Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Volume 38, Issue 14 (January 16, 2012)

Archive > Volume 38 > Issue 14

Student voice in governance

The UTM Students’ Union advocated for greater student representation in the university’s decision-making process at the governance town hall last Wednesday.

Paul Martin, a U of T alumnus and former prime minister, was named a Companion of the Order of Canada at the annual ceremony on December 30.

UTM celebrated its third annual Pride Week hosted by OUT@UTM in collaboration with UTMSU.

The new program is called “UTmail+”.

Steinberg and his colleagues at the Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Control at U of T won the honour with their experimental work on the fundamentals of quantum mechanics.

The turnout was more than double last year’s, and the Career Centre is looking to attract even a larger turnout for next year’s event, said Claire Westgate, the manager of partner relations for experiential opportunities.

Parking fees are not a barrier to education

Gilbert Cassar, president of UTMSU, responded to the ECC proposal with an outrageous claim: “Parking fees are a barrier to education.”

Given the amount of feedback I have received on such a wide range of issues, I must conclude that people do, in fact, have opinions on what goes down at UTM, despite what you may have heard. Apathy is so 2011.

I must first respond to untruths in both Gilbert Cassar’s “Presidential Seasonal Message to the Masses” and Ruba El Khadri’s “Student Voice Stifled” pieces.

It couldn’t please me more

Hart House Theatre was full of life this past Friday for the opening of its rendition of Cabaret.

Love What Happened Here may only consist of three songs, but Blake makes the most of the short format.

If asked to describe this album in one word, the most appropriate term would be “crescendo”.

The ART’s mandate is to help students express their talents and passions through campus-wide and student-run events.

Watch your mark

This pattern is alarming to many who come out of high school and expect to have the same level of academic success.

We’re just going to look at what I call “linguistic candy”: checking out some random and cool stuff from various languages.

The tinkle of a broken glass hangs in the air Long after it’s smashed, damaged...

Whether stress is beneficial or not depends on the level of stress and how you decide to deal with it.

UTM winter sports: scouting report

With the ringing in of 2012 came life-changing resolutions that resulted in an explosion of new teams.

To kick off the new year, UTM’s Health & Counselling Centre is leading an initiative called Wellness January, a month of activities promoting health and wellness.

Deeply rooted in Olympic ideology is the idea that if a country excels at the Olympics, the medal-winning athletes will inspire more children to train hard to achieve the same goal.

UTM played against St. George Blue, who challenged the Eagles with a full-court press that the girls just could not beat.