Friday, October 18, 2024

Volume 36, Issue 15 (January 25, 2010)

Archive > Volume 36 > Issue 15

Thousands gather in Toronto for anti-prorogation rally

Last Saturday, more than 10,000 citizens crowded Yonge and Dundas Square[...]

Last week, OUT@UTM hosted UTMs first Pride Week, with the goal of educating and...

Last Thursday, President David Naylor and Vice-President and Provost Cheryl Misak announced that  Professor...

Last Friday, the UTMSU VP part-time Ibrahim Hindy hosted a meet-and-greet for part-time students....

UTMACs Health Fair will take place this week at Gym A at the Recreation...

Last Thursday, UTMSU and the UTM Red Cross held a vigil to raise awareness...

Poor excuse

I am pleased to see the UTMSU attempting to address allegations against them as this is rarely done by these individuals, who have had more than their share of scandals this year including mismanagement of proxy votes, a more than generous $1,000 donation toward...

Dear Editor, I have been contemplating on whether to stay quiet and continue enjoying the...

Dear Editor, The UTM Students Union Executive team is writing in response to three pieces...

Last week's editorial, as well as the news article "UTMSU denies a student attendance...

Haven't you heard?

EITHER OR ELLIOT SMITH I am always surprised when someone tells me they havent heard of Elliott Smith. To be fair, he was only in the...

Take seven dwarves, remove any bulimic princesses, and plonk them into a wilderness replete...

With two acclaimed films to his name, director Jason Reitman (Juno, Thank You for...

Take a French play that is set in Greece, translate it into English, et...

Replacing plastics

In the January 21 edition of Nature, a letter by a team of scientists from the University of Tokyo elaborated on the construction and...

As the Winter Olympics draw near, Canadians and the world have focused their gaze...

I just remember telling jokes while vomiting Is asking a girl out on a date...

Keeping Their Dreams Alive is the motto for the Canadian Hero Fund, a recognized...

Badminton and basketball unites students for clean water campaign

In conjunction with non-profit organization Free the Children, the UTM Interfaith Committee coordinated a Clean Water Campaign on January 19. They incorporated three-on three-basketball...

Cheap shots in Junior Hockey have been the main story in sports lately, thanks...

In their first game of the new semester on Wednesday night against the UTSC...

The U of T tri-campus girls volleyball Intramurals continued today, with UTM hosting UTSC...