Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Stefanie Marotta


In her senior year at UTM, Stefanie stepped out of the newsroom to lead a team of very talented editors as Editor-in-Chief. Stefanie loves inquisitive students and encourages people to come up to the office to chat about getting involved with the paper, politics (especially of the student variety), and puppy pictures on Instagram.



Abstaining on the voting ballot

This school’s awareness and involvement is in the most pathetic state I’ve ever witnessed in my five years here. All week, the other editors and...

Rejecting the paycheque

I’ve never been this impressed by any student union electoral candidate—and that includes the year that I ran with the “opposition” slate. When the...

Choosing sides in the Middle East isn’t easy

To be honest, I don’t know much about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I don’t understand the history that led up to the situation, nor do...

U of T’s paradigm shift

It’s finally going down downtown. After years of distrust, scandals, and failed attempts from opposition slates to “overthrow” the alleged regime that is the...

Ultimate buzzkill

Nothing kills the buzz of a good night out like that guy who won’t leave you alone. It’s Saturday night and you’re spending that...

Referendum round two

After receiving news from the university that the wrong voter list was used, the UTM Students’ Union has announced that it will run another...

UTMSU to set date for a second referendum

After receiving news from the university that the wrong voter list was used, the UTM Students’ Union will run another referendum for the Student...

Hooked on hookah

In an Italian household, round-bellied adults indulge in homemade wine and vats of lasagna, seated around a large pop-up table. Growing up in a...

Not our bad blood

I’ve heard plenty of stories over the past week about the Student Centre expansion referendum. For one, the board couldn’t ratify the results because...

UTM students leave abruptly, UTSU’s Special General Meeting forced to adjourn

UTSU’s Special General Meeting, the replacement meeting scheduled after the agenda was voted down at the Annual General Meeting in November, adjourned unexpectedly last...

Student voice

For the last few months, I’ve been faced with a dilemma in the opinion section: should I push back a letter to the editor...

Fee increases cause confusion

Students have been confused in the past week about the fee increases proposed by UTMSU to expand the current Student Centre, according to UTMSU’s...

The proposed tuition levy increase

Before I had access to the Medium office, I too used to circle the library, weaving in and out of the stacks hoping to...

Writing like a one-trick pony

When I tell people that I study “writing”, I’m met with an unsure glance. “So… what will you do with that later on?” University has...

Where do you go when representation fails you?

Individual initiative is rare on this campus. When I saw Nengi Adoki’s tweet last semester about allegedly increased residence fees, I invited her up...

Go out with a bang at graduation

With a click of a button, I announce my intent to graduate and I find myself wondering how the convocation ceremony will play out. Horror...

There’s Obama, and then there’s UTMSU

I was denied an interview with a UTM Students’ Union executive for the first time in my four years working at The Medium. Everyone...

You don’t have a clue about student fees

Everyone complains about high tuition, but no one asks questions about the $745,000 dollars of student money—it came directly from your tuition!—the UTM Students’...

The students versus the student

UTM is big. Before you start laughing, I want you to know that I’m serious. With 12,000 students, the Mississauga campus is comparable to...

Controversy over student voice

Student union executives questioned the procedures of the Elections Committee of the Governing Council on the planning of a decision-making body at UTM, alleging...

Meet the paywall

I have mixed feelings about The Toronto Star’s introduction of a paywall. As a communications student, I’m constantly wired into my favourite publications through...

Where’s your shirt?

Photos from Halloween Pub always garner attention at The Medium office on publishing day. We crowd around the photo editor’s desk and gawk at...

Merging university and college

Some reasons are better than others for why students choose university over college. As young as 16, high school students are required to have...

Factors behind university rankings

Most of my friends graduated last year, plastering pictures of their degrees on Facebook and updating statuses announcing their freedom. Almost half a year...

Students reject province’s proposals

The Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario, a lobby group that represents over 300,000 post-secondary students in Ontario, rejected the province’s discussion paper on post-secondary, saying...

Online courses: innovative or limiting?

Since last week’s round of emergency town halls at the St. George and Mississauga campuses, I’ve engaged in plenty of conversation surrounding the province’s...

The politics of club funding

A lot of money is reserved for club funding. Over $80,000 of student money was budgeted for clubs last year. With all of this...

Pulling the wool off your eyes

Students are some of the most naive people I know—in a good way. It’s in these lecture halls that we interact with the university’s...

Take a closer look at Homestead

I've lived in Mississauga my whole life. I was born at the hospital just down the street from UTM and donned dozens of Mississauga...

City council votes against part-time UPass

MiWay to reassess program after summer session that includes both full- and part-time students in the UPass.

Mixed slate to enter UTMAC office

A combination of candidates from Yes We Can and All Students Actively Participating won this year’s UTM Athletic Council election

Where are the voters?

UTM Engage wins UTMSU election with about 17% voter turnout

Starting anew

A word from next year’s EiC

Picture this

UTSU incumbent campaigns for Engage, refuses photos

Are we disengaged?

UTMSU All-Candidates Debate fails to draw attention from students at the Blind Duck

The independent

For a second year in a row, Thomas Kristan is running independently against a full slate in the UTMSU elections

Unity dominates elections

Students First and independent candidate Tanoli fall behind by large margin

UTM Residence Council hosts 30 Hour Famine

Students gathered to promote awareness about poverty and hunger.

Students divided

Slates hash our differences at the U of T Students’ Union All-Candidates Debate

Possibility of TA strike postponed

CUPE 3902 and the university reached a tentative agreement on February 24, postponing the possibility of a strike.

The underground

I first heard about the tunnel when I was in second year. Nabeel, a friend of mine whose knowledge of the campus I hold...

A megalithic proposal

UTMSU attempts to negotiate large-scale Student Centre expansion

Parking vote confusion resolved

Erindale College Council recommends fee increases.

Canadian Federation of Students at UTM

CFS receives over half a million dollars of student funding from U of T each year.

Op-Ed: Policy vs. protest

I also think it’s more effective to educate students on the financial and policy matters that surround not only issues that effect our own interests, but the interests of the people of the province as a whole.

Students rally against high tuition

Canadian Federation of Students leads campaign to protest restrictions of tuition grant.

Politicians unveil tuition grant on campus

Student union protests for those ineligible for the grant.

TAs negotiate new contract

University and TAs begin conciliation in hopes of avoiding a strike.

Student voice in governance

The UTM Students’ Union advocated for greater student representation in the university’s decision-making process at the governance town hall last Wednesday.

Tensions run high at the Erindale College Council

On November 24, the UTM Students Union emailed the chair and secretary of the Erindale College Council to inform them that the constitution had been violated by three hours.

U of T governance in review

In search of feedback from the UTM community, a town hall focussed on faculty, staff, and administration was held on Friday in the Council Chambers.

UTMSU’s silent AGM

Out of 90 attendees, most of whom were union volunteers, 700 proxy votes were counted; 88% of votes cast represented students who were not in attendance, and who may not have been aware of the implications of their vote.

Building bridges between Kenya and Canada

Abdikadir Ali spent a year waiting before he received the good news: he was to leave Kenya to take up residence at UTM. Nearly two...

Low turnout at town hall

Few students and faculty attended the town hall last Tuesday, held by the university to seek feedback from stakeholders and assess the progress of the Towards 2030 plan for academic excellence.

New medical building officially opens

Under a white canopy next to the CCT Building, faculty, staff, and members of the community gathered to celebrate the completion of the official opening of the Terrence Donnelly Health and Sciences Complex and the Mississauga Academy of Medicine on Tuesday.

Academic renovations underway

An academic town hall was held to gather input and address concerns from the UTM community last Wednesday in the William G. Davis Building.

Community gathers with MSA

As part of their Community Lecture Series, the UTM Muslim Students’ Association hosted guest lecturer Hamza Andreas Tzortzis in the William G. Davis Building on Wednesday night.

U of T in top 20 in new rankings

The University of Toronto placed 19th in the 2011–2012 Times Higher Education World University Rankings, down two spots from last year.

Fifty students elected to ECC

The results of the Erindale College Council elections were announced on Monday. Fifty full-time undergraduates were elected to represent over 11,000 students.

MPP hopefuls face off

Students and residents filed into the Instructional Centre’s largest lecture hall to watch the candidates defend their platforms.

Part-time U-Pass controversy

After being promised access to the U-Pass, part-time students suddenly found themselves ineligible in March earlier this year.

Ontario NDP leader visits campus

With the Ontario election campaigns well underway, Andrea Horwath, the leader of the provincial New Democratic Party, made an appearance at UTM on Tuesday...

New buildings open for business

The Instructional Centre is open for the new school year while the Terrence Donnelly Health Sciences Complex is in its final stages. The new buildings have neared completion just in time to begin the 2011 academic year.

UTMSU accuses Dean, funds MAM U-Pass

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union accused Mark Overton, Dean of Student Affairs, of doctoring minutes from a meeting held in February earlier this year. UTMSU has since offered to extend the U-Pass to the MAM students for the duration of this academic year.

Summer UPass requires further subsidy

After the months of planning and negotiations, the UPass for the summer of 2011 is at risk. After the referendum passed in first semester,...

Low turnout at All Candidates Forum

The UTMSU All Candidates Forum was held last Thursday in the Student Centre. The debate took place in the Board Room while students celebrated...

A bottled water free campus

Instead of rummaging in pockets for change and lining up at vending machines, students will soon fill reusable bottles at new and improved drinking...

Voter turnout down to seven percent in UTSU election

The unofficial results of the 2011 UTSU elections were announced on Friday. After an election that garnered an aproximate 7 percent voter turnout, the...

Student Centre expansion has yet to occur

As a part of their campaign contract, the executives of UTMSU who ran on the Students United pledged to obtain a commitment from the...

Italian students take the stage

Buona sera a tutti and welcome to a night of scheming, scandals, and screw-ups, Italian style. La Calandria, this year’s Italian production at UTM,...

Unite for Action says “we’re just ordinary students”

Third-year student Lena Elamin is the sole candidate in contention for the position of VP Equity for the University of Toronto Student Union. Elamin...

Governing Council Elections Underway

As clubs and student unions across all three campuses prepare for upcoming year-end elections, the senior governing body at the University of Toronto election...

Fee increases approved despite petition

Every year, matters of academic affairs and resources come under the scrutiny of the Erindale College Council. This year, parking, residence, and meal plan...

UTMSU election dates set for March

Once a month, a group of undergraduates meet to keep UTMSU in check. On Friday night, the Board of Directors met to discuss and...

Living in the library

Plenty of students brag about staying at UTM well into the wee hours of the night studying, but how many can say that they’ve...

ECC approves fee increases and academic policies change

Every year, matters of academic affairs and resources come under the scrutiny of the Erindale College Council (ECC). Comprised of faculty and students, the...

Toronto’s budget cut woes

Torontonians have had a lot to say about the city budget for the coming year. Mayor Rob Ford held four consultation meetings last week...

Gay-straight alliance ban lifted

On January 18, the Halton Catholic District School Board voted to strike down a ban on gay-straight alliances in schools. After criticism from media...

1 in 7 students drop out

The second semester is well underway. With midterms nipping at your heels, are you thinking of dropping out? Statistics show that 1 in 7...

UTMSU to drop parking fees

Last Thursday, around 25 students gathered in the Presentation Room of the Student Centre to join the executives of the UTM Student Union. The...

Activist Tom Rand addresses environmental crisis issues

On Wednesday night, Tom Rand, a venture capitalist and environmentalist, gave a public lecture at UTM. The University of Toronto doctorate alumnus discussed alternative...

A taste of Ayy Chihuahuah

Last Wednesday and Thursday, the Organization of Latin American Students hosted Taste of Latin America. Passersby detoured into the Presentation Room at the Student...

Lights off on Five-Minute Walk

For the last week, the lights have been turned off along the Five-Minute Walk. Accompanied by increasingly earlier dusk as winter draws near, many...

Dalai Lama visits U of T

On October 22, the Dalai Lama participated in a closed symposium at the Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Toronto on “Cognitive Science, Mindfulness,...

One Toronto: “Myth Busters”

With two mayoral candidates out of the race and less than one week left until election day, One Toronto continues to educate citizens and...

Men don heels on the five minute walk

On October 19, students gathered outside the Student Centre to “walk 5 minutes in her shoes”. The annual event, hosted by the UTM Women’s...

Candlelight vigil for gay youth

Last week the UTMSU Ministry of Social Justice hosted the four-day event “Expression Against Oppression” to educate the UTM community and spark debate about...

UCS runs for the cure

On Sunday, October 3, more than 2,500 people participated in the 19th annual Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure at UTM....

Mayoral debate heats up campaign

Tensions ran high as six of the 17 Mississauga mayoral candidates engaged in a debate at UTM on Tuesday, October 5. MIRANET (the Mississauga...

UCS runs for the cure

Last Sunday, October 3, more than 2500 people participated in the 19th annual Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure at the...

OUT@UTM debates ban

Last Wednesday, UTMSU’s Ministry of Equity in collaboration with OUT@UTM hosted a panel discussion regarding MSM (“men who have sex with men”) blood donors....

One Toronto campaign kickoff

After a tedious and conflict-filled mayoral race, the “One Toronto” campaign kicked off last week in an effort to change the nature of the...

Campus road closures block inner circle

This Wednesday and Thursday UTM students, especially those that use the UPASS, will have to reroute their usual commute to campus. The Middle Entrance...

Natives’ remains held at UTM

The Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto has been undergoing negotiations with the Huron-Wendat Nation to come to an agreement about the...

UTMAC elections: Blackout or Blueprint2?

The UTM Athletics Council campaign period began last Monday. This year, Blueprint2, Team Blackout and an independent VP Administration candidate are vying for positions. Blueprint2...

HSC “konnects” students together at semi-formal

On February 12, over 200 students dressed in traditional clothing attended Kismat Konnection, a Valentine’s Day-themed semi-formal organized by the Hindu Student Council and...

Activist Angela Davis speaks to students

In the main event for Xpression Against Oppression Week, professor and social activist Angela Davis presented a lecture at the Bloor Cinema on Thursday...

An oldie but a goodie

Id rather watch TV. My nine-year old cousin wasnt too keen on the idea of a show without pictures. This is going to be...

UTM liberals host first AGM

Last Thursday night, approximately 30 students attended the first UTM Liberals Annual General Meeting. The purpose of the AGM was to officially recognize the...

Obama supports student loan relief

On January 27, two days before the Erindale College Council passed increases on student expenses, President Obama announced at his first State of Union...

Thousands gather in Toronto for anti-prorogation rally

Last Saturday, more than 10,000 citizens crowded Yonge and Dundas Square[...]

Disappointed and Disillusioned

Dear Editor, Originally I had written a long, angry rant. Obviously, that isnt the letter Im submitting to you now. As of Friday night, I...

Ignatieff goes back to school

On his cross-country tour, Ignatieff plans to hold town halls at various universities in attempts to reach out to younger generations and hear the...

Nice vacation—but what about us?

Dear Editor, Wouldn't you love to have three months of holiday vacation? Wouldn't it just be splendid to wake up to a duty-free day, to...

Mississaugans can sleep safe

Mississauga has been recognized as Canadas safest city for the tenth consecutive year. As the sixth largest city in Canada, Mississauga has consistently reported...

Man accused of using fake university degrees

Police in suburban Saanich, British Columbia are investigating a local man who stands accused of using fake credentials, including a PhD from U of...

Drive test centre strike ends

DriveTest centres reopened last week after a tentative deal was reached to bring striking examiners back to work. The centres must now shovel through...

UTM professors ranked as top 20

UTM Professors Dax Urbszat and Monika Havelka have lectured their way into the second round and amongst the top 20 nominees in contention for...

UTM remembers Mumbai

Last Thursday afternoon, approximately 20 students gathered in the Student Centre Board Room to reflect on acts of terrorism and commemorate those who died...

Masquerade Ball raises awareness

Last Friday, the UTM Sexual Education & Peer Counselling Centre  hosted the first World AIDS Masquerade Ball. With the slogan  Finally a Party with...

UTMSU hosts town hall to seek student direction

Last Thursday, the UTMSU held an open-panel town hall in the Presentation Room of the Student Centre. Rather than being a formal meeting, the...

Justin Trudeau discusses youth activism at UTM

On Monday, November 9, approximately 200 students gathered in the Student Centre to hear Justin Trudeau, the son of the late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau....

U of T ranks no. 1 in research

For the fourth consecutive year, Research Infosource Inc. ranked the University of Toronto asthe best Canadian Research University. Research Infosource is a consulting firm that...

U of T professor wins Bower award and prize

The Franklin Institute has chosen Richard Peltier, a University of Toronto Physics professor, as the recipient of the 2010 Bower Award and Prize for...

Students shave to save

On October 15, students gathered at the Blind Duck Pub from 12 to 3 p.m. to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society. The...

RAW presents "Live like a refugee"

During September 28 through to October 2, the World University Service of Canada committee at UTM held Refugee Awareness Week. UTMSU VP External Henry...

Students Get School’d at second pub

The Blind Duck was packed last Thursday night when hordes of students lined up for the second pub night of the year In bold...

Abstaining on the voting ballot

This school’s awareness and involvement is in the most pathetic state I’ve ever witnessed in my five years here. All week, the other editors and...

Rejecting the paycheque

I’ve never been this impressed by any student union electoral candidate—and that includes the year that I ran with the “opposition” slate. When the...

Choosing sides in the Middle East isn’t easy

To be honest, I don’t know much about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I don’t understand the history that led up to the situation, nor do...

U of T’s paradigm shift

It’s finally going down downtown. After years of distrust, scandals, and failed attempts from opposition slates to “overthrow” the alleged regime that is the...

Ultimate buzzkill

Nothing kills the buzz of a good night out like that guy who won’t leave you alone. It’s Saturday night and you’re spending that...

Referendum round two

After receiving news from the university that the wrong voter list was used, the UTM Students’ Union has announced that it will run another...

UTMSU to set date for a second referendum

After receiving news from the university that the wrong voter list was used, the UTM Students’ Union will run another referendum for the Student...

Hooked on hookah

In an Italian household, round-bellied adults indulge in homemade wine and vats of lasagna, seated around a large pop-up table. Growing up in a...

Not our bad blood

I’ve heard plenty of stories over the past week about the Student Centre expansion referendum. For one, the board couldn’t ratify the results because...

UTM students leave abruptly, UTSU’s Special General Meeting forced to adjourn

UTSU’s Special General Meeting, the replacement meeting scheduled after the agenda was voted down at the Annual General Meeting in November, adjourned unexpectedly last...

Student voice

For the last few months, I’ve been faced with a dilemma in the opinion section: should I push back a letter to the editor...

The proposed tuition levy increase

Before I had access to the Medium office, I too used to circle the library, weaving in and out of the stacks hoping to...

Writing like a one-trick pony

When I tell people that I study “writing”, I’m met with an unsure glance. “So… what will you do with that later on?” University has...

Where do you go when representation fails you?

Individual initiative is rare on this campus. When I saw Nengi Adoki’s tweet last semester about allegedly increased residence fees, I invited her up...

Go out with a bang at graduation

With a click of a button, I announce my intent to graduate and I find myself wondering how the convocation ceremony will play out. Horror...

There’s Obama, and then there’s UTMSU

I was denied an interview with a UTM Students’ Union executive for the first time in my four years working at The Medium. Everyone...

You don’t have a clue about student fees

Everyone complains about high tuition, but no one asks questions about the $745,000 dollars of student money—it came directly from your tuition!—the UTM Students’...

The students versus the student

UTM is big. Before you start laughing, I want you to know that I’m serious. With 12,000 students, the Mississauga campus is comparable to...

Controversy over student voice

Student union executives questioned the procedures of the Elections Committee of the Governing Council on the planning of a decision-making body at UTM, alleging...

Meet the paywall

I have mixed feelings about The Toronto Star’s introduction of a paywall. As a communications student, I’m constantly wired into my favourite publications through...

Where’s your shirt?

Photos from Halloween Pub always garner attention at The Medium office on publishing day. We crowd around the photo editor’s desk and gawk at...

Merging university and college

Some reasons are better than others for why students choose university over college. As young as 16, high school students are required to have...

Factors behind university rankings

Most of my friends graduated last year, plastering pictures of their degrees on Facebook and updating statuses announcing their freedom. Almost half a year...

Students reject province’s proposals

The Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario, a lobby group that represents over 300,000 post-secondary students in Ontario, rejected the province’s discussion paper on post-secondary, saying...

Online courses: innovative or limiting?

Since last week’s round of emergency town halls at the St. George and Mississauga campuses, I’ve engaged in plenty of conversation surrounding the province’s...

The politics of club funding

A lot of money is reserved for club funding. Over $80,000 of student money was budgeted for clubs last year. With all of this...

Pulling the wool off your eyes

Students are some of the most naive people I know—in a good way. It’s in these lecture halls that we interact with the university’s...

Take a closer look at Homestead

I've lived in Mississauga my whole life. I was born at the hospital just down the street from UTM and donned dozens of Mississauga...

City council votes against part-time UPass

MiWay to reassess program after summer session that includes both full- and part-time students in the UPass.

Mixed slate to enter UTMAC office

A combination of candidates from Yes We Can and All Students Actively Participating won this year’s UTM Athletic Council election

Where are the voters?

UTM Engage wins UTMSU election with about 17% voter turnout

Starting anew

A word from next year’s EiC

Picture this

UTSU incumbent campaigns for Engage, refuses photos

Are we disengaged?

UTMSU All-Candidates Debate fails to draw attention from students at the Blind Duck

The independent

For a second year in a row, Thomas Kristan is running independently against a full slate in the UTMSU elections

Unity dominates elections

Students First and independent candidate Tanoli fall behind by large margin

UTM Residence Council hosts 30 Hour Famine

Students gathered to promote awareness about poverty and hunger.

Students divided

Slates hash our differences at the U of T Students’ Union All-Candidates Debate

Possibility of TA strike postponed

CUPE 3902 and the university reached a tentative agreement on February 24, postponing the possibility of a strike.

The underground

I first heard about the tunnel when I was in second year. Nabeel, a friend of mine whose knowledge of the campus I hold...

A megalithic proposal

UTMSU attempts to negotiate large-scale Student Centre expansion

Parking vote confusion resolved

Erindale College Council recommends fee increases.

Canadian Federation of Students at UTM

CFS receives over half a million dollars of student funding from U of T each year.

Op-Ed: Policy vs. protest

I also think it’s more effective to educate students on the financial and policy matters that surround not only issues that effect our own interests, but the interests of the people of the province as a whole.

Students rally against high tuition

Canadian Federation of Students leads campaign to protest restrictions of tuition grant.

Politicians unveil tuition grant on campus

Student union protests for those ineligible for the grant.

TAs negotiate new contract

University and TAs begin conciliation in hopes of avoiding a strike.

Student voice in governance

The UTM Students’ Union advocated for greater student representation in the university’s decision-making process at the governance town hall last Wednesday.

Tensions run high at the Erindale College Council

On November 24, the UTM Students Union emailed the chair and secretary of the Erindale College Council to inform them that the constitution had been violated by three hours.

U of T governance in review

In search of feedback from the UTM community, a town hall focussed on faculty, staff, and administration was held on Friday in the Council Chambers.

UTMSU’s silent AGM

Out of 90 attendees, most of whom were union volunteers, 700 proxy votes were counted; 88% of votes cast represented students who were not in attendance, and who may not have been aware of the implications of their vote.

Building bridges between Kenya and Canada

Abdikadir Ali spent a year waiting before he received the good news: he was to leave Kenya to take up residence at UTM. Nearly two...

Low turnout at town hall

Few students and faculty attended the town hall last Tuesday, held by the university to seek feedback from stakeholders and assess the progress of the Towards 2030 plan for academic excellence.

New medical building officially opens

Under a white canopy next to the CCT Building, faculty, staff, and members of the community gathered to celebrate the completion of the official opening of the Terrence Donnelly Health and Sciences Complex and the Mississauga Academy of Medicine on Tuesday.

Academic renovations underway

An academic town hall was held to gather input and address concerns from the UTM community last Wednesday in the William G. Davis Building.

Community gathers with MSA

As part of their Community Lecture Series, the UTM Muslim Students’ Association hosted guest lecturer Hamza Andreas Tzortzis in the William G. Davis Building on Wednesday night.

U of T in top 20 in new rankings

The University of Toronto placed 19th in the 2011–2012 Times Higher Education World University Rankings, down two spots from last year.

Fifty students elected to ECC

The results of the Erindale College Council elections were announced on Monday. Fifty full-time undergraduates were elected to represent over 11,000 students.

MPP hopefuls face off

Students and residents filed into the Instructional Centre’s largest lecture hall to watch the candidates defend their platforms.

Part-time U-Pass controversy

After being promised access to the U-Pass, part-time students suddenly found themselves ineligible in March earlier this year.

Ontario NDP leader visits campus

With the Ontario election campaigns well underway, Andrea Horwath, the leader of the provincial New Democratic Party, made an appearance at UTM on Tuesday...

New buildings open for business

The Instructional Centre is open for the new school year while the Terrence Donnelly Health Sciences Complex is in its final stages. The new buildings have neared completion just in time to begin the 2011 academic year.

UTMSU accuses Dean, funds MAM U-Pass

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union accused Mark Overton, Dean of Student Affairs, of doctoring minutes from a meeting held in February earlier this year. UTMSU has since offered to extend the U-Pass to the MAM students for the duration of this academic year.

Summer UPass requires further subsidy

After the months of planning and negotiations, the UPass for the summer of 2011 is at risk. After the referendum passed in first semester,...

Low turnout at All Candidates Forum

The UTMSU All Candidates Forum was held last Thursday in the Student Centre. The debate took place in the Board Room while students celebrated...

A bottled water free campus

Instead of rummaging in pockets for change and lining up at vending machines, students will soon fill reusable bottles at new and improved drinking...

Voter turnout down to seven percent in UTSU election

The unofficial results of the 2011 UTSU elections were announced on Friday. After an election that garnered an aproximate 7 percent voter turnout, the...

Student Centre expansion has yet to occur

As a part of their campaign contract, the executives of UTMSU who ran on the Students United pledged to obtain a commitment from the...

Italian students take the stage

Buona sera a tutti and welcome to a night of scheming, scandals, and screw-ups, Italian style. La Calandria, this year’s Italian production at UTM,...

Unite for Action says “we’re just ordinary students”

Third-year student Lena Elamin is the sole candidate in contention for the position of VP Equity for the University of Toronto Student Union. Elamin...

Governing Council Elections Underway

As clubs and student unions across all three campuses prepare for upcoming year-end elections, the senior governing body at the University of Toronto election...

Fee increases approved despite petition

Every year, matters of academic affairs and resources come under the scrutiny of the Erindale College Council. This year, parking, residence, and meal plan...

UTMSU election dates set for March

Once a month, a group of undergraduates meet to keep UTMSU in check. On Friday night, the Board of Directors met to discuss and...

Living in the library

Plenty of students brag about staying at UTM well into the wee hours of the night studying, but how many can say that they’ve...

ECC approves fee increases and academic policies change

Every year, matters of academic affairs and resources come under the scrutiny of the Erindale College Council (ECC). Comprised of faculty and students, the...

Toronto’s budget cut woes

Torontonians have had a lot to say about the city budget for the coming year. Mayor Rob Ford held four consultation meetings last week...

Gay-straight alliance ban lifted

On January 18, the Halton Catholic District School Board voted to strike down a ban on gay-straight alliances in schools. After criticism from media...

1 in 7 students drop out

The second semester is well underway. With midterms nipping at your heels, are you thinking of dropping out? Statistics show that 1 in 7...

UTMSU to drop parking fees

Last Thursday, around 25 students gathered in the Presentation Room of the Student Centre to join the executives of the UTM Student Union. The...

Activist Tom Rand addresses environmental crisis issues

On Wednesday night, Tom Rand, a venture capitalist and environmentalist, gave a public lecture at UTM. The University of Toronto doctorate alumnus discussed alternative...

A taste of Ayy Chihuahuah

Last Wednesday and Thursday, the Organization of Latin American Students hosted Taste of Latin America. Passersby detoured into the Presentation Room at the Student...

Lights off on Five-Minute Walk

For the last week, the lights have been turned off along the Five-Minute Walk. Accompanied by increasingly earlier dusk as winter draws near, many...

Dalai Lama visits U of T

On October 22, the Dalai Lama participated in a closed symposium at the Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Toronto on “Cognitive Science, Mindfulness,...

One Toronto: “Myth Busters”

With two mayoral candidates out of the race and less than one week left until election day, One Toronto continues to educate citizens and...

UCS runs for the cure

On Sunday, October 3, more than 2,500 people participated in the 19th annual Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure at UTM....

Mayoral debate heats up campaign

Tensions ran high as six of the 17 Mississauga mayoral candidates engaged in a debate at UTM on Tuesday, October 5. MIRANET (the Mississauga...

UCS runs for the cure

Last Sunday, October 3, more than 2500 people participated in the 19th annual Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure at the...

OUT@UTM debates ban

Last Wednesday, UTMSU’s Ministry of Equity in collaboration with OUT@UTM hosted a panel discussion regarding MSM (“men who have sex with men”) blood donors....

One Toronto campaign kickoff

After a tedious and conflict-filled mayoral race, the “One Toronto” campaign kicked off last week in an effort to change the nature of the...

Campus road closures block inner circle

This Wednesday and Thursday UTM students, especially those that use the UPASS, will have to reroute their usual commute to campus. The Middle Entrance...

Natives’ remains held at UTM

The Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto has been undergoing negotiations with the Huron-Wendat Nation to come to an agreement about the...

UTMAC elections: Blackout or Blueprint2?

The UTM Athletics Council campaign period began last Monday. This year, Blueprint2, Team Blackout and an independent VP Administration candidate are vying for positions. Blueprint2...

HSC “konnects” students together at semi-formal

On February 12, over 200 students dressed in traditional clothing attended Kismat Konnection, a Valentine’s Day-themed semi-formal organized by the Hindu Student Council and...

Activist Angela Davis speaks to students

In the main event for Xpression Against Oppression Week, professor and social activist Angela Davis presented a lecture at the Bloor Cinema on Thursday...

An oldie but a goodie

Id rather watch TV. My nine-year old cousin wasnt too keen on the idea of a show without pictures. This is going to be...

UTM liberals host first AGM

Last Thursday night, approximately 30 students attended the first UTM Liberals Annual General Meeting. The purpose of the AGM was to officially recognize the...

Obama supports student loan relief

On January 27, two days before the Erindale College Council passed increases on student expenses, President Obama announced at his first State of Union...

Thousands gather in Toronto for anti-prorogation rally

Last Saturday, more than 10,000 citizens crowded Yonge and Dundas Square[...]

Disappointed and Disillusioned

Dear Editor, Originally I had written a long, angry rant. Obviously, that isnt the letter Im submitting to you now. As of Friday night, I...

Ignatieff goes back to school

On his cross-country tour, Ignatieff plans to hold town halls at various universities in attempts to reach out to younger generations and hear the...

Nice vacation—but what about us?

Dear Editor, Wouldn't you love to have three months of holiday vacation? Wouldn't it just be splendid to wake up to a duty-free day, to...

Mississaugans can sleep safe

Mississauga has been recognized as Canadas safest city for the tenth consecutive year. As the sixth largest city in Canada, Mississauga has consistently reported...

Man accused of using fake university degrees

Police in suburban Saanich, British Columbia are investigating a local man who stands accused of using fake credentials, including a PhD from U of...

UTM professors ranked as top 20

UTM Professors Dax Urbszat and Monika Havelka have lectured their way into the second round and amongst the top 20 nominees in contention for...

Drive test centre strike ends

DriveTest centres reopened last week after a tentative deal was reached to bring striking examiners back to work. The centres must now shovel through...

UTM remembers Mumbai

Last Thursday afternoon, approximately 20 students gathered in the Student Centre Board Room to reflect on acts of terrorism and commemorate those who died...

Masquerade Ball raises awareness

Last Friday, the UTM Sexual Education & Peer Counselling Centre  hosted the first World AIDS Masquerade Ball. With the slogan  Finally a Party with...

UTMSU hosts town hall to seek student direction

Last Thursday, the UTMSU held an open-panel town hall in the Presentation Room of the Student Centre. Rather than being a formal meeting, the...

Justin Trudeau discusses youth activism at UTM

On Monday, November 9, approximately 200 students gathered in the Student Centre to hear Justin Trudeau, the son of the late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau....

U of T ranks no. 1 in research

For the fourth consecutive year, Research Infosource Inc. ranked the University of Toronto asthe best Canadian Research University. Research Infosource is a consulting firm that...

U of T professor wins Bower award and prize

The Franklin Institute has chosen Richard Peltier, a University of Toronto Physics professor, as the recipient of the 2010 Bower Award and Prize for...

Students shave to save

On October 15, students gathered at the Blind Duck Pub from 12 to 3 p.m. to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society. The...

RAW presents "Live like a refugee"

During September 28 through to October 2, the World University Service of Canada committee at UTM held Refugee Awareness Week. UTMSU VP External Henry...

Fee increases cause confusion

Students have been confused in the past week about the fee increases proposed by UTMSU to expand the current Student Centre, according to UTMSU’s...

Men don heels on the five minute walk

On October 19, students gathered outside the Student Centre to “walk 5 minutes in her shoes”. The annual event, hosted by the UTM Women’s...

Candlelight vigil for gay youth

Last week the UTMSU Ministry of Social Justice hosted the four-day event “Expression Against Oppression” to educate the UTM community and spark debate about...

Students Get School’d at second pub

The Blind Duck was packed last Thursday night when hordes of students lined up for the second pub night of the year In bold...

Where are the voters?

UTM Engage wins UTMSU election with about 17% voter turnout

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