus and at UTM, will hold its annual general...

UTMSU audit shows significant profit

Students gathered at the UTM Students’ Union’s annual general meeting last week for the presentation of audited financial statements that recorded a significant profit...

UTM receives visit from new president

UTM received a visit from the recently installed president of U of T, Prof. Meric Gertler, last Thursday. He spoke with the Medium about...

UTM holds first-ever TEDx talk

The first TEDx talk at UTM saw speakers deliver presentations on the themes of “Are We, as a Human Race, Happy?”, “To Boldly Go”,...

Raising awareness of violence against women

The UTM Women’s Centre collaborated with the UTM Women and Gender Studies Action Group to raise roughly $350 at their annual Walk Five Minutes...

Admission to CTEP discontinued

The University of Toronto has halted admission of high school students to its Concurrent Teacher Education Program following changes to the bachelor of education...

Trick-or-treating for charity

The UTM Rotaract Club’s members and friends visited different residential areas around campus last Thursday, but instead of collecting candy, chocolate, and other treats,...

New president welcomed

The former dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science—U of T’s largest and most diverse academic division—took office as the University of Toronto’s...

UTM Mental Health

The mental health crisis taking place across university campuses is indisputable, with students attempting to tap into mental health resources on campuses that are...

Old questions at new town hall

About 40 people attended the first principal’s town hall at UTM, held in light of the changes in governance that took place this July...

Music and (multilingual) lyrics

The UTM Department of Language Studies hosted its annual Awards Evening and Music Gala to celebrate the academic successes of UTM students studying languages...

Quiet elections wrap up

The U of T Students’ Union held their by-elections from October 15 to 17, with former vice-president campus life Onik Khan running as the...

Students tackle social injustice

The third annual DisOrientation Week was hosted last week by UTMSU’s Ministry of Social Justice and Equity. With a “student activism” theme, this year’s...

Address the stigma

Dear Editor, I was relieved to find out about the newly announced Committee on Mental Health. As someone who has personal mental health issues (who...

Winter res fees not set to budge

Dale Mullings, UTM’s director of residence and student life, said that there are no plans to reduce the winter residence fee imposed on residence...

Province funds mental health services

Following the Ontario government’s announcement in March that it will invest $27 million over three years to provide new mental health services at Ontario...

Principal Saini on the Middle Entrance

UTM’s principal, Deep Saini, said that students have been “grossly misinformed” about the Middle Entrance redesign that garnered overwhelmingly negative student feedback since its...

U of T celebrates co-curricular record

The celebration of U of T’s new co-curricular record saw students, staff, faculty, and alumni come together at Hart House to mingle and talk...

Painting the campus pink again

Over 2,500 students, staff, faculty, alumni, and residents of Mississauga and its surrounding communities gathered at UTM on Sunday for the 22nd annual Canadian...

Writing initiative on backburner

Plans to implement a suite of campus-wide writing approaches at UTM this fall, called “Writing Across the Curriculum”, have been put on hold. Tyler Evans-Tokaryk,...

Flat fees policy to be changed

Brad Duguid, Ontario’s Minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities, has recently said that he will implement changes to the current policy of flat fees...

Behind the scenes of O-Week

Orientation Week, hosted by the UTM Students’ Union each year to welcome first-year students to UTM, carried on the week before classes began in...

New entrance signage draws criticism

A new sign built for UTM’s Middle Entrance as part of administrative plans to refurbish UTM’s three entrances has generated overwhelmingly negative student feedback. In...

A new home for UTM’s future innovators

Some UTM students were shocked to return to campus last week and discover that construction was taking place on the 11-year-old Kaneff Centre, the...

Students dance the night away

Students waited in hordes last Thursday night by the Blind Duck doors in anticipation of First Pub, dubbed “Tight and Bright”, well before doors...

Orientation coordinators resign from UTMSU

In the midst of intensive planning for arguably the most anticipated UTM Students’ Union event of the year—Orientation Week—the two key people in charge...

ECC quietly retires

Effective July 1, the UTM Campus Council replaced the Erindale College Council, which has been the governance model at UTM since 1965. The ECC was...

UTM departs on an Odyssey

Amid the cheering, screaming, and chanting that traditionally characterizes Orientation Week, first-year students got a blast of UTM spirit as Orientation Week kicked off...

Rejected by UTM Connect

Dear editor,   This past Wednesday, I attempted to set up an interview with the slate running for next year’s UTMSU executive team, UTM Connect. I...

UTM Connect sole slate for election

The UTMSU elections for spring 2013 are underway, with UTM Connect  running unopposed in pursuit of all available executive positions, with the exception of...

Part-time students to vote on joining the UTM Students’ Union

The UTM Students’ Union and the Association of Erindale Part-Time Undergraduate Students intend to hold a campus-wide referendum for part-time UTM students to vote...

T-Card scanner privacy concerns still open

The Office of the Vice-Provost, Students is looking into creating better safeguards to put in place for student groups who request access the T-Card...

UTSU’s unopposed candidates take questions

A small crowd attended UTSU’s All-Candidates Executive Debate at the William Doo Auditorium at New College last Wednesday. Candidates for the positions of president,...

Student group proposes new framework

The Ontario chapter of the Canadian Federation of Students released a document called “Changing Priorities: Moving Towards Affordable Post-Secondary Education”, which proposes that the...

Qur’an draws attention at IslamFest

IslamFest, previously known as Islam Awareness Week, was hosted by the UTM Muslim Students’ Association last week. “We tried to make an event where everyone,...

Privacy errors still under dispute

UTMSU is undecided about whether to hold the second referendum for the Student Centre expansion in March or in the fall, a decision the...

UTM student recipient of award

A UTM student has been named the recipient of the John H. Moss Scholarship by the University of Toronto Alumni Association. Samra Younus, currently in...

Motion approves online voting

The continuation of UTSU’s Special General Meeting saw a motion recommending online voting to be implemented in time for the UTSU elections narrowly approved...

Students charged for fraudulent parking permits

UTM students have been caught modifying parking permits, according to Campus Police; some of the students have been charged with fraud. In a number of...

Faraway foods and “pho pas”

Madeleine Brown reviews Pho Big Bowl 2655 Liruma Road I talked about pho with friends, read about pho in food magazines, and watched specials about pho on...

Results of referendum not ratified by UTMSU

According to UTMSU, a human error on the part of a member of UTMSU staff, which was “expedited by miscommunication with staff of the...

Increased thefts on campus

Campus police are reporting a high number of thefts on campus since the start of January. Since January 1, there have been thefts of several...

UTSU’s Special General Meeting fails to reach quorum after UTM students...

UTSU’s Special General Meeting, held last Tuesday, was adjourned unexpectedly before attendees could vote on the controversial electoral reform. The meeting was a replacement...

UTM students leave abruptly, UTSU’s Special General Meeting forced to adjourn

UTSU’s Special General Meeting, the replacement meeting scheduled after the agenda was voted down at the Annual General Meeting in November, adjourned unexpectedly last...

Call for electoral reform of UTSU

UTSU’s Special General Meeting, a replacement for November’s Annual General Meeting whose agenda was rejected by union members, is set to take place on...

Referendum for Student Centre expansion passes

UTMSU released the unofficial results of the referendum they held on a levy increase to expand the Student Centre. According to Chief Returning Officer Babatumi...

UTM asks for student feedback on Co-Curricular Record

The Office of Student Life at U of T held town hall meetings on all three campuses to solicit input and answer questions from the U...

The Varsity proposes $1 increase

The Varsity, one of U of T’s main newspapers and Canada’s second-oldest student newspaper, is asking undergraduate students to vote on whether they approve...

Fee increases cause confusion

Students have been confused in the past week about the fee increases proposed by UTMSU to expand the current Student Centre, according to UTMSU’s...

Student union proposes fee increase

UTMSU has called a referendum for students to vote on whether they approve of a fee increase—beginning with a temporary increase of $75 per...

How well do UTM students write?

How will UTM teach you to write? It may seem like a simple question, but the answers are stirring up debate on campus. Because the...

U of T students named Rhodes Scholars

Eleven Canadians, including three University of Toronto students, have been named Rhodes Scholars for 2013, meaning they will receive full scholarships to pursue post-graduate...

Co-curricular record on the way

The co-curricular record, an official U of T document that will recognize students’ involvement in extracurricular activities, is near to being implemented. It is...

1.0 Drop Credit “unacceptable”

UTM students who have been waiting for the implementation of the 1.0 Drop Credit policy should not be looking forward to it. The campus’s vice-dean...

Demanding reasons for residence fees

A group of 10 UTM students met with UTM’s Student Housing and Residence Life, demanding justification for the $400 fee imposed on residence students...

UTSU’s short-lived AGM

The motion to approve the agenda at the Annual General Meeting of the U of T Students’ Union was defeated minutes after the meeting...

Motion to approve UTSU AGM agenda fails

The motion to approve the agenda at the Annual General Meeting of the University of Toronto Students’ Union failed last night shortly after the...

1.0 Drop Credit closer

The 1.0 Drop Credit policy is closer to being approved and implemented, according to Andrew Ursel, the UTM Students’ Union’s VP university affairs and...

Five-minute financials

There was not much discussion of the UTMSU’s audited financial statements at their Annual General Meeting last Wednesday in Council Chambers, with 132 people...

Striking a pose for violence against women

The UTM Women’s Centre raised $200 at their annual “Walk Five Minutes in Her Shoes” event, with all proceeds going towards raising awareness of...

UCS gets pied for cancer research

The stage at the Blind Duck Pub got messy when students volunteered to get pied in the face for the Undergraduate Commerce Society’s annual...

UTM aims to graduate “innovators”

In his new position as vice-principal of special initiatives, Professor Ulrich Krull plans on moving UTM towards the vision of a more comprehensive university,...

Presidential search in the works

About 10 people attended the presidential search town hall last Monday, along with 10 members of the Presidential Search Committee. The committee held the...

Students critique province’s paper

In light of the release of the Ontario government’s discussion paper “Strengthening Ontario’s Centres of Creativity, Innovation, and Knowledge” this past summer, UTSU and...

Shut down on the shuttle bus

Dear Editor, While I was covering Orientation Week for The Medium for the first issue, I went to St. George on Friday, September 7th for...

Clubs and Societies Week reigns at UTM

All types of students came out to the annual Clubs and Societies Week at UTM from September 17 to the 21. A large number...

Need a second pass/fail credit?

The Credit/No Credit policy was amended over the summer to allow students to apply the option to 2.0 credits instead of the original 1.0. At...

The reconfiguration of Work Study

Many students returning to UTM this fall will have noticed that the Ontario Work-Study program positions that they’ve depended on in the past are...

Draft of Academic Plan presented

Amy Mullin, UTM’s vice-principal academic and dean, has presented the draft of the UTM Divisional Academic Plan, a reflection of the values and issues...

North Building demolition underway

Like most members of the UTM community, professor Lee Bailey was shocked to discover one morning that reconstruction had begun on UTM’s oldest academic...

Froshies survive Apocalypse

First-year students have started off their careers at UTM full of memories made at the always highly anticipated Orientation Week, hosted by UTMSU. After picking...

New governance model presented, stirs debate

The GRC held a town hall at UTM on Thursday to explain the restructuring of decision-making bodies

An Aboriginal lesson in philosophies

Traditional teacher Cat Criger, UTM’s Aboriginal elder, talks about his philosophies on life and spirituality

Sustainably sustainable

Brad Allen gives the lowdown on the annual Green DAZE at UTM

Where are all the books?

A library near you is destroying rather than giving away its old books. Here’s a look at why.

A lot of love, laughter, and linguistics

The Italian Department returns with its annual play. This year it’s Io non mi marito per procura

Green Dot on campus

The Green Dot bystander training program caught the eye of Cheryl Champagne, who instituted it at U of T

The end of an undergraduate career

Profile on UTM graduating student Bobby Diaz, who volunteers working with LGBTQ youth in Toronto.

Where are all the leaders on campus?

Dear Editor,   On November 20, I left Calgary for Toronto after attending a four-day conference called the Canadian Conference for Student Leadership hosted by the...

U of T kicks off Green Dot

The Green Dot program is an education and awareness initiative.

Society Profile: the Historical Studies Society

This past summer, the HSS underwent a complete restructuring, with a new mandate: to involve faculty and students at all levels in both educational seminars and social events.

Tips for keeping New Year’s resolutions

Here are some tips to keep your eye on the ball and finally make the changes in your life you may have wanted, and tried, to make for years.

Fire destroys Argos campus facilities

Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services responded to the 1:33 a.m. call on Saturday. Police say it’s not yet clear what set the blaze off.

True leaders do the right thing

When I received a mass email in early October from the Office of Student Life, saying “You can attend a leadership conference in Calgary for FREE!”, I was immediately captivated.

Do rankings really matter?

Every student wants to get into a top university… right? Why is that? Who determines which universities are prestigious or not? Though finding out if...

The deadlines are coming!

It’s that time of year again when graduate school applications are due. The deadlines for different programs at different schools vary; however, the deadlines for professional programs such as dentistry, teacher’s college, law, and medicine are all within the next few months.

Snider Lecture Series kicks off

On Wednesday the UTM Snider Lecture Committee presented this year’s Snider Lecturer, Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, an internationally trained Gaza doctor.

Society profile: SCS

Each year, UTM adds a few new academic societies and more than a few new clubs to its roster. One new society is the Sociology and Criminology Society, created for Sociology and Criminology and Socio-Legal Studies students.

Meeting accessibility needs at UTM

At UTM, students with accessibility needs who have medical documentation of their disability have access to the AccessAbility Resource Centre, a student service which is separate from the St. George and Scarborough campuses’ disability offices.

Symposium for campus leaders

The first UTM Leadership Symposium, a “one-day hands-on introductory session for student leaders on campus”, took place last Saturday afternoon in the Instructional Centre.

Students fundraise for east Africa

Last week UTMSU held events to fundraise for the East Africa Drought, which UNICEF has deemed “the most severe humanitarian emergency in the world”.

How to survive your first week of school

Expect to feel overwhelmed, under-prepared, and confused in the near future. It WILL happen. Just remember: you’re not the only one feeling this way.

Flat fees in full effect at St. George

Students admitted to the Faculty of Arts and Science at U of T’s St. George campus who are taking more than three credits are now required to pay a flat program fee.

Beautiful Things

The phone call comes at 2 a.m. in the morning on Tuesday as I’m tucked in bed, not knowing the tears I’d soon shed... to tell...

MSA discusses Islam awareness

Between Tuesday, March 8 and Friday, March 11, the UTM Muslim Students’ Association hosted Islam Awareness Week at UTM, an event that gives Muslims...

Women celebrate at the Blind Duck

On Tuesday, March 8, a collaborative effort from the Women and Gender Studies Program, the U of T Status of Women Office, UTMSU, UTM...

Profile: Dr. Jeffrey Graham

Dr. Jeffrey Graham teaches the lab component to all PSY100 students.  What most students do not know, however, is that he actually designed the...

Jennifer Lasachuk: WGS Student of the Year

On Tuesday, March 8, International Women’s Day at UTM, fifth-year women and gender studies student Jennifer Lasachuk received the Women and Gender Studies Student...

People are more moral than they think

People may say that when an opportunity arises, they would choose to act morally. The question is, would they really do so? Are people...

UN diplomat—insider’s perspective

On Monday, February 7, from 12 to 2 p.m., Desmond Parker, University of Toronto alumnus and United Nations Chief of Protocol, gave an “insider’s...

Latin culture celebration

On February 9, between 12 and 2 p.m., the Organization of Latin American Students hosted “Taco Time” in the Student Centre. OLAS members provided...

Speech competition preview

The Ministry of Social Justice’s “ONE VOICE: Speech Competition” will be held on Thursday, February 10, from 5 to 7 p.m. in CCIT room...

Iron-clad tips for public speaking

On Thursday, February 10th, in the CCT building, the ONE VOICE Speech Competition will be held. To help any interested attendees, or anyone with...

Easy access to post-secondary education

On Wednesday, January 26, John Milloy, the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, visited UTM to announce the recent changes that the ministry is...

ASX returns to U of T

The U of T Astronomy and Space Exploration Society (ASX) will be holding their eighth annual “Expanding Canada’s Frontiers” symposium, titled “Unraveling the Universe”,...

Smokers encouraged to butt out for Weedless Wednesday

UTM’s Health and Safety Board and Leave the Pack Behind jointly held an event on Wednesday January 19. The “Move Your Butt, Please” campaign,...

Clubs week returns

The UTMSU Winter Clubs Week was held in the Student Centre from January 10 to 14, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day—and...

U of T develops microchip for cancer research

Currently, there is only one test on the market that can detect cancer cells in the blood: CellSearch, a Johnson & Johnson creation. The...

Peter Munk donates $35 million to U of T

In 2010, Canada’s own philanthropist Peter Munk, who created the mining giant Barrick Gold Corp., gave the University of Toronto the largest single gift...

Maclean’s suggests U of T community is “too Asian”

Toronto city councillor Mike Layton’s first motion at city council was to ask Maclean’s magazine to “apologize unreservedly” for its “negative stereotyping of the...

Health and aging

Many people do not want to look older than their age, but researchers have discovered that looking older may not necessarily be a bad...

Student wins bookstore contest

Anna-Maria Draganova, a first-year UTM student in life sciences, won the U of T Bookstore’s back-to-school contest for a free iPhone and iPad. The...

Can peace be for sure?

Lieutenant Colonel Powell knew just what he’d say When the men came together to pray that day So beautiful, blue, warm, and clear It had been chosen...

Show your pride

UTM’s second annual Pride Week was held last week and was a collaborative event hosted by both OUT@UTM and UTMSU. The week provided information,...

Judy Cohen shares survival story

In order to coincide with Holocaust Education Week, the Historical Studies Society at UTM hosted Gender and Genocide Week in the North Building from...

Steps to success for stressed first-years

The University of Toronto Mississauga academic societies and UTMSU came together on Thursday from 3 to 5 p.m. to host the first-ever Student Leader...

Talking to yourself turns out to be important and healthy

It seems that self-talk, the endless “stream of consciousness” that runs around inside everyone’s minds every day, is actually an incredibly powerful tool. The...

Candlelight vigil for gay youth

Last week the UTMSU Ministry of Social Justice hosted the four-day event “Expression Against Oppression” to educate the UTM community and spark debate about...

Career Fair welcomes employers

The Business and Government Career Fair made its debut at UTM on Friday, October 1, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the RAWC....

U of T salary gap between genders

The University of Toronto ranked as having the widest salary gap of degree-granting institutions in Canada. Although women often have the same qualifications as...

An illness to manage, not cure

I’ll be honest—now and then I get tired of writing my typical editorial, so I like to keep a lookout for the topics that...

From Age to Age

I was five when I decided I would attend the University of Toronto Mississauga. I sat in my father’s lap in my grandmother’s house, where...

On the Lislehurst Cricket Pitch

I sat down with the three most recent principals of UTM: current principal Deep Saini and former principals Ian Orchard and Bob McNutt, to...

My summer abroad journey to Jerusalem

Jerusalem never crossed my mind when I thought of potential places to study during a student exchange. I always thought of Europe as my...

Referendum fails

The Student Centre expansion referendum has failed, according to the unofficial results released by UTMSU today. The union posted the initial vote counts of 1,618...

Results delayed

The unofficial results of the Student Centre expansion referendum held last week have not been released as of press time. UTMSU’s president, Raymond Noronha, had...

Sustainability coordinator quits

UTMSU’s sustainability coordinator resigned from his position last month, alleging in a Facebook post that the work environment was unwelcoming to his needs. According to...

UTM displays its pride

The UTM community held its annual Pride Week, with programming and events running from January 17 to 24 for the benefit of students, staff,...

Students warned away from construction

Because the hallway inside the Kaneff Centre is being demolished in order to attach it to the new Innovation Complex, the entrance closest to...

Symposium for inclusivity

Dr. Al Condeluci, a global activist and CEO of Community Living and Support Services, Pittsburgh, led a dynamic Social Capital Symposium at UTM to talk...

New plan underway to protect UTM women

A new anti-violence plan has been launched on campus to protect young women, since UTM is home to many women aged 15 to 25,...

UTM students seek to get hired

The Career Centre provided students the opportunity to get noticed by employers with its newly renamed Get Hired: Summer & Full-Time Job Fair last...

International students begin studies in January

UTM officials allowed international students affected by the foreign service workers’ strike to begin their first-year studies in January “on humanitarian grounds”, according to...

Students to vote on expansion fees

The UTM Students’ Union is holding a referendum on fee increases that would see the levy rise to $50 per semester for up to...

North Building Phase One named

The name “Deerfield Hall” has been chosen to grace the latest addition to the UTM campus: the extension to the North Building, UTM’s oldest...

UTM library waives fines

The Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre held their second annual Food for Fines event during the last week of November. The library donated 9,681 pounds...

Students petition to divert Varsity fees

A group of UTM students collected 600 signatures in support of their petition to the UTMSU board of directors to hold a referendum asking...

UTSU AGM drives on through opposition

The U of T Students’ Union addressed each of its pre-approved motions at its annual general meeting despite procedural motions to amend the agenda...

Campus undergoing wireless upgrade

The campus is undergoing a wireless Internet upgrade that began in the summer at a cost of $694,000. To satisfy what she called an “insatiable...

UTSU AGM to run amid controversy

The University of Toronto Students’ Union, which represents all full-time undergraduates at the St. George campus and at UTM, will hold its annual general...

UTMSU audit shows significant profit

Students gathered at the UTM Students’ Union’s annual general meeting last week for the presentation of audited financial statements that recorded a significant profit...

UTM receives visit from new president

UTM received a visit from the recently installed president of U of T, Prof. Meric Gertler, last Thursday. He spoke with the Medium about...

UTM holds first-ever TEDx talk

The first TEDx talk at UTM saw speakers deliver presentations on the themes of “Are We, as a Human Race, Happy?”, “To Boldly Go”,...

Raising awareness of violence against women

The UTM Women’s Centre collaborated with the UTM Women and Gender Studies Action Group to raise roughly $350 at their annual Walk Five Minutes...

Admission to CTEP discontinued

The University of Toronto has halted admission of high school students to its Concurrent Teacher Education Program following changes to the bachelor of education...

Trick-or-treating for charity

The UTM Rotaract Club’s members and friends visited different residential areas around campus last Thursday, but instead of collecting candy, chocolate, and other treats,...

New president welcomed

The former dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science—U of T’s largest and most diverse academic division—took office as the University of Toronto’s...

UTM Mental Health

The mental health crisis taking place across university campuses is indisputable, with students attempting to tap into mental health resources on campuses that are...

Old questions at new town hall

About 40 people attended the first principal’s town hall at UTM, held in light of the changes in governance that took place this July...

Music and (multilingual) lyrics

The UTM Department of Language Studies hosted its annual Awards Evening and Music Gala to celebrate the academic successes of UTM students studying languages...

Quiet elections wrap up

The U of T Students’ Union held their by-elections from October 15 to 17, with former vice-president campus life Onik Khan running as the...

Students tackle social injustice

The third annual DisOrientation Week was hosted last week by UTMSU’s Ministry of Social Justice and Equity. With a “student activism” theme, this year’s...

Address the stigma

Dear Editor, I was relieved to find out about the newly announced Committee on Mental Health. As someone who has personal mental health issues (who...

Winter res fees not set to budge

Dale Mullings, UTM’s director of residence and student life, said that there are no plans to reduce the winter residence fee imposed on residence...

Province funds mental health services

Following the Ontario government’s announcement in March that it will invest $27 million over three years to provide new mental health services at Ontario...

Principal Saini on the Middle Entrance

UTM’s principal, Deep Saini, said that students have been “grossly misinformed” about the Middle Entrance redesign that garnered overwhelmingly negative student feedback since its...

U of T celebrates co-curricular record

The celebration of U of T’s new co-curricular record saw students, staff, faculty, and alumni come together at Hart House to mingle and talk...

Painting the campus pink again

Over 2,500 students, staff, faculty, alumni, and residents of Mississauga and its surrounding communities gathered at UTM on Sunday for the 22nd annual Canadian...

Writing initiative on backburner

Plans to implement a suite of campus-wide writing approaches at UTM this fall, called “Writing Across the Curriculum”, have been put on hold. Tyler Evans-Tokaryk,...

Flat fees policy to be changed

Brad Duguid, Ontario’s Minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities, has recently said that he will implement changes to the current policy of flat fees...

Behind the scenes of O-Week

Orientation Week, hosted by the UTM Students’ Union each year to welcome first-year students to UTM, carried on the week before classes began in...

New entrance signage draws criticism

A new sign built for UTM’s Middle Entrance as part of administrative plans to refurbish UTM’s three entrances has generated overwhelmingly negative student feedback. In...

A new home for UTM’s future innovators

Some UTM students were shocked to return to campus last week and discover that construction was taking place on the 11-year-old Kaneff Centre, the...

Students dance the night away

Students waited in hordes last Thursday night by the Blind Duck doors in anticipation of First Pub, dubbed “Tight and Bright”, well before doors...

Orientation coordinators resign from UTMSU

In the midst of intensive planning for arguably the most anticipated UTM Students’ Union event of the year—Orientation Week—the two key people in charge...

ECC quietly retires

Effective July 1, the UTM Campus Council replaced the Erindale College Council, which has been the governance model at UTM since 1965. The ECC was...

UTM departs on an Odyssey

Amid the cheering, screaming, and chanting that traditionally characterizes Orientation Week, first-year students got a blast of UTM spirit as Orientation Week kicked off...

Rejected by UTM Connect

Dear editor,   This past Wednesday, I attempted to set up an interview with the slate running for next year’s UTMSU executive team, UTM Connect. I...

UTM Connect sole slate for election

The UTMSU elections for spring 2013 are underway, with UTM Connect  running unopposed in pursuit of all available executive positions, with the exception of...

Part-time students to vote on joining the UTM Students’ Union

The UTM Students’ Union and the Association of Erindale Part-Time Undergraduate Students intend to hold a campus-wide referendum for part-time UTM students to vote...

T-Card scanner privacy concerns still open

The Office of the Vice-Provost, Students is looking into creating better safeguards to put in place for student groups who request access the T-Card...

UTSU’s unopposed candidates take questions

A small crowd attended UTSU’s All-Candidates Executive Debate at the William Doo Auditorium at New College last Wednesday. Candidates for the positions of president,...

Student group proposes new framework

The Ontario chapter of the Canadian Federation of Students released a document called “Changing Priorities: Moving Towards Affordable Post-Secondary Education”, which proposes that the...

Qur’an draws attention at IslamFest

IslamFest, previously known as Islam Awareness Week, was hosted by the UTM Muslim Students’ Association last week. “We tried to make an event where everyone,...

Privacy errors still under dispute

UTMSU is undecided about whether to hold the second referendum for the Student Centre expansion in March or in the fall, a decision the...

UTM student recipient of award

A UTM student has been named the recipient of the John H. Moss Scholarship by the University of Toronto Alumni Association. Samra Younus, currently in...

Motion approves online voting

The continuation of UTSU’s Special General Meeting saw a motion recommending online voting to be implemented in time for the UTSU elections narrowly approved...

Students charged for fraudulent parking permits

UTM students have been caught modifying parking permits, according to Campus Police; some of the students have been charged with fraud. In a number of...

Faraway foods and “pho pas”

Madeleine Brown reviews Pho Big Bowl 2655 Liruma Road I talked about pho with friends, read about pho in food magazines, and watched specials about pho on...

Results of referendum not ratified by UTMSU

According to UTMSU, a human error on the part of a member of UTMSU staff, which was “expedited by miscommunication with staff of the...

Increased thefts on campus

Campus police are reporting a high number of thefts on campus since the start of January. Since January 1, there have been thefts of several...

UTSU’s Special General Meeting fails to reach quorum after UTM students...

UTSU’s Special General Meeting, held last Tuesday, was adjourned unexpectedly before attendees could vote on the controversial electoral reform. The meeting was a replacement...

UTM students leave abruptly, UTSU’s Special General Meeting forced to adjourn

UTSU’s Special General Meeting, the replacement meeting scheduled after the agenda was voted down at the Annual General Meeting in November, adjourned unexpectedly last...

Call for electoral reform of UTSU

UTSU’s Special General Meeting, a replacement for November’s Annual General Meeting whose agenda was rejected by union members, is set to take place on...

Referendum for Student Centre expansion passes

UTMSU released the unofficial results of the referendum they held on a levy increase to expand the Student Centre. According to Chief Returning Officer Babatumi...

UTM asks for student feedback on Co-Curricular Record

The Office of Student Life at U of T held town hall meetings on all three campuses to solicit input and answer questions from the U...

The Varsity proposes $1 increase

The Varsity, one of U of T’s main newspapers and Canada’s second-oldest student newspaper, is asking undergraduate students to vote on whether they approve...

Fee increases cause confusion

Students have been confused in the past week about the fee increases proposed by UTMSU to expand the current Student Centre, according to UTMSU’s...

Student union proposes fee increase

UTMSU has called a referendum for students to vote on whether they approve of a fee increase—beginning with a temporary increase of $75 per...

How well do UTM students write?

How will UTM teach you to write? It may seem like a simple question, but the answers are stirring up debate on campus. Because the...

U of T students named Rhodes Scholars

Eleven Canadians, including three University of Toronto students, have been named Rhodes Scholars for 2013, meaning they will receive full scholarships to pursue post-graduate...

Co-curricular record on the way

The co-curricular record, an official U of T document that will recognize students’ involvement in extracurricular activities, is near to being implemented. It is...

1.0 Drop Credit “unacceptable”

UTM students who have been waiting for the implementation of the 1.0 Drop Credit policy should not be looking forward to it. The campus’s vice-dean...

Demanding reasons for residence fees

A group of 10 UTM students met with UTM’s Student Housing and Residence Life, demanding justification for the $400 fee imposed on residence students...

UTSU’s short-lived AGM

The motion to approve the agenda at the Annual General Meeting of the U of T Students’ Union was defeated minutes after the meeting...

Motion to approve UTSU AGM agenda fails

The motion to approve the agenda at the Annual General Meeting of the University of Toronto Students’ Union failed last night shortly after the...

1.0 Drop Credit closer

The 1.0 Drop Credit policy is closer to being approved and implemented, according to Andrew Ursel, the UTM Students’ Union’s VP university affairs and...

Five-minute financials

There was not much discussion of the UTMSU’s audited financial statements at their Annual General Meeting last Wednesday in Council Chambers, with 132 people...

Striking a pose for violence against women

The UTM Women’s Centre raised $200 at their annual “Walk Five Minutes in Her Shoes” event, with all proceeds going towards raising awareness of...

UCS gets pied for cancer research

The stage at the Blind Duck Pub got messy when students volunteered to get pied in the face for the Undergraduate Commerce Society’s annual...

UTM aims to graduate “innovators”

In his new position as vice-principal of special initiatives, Professor Ulrich Krull plans on moving UTM towards the vision of a more comprehensive university,...

Presidential search in the works

About 10 people attended the presidential search town hall last Monday, along with 10 members of the Presidential Search Committee. The committee held the...

Students critique province’s paper

In light of the release of the Ontario government’s discussion paper “Strengthening Ontario’s Centres of Creativity, Innovation, and Knowledge” this past summer, UTSU and...

Shut down on the shuttle bus

Dear Editor, While I was covering Orientation Week for The Medium for the first issue, I went to St. George on Friday, September 7th for...

Clubs and Societies Week reigns at UTM

All types of students came out to the annual Clubs and Societies Week at UTM from September 17 to the 21. A large number...

Need a second pass/fail credit?

The Credit/No Credit policy was amended over the summer to allow students to apply the option to 2.0 credits instead of the original 1.0. At...

The reconfiguration of Work Study

Many students returning to UTM this fall will have noticed that the Ontario Work-Study program positions that they’ve depended on in the past are...

Draft of Academic Plan presented

Amy Mullin, UTM’s vice-principal academic and dean, has presented the draft of the UTM Divisional Academic Plan, a reflection of the values and issues...

North Building demolition underway

Like most members of the UTM community, professor Lee Bailey was shocked to discover one morning that reconstruction had begun on UTM’s oldest academic...

Froshies survive Apocalypse

First-year students have started off their careers at UTM full of memories made at the always highly anticipated Orientation Week, hosted by UTMSU. After picking...

New governance model presented, stirs debate

The GRC held a town hall at UTM on Thursday to explain the restructuring of decision-making bodies

An Aboriginal lesson in philosophies

Traditional teacher Cat Criger, UTM’s Aboriginal elder, talks about his philosophies on life and spirituality

Sustainably sustainable

Brad Allen gives the lowdown on the annual Green DAZE at UTM

Where are all the books?

A library near you is destroying rather than giving away its old books. Here’s a look at why.

A lot of love, laughter, and linguistics

The Italian Department returns with its annual play. This year it’s Io non mi marito per procura

Green Dot on campus

The Green Dot bystander training program caught the eye of Cheryl Champagne, who instituted it at U of T

The end of an undergraduate career

Profile on UTM graduating student Bobby Diaz, who volunteers working with LGBTQ youth in Toronto.

Where are all the leaders on campus?

Dear Editor,   On November 20, I left Calgary for Toronto after attending a four-day conference called the Canadian Conference for Student Leadership hosted by the...

U of T kicks off Green Dot

The Green Dot program is an education and awareness initiative.

Society Profile: the Historical Studies Society

This past summer, the HSS underwent a complete restructuring, with a new mandate: to involve faculty and students at all levels in both educational seminars and social events.

Tips for keeping New Year’s resolutions

Here are some tips to keep your eye on the ball and finally make the changes in your life you may have wanted, and tried, to make for years.

Fire destroys Argos campus facilities

Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services responded to the 1:33 a.m. call on Saturday. Police say it’s not yet clear what set the blaze off.

True leaders do the right thing

When I received a mass email in early October from the Office of Student Life, saying “You can attend a leadership conference in Calgary for FREE!”, I was immediately captivated.

Do rankings really matter?

Every student wants to get into a top university… right? Why is that? Who determines which universities are prestigious or not? Though finding out if...

The deadlines are coming!

It’s that time of year again when graduate school applications are due. The deadlines for different programs at different schools vary; however, the deadlines for professional programs such as dentistry, teacher’s college, law, and medicine are all within the next few months.

Snider Lecture Series kicks off

On Wednesday the UTM Snider Lecture Committee presented this year’s Snider Lecturer, Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, an internationally trained Gaza doctor.

Society profile: SCS

Each year, UTM adds a few new academic societies and more than a few new clubs to its roster. One new society is the Sociology and Criminology Society, created for Sociology and Criminology and Socio-Legal Studies students.

Meeting accessibility needs at UTM

At UTM, students with accessibility needs who have medical documentation of their disability have access to the AccessAbility Resource Centre, a student service which is separate from the St. George and Scarborough campuses’ disability offices.

Symposium for campus leaders

The first UTM Leadership Symposium, a “one-day hands-on introductory session for student leaders on campus”, took place last Saturday afternoon in the Instructional Centre.

Students fundraise for east Africa

Last week UTMSU held events to fundraise for the East Africa Drought, which UNICEF has deemed “the most severe humanitarian emergency in the world”.

How to survive your first week of school

Expect to feel overwhelmed, under-prepared, and confused in the near future. It WILL happen. Just remember: you’re not the only one feeling this way.

Flat fees in full effect at St. George

Students admitted to the Faculty of Arts and Science at U of T’s St. George campus who are taking more than three credits are now required to pay a flat program fee.

Beautiful Things

The phone call comes at 2 a.m. in the morning on Tuesday as I’m tucked in bed, not knowing the tears I’d soon shed... to tell...

MSA discusses Islam awareness

Between Tuesday, March 8 and Friday, March 11, the UTM Muslim Students’ Association hosted Islam Awareness Week at UTM, an event that gives Muslims...

Women celebrate at the Blind Duck

On Tuesday, March 8, a collaborative effort from the Women and Gender Studies Program, the U of T Status of Women Office, UTMSU, UTM...

Profile: Dr. Jeffrey Graham

Dr. Jeffrey Graham teaches the lab component to all PSY100 students.  What most students do not know, however, is that he actually designed the...

Jennifer Lasachuk: WGS Student of the Year

On Tuesday, March 8, International Women’s Day at UTM, fifth-year women and gender studies student Jennifer Lasachuk received the Women and Gender Studies Student...

People are more moral than they think

People may say that when an opportunity arises, they would choose to act morally. The question is, would they really do so? Are people...

UN diplomat—insider’s perspective

On Monday, February 7, from 12 to 2 p.m., Desmond Parker, University of Toronto alumnus and United Nations Chief of Protocol, gave an “insider’s...

Latin culture celebration

On February 9, between 12 and 2 p.m., the Organization of Latin American Students hosted “Taco Time” in the Student Centre. OLAS members provided...

Speech competition preview

The Ministry of Social Justice’s “ONE VOICE: Speech Competition” will be held on Thursday, February 10, from 5 to 7 p.m. in CCIT room...

Iron-clad tips for public speaking

On Thursday, February 10th, in the CCT building, the ONE VOICE Speech Competition will be held. To help any interested attendees, or anyone with...

Easy access to post-secondary education

On Wednesday, January 26, John Milloy, the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, visited UTM to announce the recent changes that the ministry is...

ASX returns to U of T

The U of T Astronomy and Space Exploration Society (ASX) will be holding their eighth annual “Expanding Canada’s Frontiers” symposium, titled “Unraveling the Universe”,...

Smokers encouraged to butt out for Weedless Wednesday

UTM’s Health and Safety Board and Leave the Pack Behind jointly held an event on Wednesday January 19. The “Move Your Butt, Please” campaign,...

Clubs week returns

The UTMSU Winter Clubs Week was held in the Student Centre from January 10 to 14, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day—and...

U of T develops microchip for cancer research

Currently, there is only one test on the market that can detect cancer cells in the blood: CellSearch, a Johnson & Johnson creation. The...

Peter Munk donates $35 million to U of T

In 2010, Canada’s own philanthropist Peter Munk, who created the mining giant Barrick Gold Corp., gave the University of Toronto the largest single gift...

Maclean’s suggests U of T community is “too Asian”

Toronto city councillor Mike Layton’s first motion at city council was to ask Maclean’s magazine to “apologize unreservedly” for its “negative stereotyping of the...

Health and aging

Many people do not want to look older than their age, but researchers have discovered that looking older may not necessarily be a bad...

Student wins bookstore contest

Anna-Maria Draganova, a first-year UTM student in life sciences, won the U of T Bookstore’s back-to-school contest for a free iPhone and iPad. The...

Can peace be for sure?

Lieutenant Colonel Powell knew just what he’d say When the men came together to pray that day So beautiful, blue, warm, and clear It had been chosen...

Show your pride

UTM’s second annual Pride Week was held last week and was a collaborative event hosted by both OUT@UTM and UTMSU. The week provided information,...

Judy Cohen shares survival story

In order to coincide with Holocaust Education Week, the Historical Studies Society at UTM hosted Gender and Genocide Week in the North Building from...

Steps to success for stressed first-years

The University of Toronto Mississauga academic societies and UTMSU came together on Thursday from 3 to 5 p.m. to host the first-ever Student Leader...

Talking to yourself turns out to be important and healthy

It seems that self-talk, the endless “stream of consciousness” that runs around inside everyone’s minds every day, is actually an incredibly powerful tool. The...

Candlelight vigil for gay youth

Last week the UTMSU Ministry of Social Justice hosted the four-day event “Expression Against Oppression” to educate the UTM community and spark debate about...

Career Fair welcomes employers

The Business and Government Career Fair made its debut at UTM on Friday, October 1, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the RAWC....

U of T salary gap between genders

The University of Toronto ranked as having the widest salary gap of degree-granting institutions in Canada. Although women often have the same qualifications as...

My summer abroad journey to Jerusalem

Jerusalem never crossed my mind when I thought of potential places to study during a student exchange. I always thought of Europe as my...

U of T celebrates co-curricular record

The celebration of U of T’s new co-curricular record saw students, staff, faculty, and alumni come together at Hart House to mingle and talk...

Painting the campus pink again

Over 2,500 students, staff, faculty, alumni, and residents of Mississauga and its surrounding communities gathered at UTM on Sunday for the 22nd annual Canadian...

Students critique province’s paper

In light of the release of the Ontario government’s discussion paper “Strengthening Ontario’s Centres of Creativity, Innovation, and Knowledge” this past summer, UTSU and...

Social Medium
