Sunday, October 6, 2024

Luke Sawczak


Luke was editor-in-chief for two years and used to copy-edit The Medium ever since he politely asked if he could. His proudest writing for the paper was Luke's Languages. His alter ego is a linguistics alum and comp sci TA who likes going for contemplative walks with his friends and gardening on the phone.


New interim principal

Professor Ulrich Krull has been appointed as the new interim vice president of UTM until August 31, 2017. Krull has served the UTM campus for...

What we can do in a short time

The first Sunday I spent in the Medium office, then–features editor Amir Ahmed said he was going to a nearby Thai joint for lunch...

Strike ends by arbitration

In a decisive vote, Unit 1 has accepted U of T’s offer to end the strike through binding arbitration. Unit 1 members will return to...

Professional or personal?

“Where is the divide between our personal private life and academic work life?” asks Natasha Hartono in this week’s lead feature story on social...

University accepts bargaining team offer

U of T has accepted an offer from Unit 1’s bargaining team and it now awaits a vote by members tomorrow. On Tuesday evening, the...

Campus blocked, UTM slow to notify commuters

The effect of Unit 1’s strike on campus normalcy escalated drastically on Tuesday following the breakdown of its latest round of negotiations. Large groups of...

University rebuffs newest Unit 1 offer

The divisive offer made by the bargaining team of CUPE 3902 Unit 1 was rejected on every point, according to updates by Unit 1...

Tour from the heart and soul of UTM

Last week I took two of the unique Behind the Scenes tours, the second half of St. George curatorial master’s student Yan Wu’s project...

Reform is indeed needed

This was the first year since 2010 in which there were two (nearly) full competing slates for the UTMSU executive committee, but from the...

Room for disagreement

It’s Israeli Apartheid Week in Toronto, and we have a features article by Dana Bibi on the Israeli company SodaStream. The main point of...

Not proceeding as normal

The front pages of both UTM’s and U of T’s websites don’t show much about the strike going on. Below large banners about various...

Courses affected, no bargaining date in sight

U of T’s courses have been impeded by the strike but the university refuses to meet with the bargaining team, The Medium has learned. In...

Unit 3 forwards agreement to membership

Unit 3 will not be joining the strike today. Members of the unit sent their tentative agreement on to the full membership this evening, which...

Thoughts on why it broke down

So. After several close calls over the last 15 years, we finally have a real live strike on our hands. It’s big, but for that...

Nosferatu (1922)

The year was 1922. The widow of Bram Stoker, who had written the seminal vampire book Nosferatu, was still alive and still held the...

Against blockaded knowledge

Company secrets are a serious topic at universities these days. One of the most striking cases took place last May, when dean Robert Buckingham...

More to the story than stress

There are a few things on my mind this week, and none really stands out, so I’ll touch on each. MENTAL HEALTH & MONEY A UTMSU...

A priest on his own Camino

University chaplaincies across Canada have finished celebrating Catholic Students’ Week, which at UTM featured a talk by Edward Curtis, a priest and pontifical master...

An illness to manage, not cure

I’ll be honest—now and then I get tired of writing my typical editorial, so I like to keep a lookout for the topics that...

Looking at the good and the bad

I’ve been thinking about the fact that there are some groups that work to improve students’ outlooks at university, some that are indifferent, and...

Doing more to help than harm

The Dalhousie dentistry case is a very interesting one. There are tons of differently nuanced opinion and news articles online—after reading through them, I...

Human violence takes many forms

Any and every religion can be and has been used to destroy or to build up. The determining factors are the people using them...

Push the question back a stage

UTMSU’s approach to the town hall last week was unusual. They strategized the questions they would ask the administrative staff beforehand and expressed concern...

Not easy to update the classics

A lot of the media I know as “classic” comes from my parents. It’s the books I was given to read later in childhood,...

UTMSU audit shows $1.1m assets

The annual general meeting of UTMSU last Thursday included a packed Council Chambers, free T-shirts, birthday cake, questions about international students, financials, and the...

For the record…

There’s more than one type of respect a person can show, a point that was made clear for me this past week. While preparing to...

How I didn’t move out (again)

One of the articles on the front page of features this week talks about moving out. A Globe and Mail writer who tried it...

Dissent can do without disorder

The circus is over. Every year there seems to be more tension and toxicity at the U of T student union’s general meeting, but...

Not worth winning on half-truths

Déjà vu. Two years ago The Medium wrote about a referendum to expand the Student Centre, quoting and expanding on a couple of figures...

Confusion over bylaw change

Confusion arose last week on the subject of a motion to amend the U of T Student Union’s bylaws at its Annual General Meeting...

Face controversy honestly

Reading an email from the executive director of UTMSU to the executive team and associates is disappointing, but not a huge surprise. It features...

Pay attention to what’s present

I used to take walks in the fall. The season on this side of winter is my favourite one. There’s something about the combination of...

From the levy to general fund

There’s not a whole lot that we take very seriously on this campus, at least politically, as students. Sure, we’re aware of some of...

Taking on stories piece by piece

While our team was editing the “City draws international students” story last week, one of us added a half-serious remark at the end on...

After graduation: service trip to Pakistan

It’s the start of the year, but soon it’ll be that time again, people, when the question of what to do with your future...

Deerfield officially opens

Deerfield Hall is officially open following a ribbon-cutting ceremony last Monday. “Deerfield Hall will serve as an ideal foundation for new experiences, and of...

Time for better union accessibility

I remember a few quarrels involving our student union and St. George’s about the contract that determines the exchange of student fees between them—it...

In Retrospect Promo

The Medium was established in 1974 by a small team of student journalists. In our 40th anniversary magazine, we dive into the past four decades...

Editor’s Note

When I pitched my idea for this magazine, just for fun, to former editor Michael Di Leo—how I wanted to celebrate the 40th volume...

The Mountain We’re Standing On

“It was a simpler time. Mississauga as you know it is not how it was then. “Most of Mississauga in those days was apple orchards....

Different kinds of changes

Welcome to campus, or back to campus, depending on who you are. For me it’s back to campus—and in kind of a strange way,...

Ragtag Dynasty

Early afternoon. My friend Larissa and I peer out the window of the office at the snowy ground of the Five-Minute Walk. She’s calm. I...

Student groups asked to seek copyright for screening movies

Audio Cine Films sent an email today to U of T student clubs and societies implying that they have been screening movies outside of...

Tunnel, bus shelter, cafés next year

The university hopes to offer organic, free-trade coffee in a café called North Side Bistro in Deerfield Hall when it opens, among other changes...

No incentive for online courses

You’re a professor at U of T. You get an email from the dean saying you can get up to $12,000 more in funding...

UTM outsmarts Ryerson, Brock

The UTM Chess Club, founded earlier this year by Ivan Manasuev, won a tournament against Ryerson’s and Brock’s teams this month. Each university sent four...

Alumnus director returns to UTM

Filmmaker Richie Mehta, whose second and third feature films will be in theatres in June, took an afternoon last Thursday to visit UTM—his alma...

Mindwaves launch celebrates storytelling

“Writing doesn’t just allow me to tell a story. It allows me to feel at peace with the event I’m writing about, as if...

Look for changes of a different kind

There are more candidates than usual for UTMSU’s executive positions. But they’re not the most interesting aspect of, well, yet another election. But first, two...

Medium: much ado about nothing

There’s a graduating student exhibit on now in the Blackwood, and a piece by Colin Yau consists of old issues of the Medium with...

Chartwells contract to be extended

UTM has asked Chartwells to extend its contract for another year, Chartwells’ contract with UTM, originally set to expire in April, will likely be extended...

Candidate error on UTSU ballots

A candidate who dropped out is still on the UTSU elections ballot. Luis Moreno, formerly a candidate for VP external, is still listed along with...

Student-run is the long-term fix

I’ve always had a hard time duplicating some of the complaints about food on campus. Admittedly, I don’t know a whole lot about what...

CCR needs funding to be fixed

Last week, I went to a consultation on how to work out the kinks of the co-curricular record. The invitation was sent to many...

Few attend open forum

Clubs and academic society representatives discussed the failure of the Student Centre expansion referendum at UTMSU’s open forum held on February 13. The event, which...

Don’t give us gobbledygook

The UTM Students’ Union has found itself in a few controversies this year. Last month’s “aggressive” vote yes campaign. Their ineffectiveness in preventing the...

Catholic Students Week begins with cardinal’s visit

The archbishop of Toronto visited UTM for an hour-long lecture on Dante Alighieri’s classic The Divine Comedy to kick off Catholic Students Week on...

Campus installs organic waste digester for two-month trial

UTM’s Hospitality and Retail Services installed a new organic waste digester system in Spigel Hall for a 60-day trial run beginning last Tuesday. The system,...

Making sense out of a near loss

Some of the time, I feel like I’ve had an epiphany that there is no Medium, no UTM Students’ Union, no UTM Debating Club,...

Poetry Gala gains a vaudeville touch

The English and Drama Student Society’s Poetry Gala was a spectacle on something of a different level compared to previous years. Last year’s announcement...

Referendum fails

The Student Centre expansion referendum has failed, according to the unofficial results released by UTMSU today. The union posted the initial vote counts of 1,618...

Common sense isn’t homogeneous

When I was interviewing candidates for the position of online editor, one of them, a hijab-wearing woman, declined my handshake and explained that she...

Susan Justice | Eat Dirt

As I picked up the mostly black and white CD featuring pictures of a woman and her guitar entangled in various apparently affectionate positions,...

HCC budget increase voted down by UTMSU

The HCC will have to make cuts to services next year following the failure of a fee increase proposal presented to Quality Services to...

Little allowance for the “no”

Complaints about fair campaigning are important, but they’re the same year after year, so I’ll give them just a little space this time around. Last...

Nice to get more tangible benefits

There haven’t been any earth-shattering events this week, to my knowledge, so here’s a reflective piece. Something I noticed when I attended the UTM Students’...

Students to vote on expansion fees

The UTM Students’ Union is holding a referendum on fee increases that would see the levy rise to $50 per semester for up to...

Another overdue step to expansion

The referendum is back. That’s not a complaint. Last year, a referendum by UTMSU on fee increases to expand the Student Centre was passed by...

Looking further than our front yards

A good question was raised quite unexpectedly, maybe even unintentionally, this week: how wide is the scope of a campus paper? A few UTM students...

UTSU AGM drives on through opposition

The U of T Students’ Union addressed each of its pre-approved motions at its annual general meeting despite procedural motions to amend the agenda...

A union that needs to learn to take criticism

As someone who happened to start paying close attention to UTSU politics at a time when exciting things were happening, I’m looking forward to...

Residence Life lights the night

Some 40 students walked around campus with candles to symbolize their support for victims of gender-based violence in the eighth annual Light the Night...

Banning video coverage is a hit to communication

The Medium was barred from filming the UTM Students’ Union’s annual general meeting last Thursday. On Wednesday afternoon, Raymond Noronha, the president of UTMSU, emailed...

UTMSU audit shows significant profit

Students gathered at the UTM Students’ Union’s annual general meeting last week for the presentation of audited financial statements that recorded a significant profit...

Sacrificing a good program with little to gain

I never finished CTEP. I was enrolled in it for three semesters after entering it in its third year of existence at UTM on...

Moka Only | Carrots and Eggs

“Hi persons. Moka, back in this yet again,” begin the liner notes to Moka Only’s Carrots and Eggs. “Thanks for investing your food, drug,...

Our changing identities

UTM students are fee-paying, voting members of both UTMSU and UTSU. As their annual general meetings are approach on November 14 and the 27,...

Don’t undervalue the casual

Beside and below this editorial you will find two letters that both seem to be calling for good things: one calling for more attendance...

Adapting our strategy

The Ontario government has pledged $27 million to the province’s colleges and universities to allow them to address mental health issues. As you can...

Not just something to show

Somehow I’ve never felt very invested in the co-curricular record. Just last Thursday, a party was thrown for it, complete with a flash mob,...

Keeping our feet on the ground about writing

I’m writing about writing initiatives. I know, I know. “Aren’t you going to talk about David Gilmour?” But it feels kind of like taking...

Fulfilling obligations, making accommodations

This year’s Frosh coverage has been significantly more copious than in previous years. It’s rounded off with a final article in the news section...

Microbunny | 49 Swans

I go to the green cabinet in our office that holds a wealth of old CDs, mostly indie, that have been sent to us...

A late overreaction is still something

The students now reeling from the energy and loud music of Welcome Week and settling into another school year at the good old University...

You can’t be transparent and silent

As an editor-in-chief who stepped into the role after three years not as a journalist but as a copy editor, and who abstained on...

Luke’s Languages: The only sane course is flexibility

Hey, everyone. It is now endgame, and frankly I’m impressed you’re still taking time to read a newspaper at this point in the semester...

Welcome to next year

Hi, everyone. I’m Luke, a senior linguistics and French student, and next year’s editor-in-chief. My background at the paper is three years of copy-editing and...

Luke’s Languages: Let me Presto Myself

Hi, everyone! Good to see you again! Yeah, I know it’s getting to that heavy time of the semester… but after a weekend of...

Sugar Man’s albums find a home

A few weeks ago, my parents rented Searching for Sugar Man, and I watched it over my shoulder while doing homework. You’ve probably heard...

A room with a view

Gazing out windows in Santorini or Jerusalem: our writers describe their rooms in international cities.   KABUL, AFGHANISTAN HAKIMA HAFIZI   The white wood frames of the half-open window...

Luke’s Languages: Between plausible and pseudoscientific

Oh, hello there! Hope you had a relaxing week. (What? It was even more packed than a regular school week? Tell me about it…) Those...

Luke’s Languages: You will always what?

Good morning to you! Or, if you prefer to be greeted in the French supplied by Google Translate, bonjour à vous! That may have seemed...

Luke’s Languages: The simplicity or complexity of things

Hi, everyone! I hope you’re officially back in the groove by now. (I know I ain’t.) This week’s topic is kind of a humble one:...

Luke’s Languages: A Festivus for the rest of us

Hi, everyone. Normally I’m annoyed by how early they start with the Christmas songs, Santa floats, and store displays complete with countdowns, but somehow...

Luke’s Languages: Not sure if meme… or new language

Hello, hello! So, American Thanksgiving happened, and the world is now officially ready to immerse itself in Christmas for the next month. It used...

Luke’s Languages: Legen-wait for it-dary

Hello there! And congratulations on using your procrastination time to read instead of watching videos of cats! Speaking of YouTube, I’m currently doing research by...

Luke’s Languages: I must be hearing things

Hi! Today’s topic comes from a friend of mine who posed a question to the world of Facebook in his status. That’s the best...

Luke’s Languages: Words, words, words—or are they?

Oh my goodness! You’re reading this! That means you survived Hurricane Sandy! The sheer stamina it must have required—just imagine, to have to carry...

Luke’s Languages: Whom does it bother?

Hello, and welcome to what they tell me will be another rainy week! Let’s all stay indoors and take advantage of the fact that...

UTM aims to graduate “innovators”

In his new position as vice-principal of special initiatives, Professor Ulrich Krull plans on moving UTM towards the vision of a more comprehensive university,...

Luke’s Languages: Tired of Theory?

Hi again, everyone! I hope you’re getting some time to enjoy the leaves as they enter what I consider the ideal colour range. Blessed...

You can only care about what you know

Dear Editor,   Every week I read every article in your paper two or three times. I’ve done so for the last three years—ever since I started...

Luke’s Languages – Register – It’s way fun

Oh, hello, reader! It’s been a little while, hasn’t it? Welcome back. Today’s topic is register—and not the kind you had to switch on...

Luke’s Languages – Sound and Symbol

helloeveryoneimgladtoseeyoubackagainforanothervolumeoflukeslanguages thisweekwellbetalkingaboutthedifferencesbetweenspokenandwrittenlanguage Huh, that’s funny. Why does my spell-check say that’s wrong? “Hello” is a word, “everyone” is a word… oh, wait. That’s right. Unlike when...

Everyday Language Changes

Oh, hello! Welcome back to this column, in which I try to make the study of language interesting to everyone. Today’s topic is “Is...

The Medium holds AGM, fails to reach quorum

About 20 students attended, including regular students and members of UTMSU

Old Ideas—Leonard Cohen

Whatever it is, it’s working.

Luke’s Languages #10

When other languages do borrow, in this modern age it tends to be English they lift what they need from.

Luke’s Languages #9

Sir! I’ve just come from the frontlines—the enemy is upon us! The dreaded Essays are advancing, the Assignments are attacking from the east, and...

Luke’s Languages 8

We’re just going to look at what I call “linguistic candy”: checking out some random and cool stuff from various languages.

Luke’s Languages #7

Since we closed last semester’s run of the series with a piece on defining your own style of language, let’s start this one with something both unique and universal among us: Canadian English.

Luke’s Languages #6

We do so with the concept of “idiolect”. There’s a lot to be said about this. It comes down to the principle that what you say is unique to you. Because of your genes, your culture, your history, your personality, and even your own choices, you have certain habits of speech (and both old and new habits die hard).

Luke’s Languages #5: Connote and Denote

So what do words mean and how is it we all tacitly agree? You say, “Go look in a dictionary, stupid.” But I mean—ah,...

Luke’s Languages #4

Hello again, everyone! We’re halfway through the series now, and I’m going to take this opportunity to apologize that each subject must be treated so broadly; each one could easily have an entire series of its own.

Luke’s Languages #3

So, last week I promised you we’d try some do-it-yourself experiments with phonetics (the sounds of language). And I have good news: We will!

Luke’s Languages; Part 2

What’s a dialect? “Talking with an accent.” What’s an accent? “When people talk funny.” What’s talking funny? “When they don’t sound, you know, normal!” So what’s normal? Actually, not so easy to answer.

Luke’s Languages

“Prescriptive and descriptive? Sounds like you’re trying to teach me something!” (Well, just briefly, okay? Go make some popcorn if it’s that bad.) Basically, whenever people...

Language is everything

As a linguistics student, a new member of LSAS, an editor, and a wannabe writer, I’ve come to appreciate just how pervasive, how everywhere...

The prodigal reader

Don’t get me wrong. I used to read a lot. I remember my gramma teaching me to read when I was four, and when...

Re: Mr. Boutillier’s letter

Dear Editor, Re: Mr. Boutilier’s letter I’m glad you sent in your letter, which makes important points about the ban. As an average reader, though, I...

I’ve written in before to praise…

Dear Editor, I’ve written in before to praise The Medium, and my opinion hasn’t changed. Unfortunately, neither has that of the general student population, who...

How did that get there? part 2

Oh, it’s you! Hello again! So you’ve come back for more fascinating Histories of Everyday Items? That’s great, because I just happen to have...

I am a faithful reader of The Medium…

Dear Editor, I am a faithful reader of The Medium, and some (but not all) of my friends are, too. I don’t mean everyone should...

How did that get there? part 1

Oh, hello there! This is my first try at writing for The Medium. For this article (which will be printed in several installments), I...

What we can do in a short time

The first Sunday I spent in the Medium office, then–features editor Amir Ahmed said he was going to a nearby Thai joint for lunch...

Professional or personal?

“Where is the divide between our personal private life and academic work life?” asks Natasha Hartono in this week’s lead feature story on social...

University accepts bargaining team offer

U of T has accepted an offer from Unit 1’s bargaining team and it now awaits a vote by members tomorrow. On Tuesday evening, the...

Campus blocked, UTM slow to notify commuters

The effect of Unit 1’s strike on campus normalcy escalated drastically on Tuesday following the breakdown of its latest round of negotiations. Large groups of...

University rebuffs newest Unit 1 offer

The divisive offer made by the bargaining team of CUPE 3902 Unit 1 was rejected on every point, according to updates by Unit 1...

Tour from the heart and soul of UTM

Last week I took two of the unique Behind the Scenes tours, the second half of St. George curatorial master’s student Yan Wu’s project...

Reform is indeed needed

This was the first year since 2010 in which there were two (nearly) full competing slates for the UTMSU executive committee, but from the...

Room for disagreement

It’s Israeli Apartheid Week in Toronto, and we have a features article by Dana Bibi on the Israeli company SodaStream. The main point of...

Not proceeding as normal

The front pages of both UTM’s and U of T’s websites don’t show much about the strike going on. Below large banners about various...

Courses affected, no bargaining date in sight

U of T’s courses have been impeded by the strike but the university refuses to meet with the bargaining team, The Medium has learned. In...

Unit 3 forwards agreement to membership

Unit 3 will not be joining the strike today. Members of the unit sent their tentative agreement on to the full membership this evening, which...

Thoughts on why it broke down

So. After several close calls over the last 15 years, we finally have a real live strike on our hands. It’s big, but for that...

Nosferatu (1922)

The year was 1922. The widow of Bram Stoker, who had written the seminal vampire book Nosferatu, was still alive and still held the...

Against blockaded knowledge

Company secrets are a serious topic at universities these days. One of the most striking cases took place last May, when dean Robert Buckingham...

More to the story than stress

There are a few things on my mind this week, and none really stands out, so I’ll touch on each. MENTAL HEALTH & MONEY A UTMSU...

A priest on his own Camino

University chaplaincies across Canada have finished celebrating Catholic Students’ Week, which at UTM featured a talk by Edward Curtis, a priest and pontifical master...

Looking at the good and the bad

I’ve been thinking about the fact that there are some groups that work to improve students’ outlooks at university, some that are indifferent, and...

Doing more to help than harm

The Dalhousie dentistry case is a very interesting one. There are tons of differently nuanced opinion and news articles online—after reading through them, I...

Human violence takes many forms

Any and every religion can be and has been used to destroy or to build up. The determining factors are the people using them...

Push the question back a stage

UTMSU’s approach to the town hall last week was unusual. They strategized the questions they would ask the administrative staff beforehand and expressed concern...

Not easy to update the classics

A lot of the media I know as “classic” comes from my parents. It’s the books I was given to read later in childhood,...

UTMSU audit shows $1.1m assets

The annual general meeting of UTMSU last Thursday included a packed Council Chambers, free T-shirts, birthday cake, questions about international students, financials, and the...

For the record…

There’s more than one type of respect a person can show, a point that was made clear for me this past week. While preparing to...

How I didn’t move out (again)

One of the articles on the front page of features this week talks about moving out. A Globe and Mail writer who tried it...

Dissent can do without disorder

The circus is over. Every year there seems to be more tension and toxicity at the U of T student union’s general meeting, but...

Not worth winning on half-truths

Déjà vu. Two years ago The Medium wrote about a referendum to expand the Student Centre, quoting and expanding on a couple of figures...

Confusion over bylaw change

Confusion arose last week on the subject of a motion to amend the U of T Student Union’s bylaws at its Annual General Meeting...

Face controversy honestly

Reading an email from the executive director of UTMSU to the executive team and associates is disappointing, but not a huge surprise. It features...

Pay attention to what’s present

I used to take walks in the fall. The season on this side of winter is my favourite one. There’s something about the combination of...

From the levy to general fund

There’s not a whole lot that we take very seriously on this campus, at least politically, as students. Sure, we’re aware of some of...

Taking on stories piece by piece

While our team was editing the “City draws international students” story last week, one of us added a half-serious remark at the end on...

Time for better union accessibility

I remember a few quarrels involving our student union and St. George’s about the contract that determines the exchange of student fees between them—it...

Editor’s Note

When I pitched my idea for this magazine, just for fun, to former editor Michael Di Leo—how I wanted to celebrate the 40th volume...

The Mountain We’re Standing On

“It was a simpler time. Mississauga as you know it is not how it was then. “Most of Mississauga in those days was apple orchards....

Different kinds of changes

Welcome to campus, or back to campus, depending on who you are. For me it’s back to campus—and in kind of a strange way,...

Ragtag Dynasty

Early afternoon. My friend Larissa and I peer out the window of the office at the snowy ground of the Five-Minute Walk. She’s calm. I...

Student groups asked to seek copyright for screening movies

Audio Cine Films sent an email today to U of T student clubs and societies implying that they have been screening movies outside of...

No incentive for online courses

You’re a professor at U of T. You get an email from the dean saying you can get up to $12,000 more in funding...

UTM outsmarts Ryerson, Brock

The UTM Chess Club, founded earlier this year by Ivan Manasuev, won a tournament against Ryerson’s and Brock’s teams this month. Each university sent four...

Alumnus director returns to UTM

Filmmaker Richie Mehta, whose second and third feature films will be in theatres in June, took an afternoon last Thursday to visit UTM—his alma...

Look for changes of a different kind

There are more candidates than usual for UTMSU’s executive positions. But they’re not the most interesting aspect of, well, yet another election. But first, two...

Medium: much ado about nothing

There’s a graduating student exhibit on now in the Blackwood, and a piece by Colin Yau consists of old issues of the Medium with...

Candidate error on UTSU ballots

A candidate who dropped out is still on the UTSU elections ballot. Luis Moreno, formerly a candidate for VP external, is still listed along with...

Student-run is the long-term fix

I’ve always had a hard time duplicating some of the complaints about food on campus. Admittedly, I don’t know a whole lot about what...

CCR needs funding to be fixed

Last week, I went to a consultation on how to work out the kinks of the co-curricular record. The invitation was sent to many...

Don’t give us gobbledygook

The UTM Students’ Union has found itself in a few controversies this year. Last month’s “aggressive” vote yes campaign. Their ineffectiveness in preventing the...

Catholic Students Week begins with cardinal’s visit

The archbishop of Toronto visited UTM for an hour-long lecture on Dante Alighieri’s classic The Divine Comedy to kick off Catholic Students Week on...

Campus installs organic waste digester for two-month trial

UTM’s Hospitality and Retail Services installed a new organic waste digester system in Spigel Hall for a 60-day trial run beginning last Tuesday. The system,...

Making sense out of a near loss

Some of the time, I feel like I’ve had an epiphany that there is no Medium, no UTM Students’ Union, no UTM Debating Club,...

Poetry Gala gains a vaudeville touch

The English and Drama Student Society’s Poetry Gala was a spectacle on something of a different level compared to previous years. Last year’s announcement...

Referendum fails

The Student Centre expansion referendum has failed, according to the unofficial results released by UTMSU today. The union posted the initial vote counts of 1,618...

Common sense isn’t homogeneous

When I was interviewing candidates for the position of online editor, one of them, a hijab-wearing woman, declined my handshake and explained that she...

Susan Justice | Eat Dirt

As I picked up the mostly black and white CD featuring pictures of a woman and her guitar entangled in various apparently affectionate positions,...

HCC budget increase voted down by UTMSU

The HCC will have to make cuts to services next year following the failure of a fee increase proposal presented to Quality Services to...

Little allowance for the “no”

Complaints about fair campaigning are important, but they’re the same year after year, so I’ll give them just a little space this time around. Last...

Nice to get more tangible benefits

There haven’t been any earth-shattering events this week, to my knowledge, so here’s a reflective piece. Something I noticed when I attended the UTM Students’...

Students to vote on expansion fees

The UTM Students’ Union is holding a referendum on fee increases that would see the levy rise to $50 per semester for up to...

Another overdue step to expansion

The referendum is back. That’s not a complaint. Last year, a referendum by UTMSU on fee increases to expand the Student Centre was passed by...

Looking further than our front yards

A good question was raised quite unexpectedly, maybe even unintentionally, this week: how wide is the scope of a campus paper? A few UTM students...

UTSU AGM drives on through opposition

The U of T Students’ Union addressed each of its pre-approved motions at its annual general meeting despite procedural motions to amend the agenda...

A union that needs to learn to take criticism

As someone who happened to start paying close attention to UTSU politics at a time when exciting things were happening, I’m looking forward to...

Residence Life lights the night

Some 40 students walked around campus with candles to symbolize their support for victims of gender-based violence in the eighth annual Light the Night...

Banning video coverage is a hit to communication

The Medium was barred from filming the UTM Students’ Union’s annual general meeting last Thursday. On Wednesday afternoon, Raymond Noronha, the president of UTMSU, emailed...

Sacrificing a good program with little to gain

I never finished CTEP. I was enrolled in it for three semesters after entering it in its third year of existence at UTM on...

Moka Only | Carrots and Eggs

“Hi persons. Moka, back in this yet again,” begin the liner notes to Moka Only’s Carrots and Eggs. “Thanks for investing your food, drug,...

Our changing identities

UTM students are fee-paying, voting members of both UTMSU and UTSU. As their annual general meetings are approach on November 14 and the 27,...

Don’t undervalue the casual

Beside and below this editorial you will find two letters that both seem to be calling for good things: one calling for more attendance...

Adapting our strategy

The Ontario government has pledged $27 million to the province’s colleges and universities to allow them to address mental health issues. As you can...

Not just something to show

Somehow I’ve never felt very invested in the co-curricular record. Just last Thursday, a party was thrown for it, complete with a flash mob,...

Keeping our feet on the ground about writing

I’m writing about writing initiatives. I know, I know. “Aren’t you going to talk about David Gilmour?” But it feels kind of like taking...

Fulfilling obligations, making accommodations

This year’s Frosh coverage has been significantly more copious than in previous years. It’s rounded off with a final article in the news section...

Microbunny | 49 Swans

I go to the green cabinet in our office that holds a wealth of old CDs, mostly indie, that have been sent to us...

A late overreaction is still something

The students now reeling from the energy and loud music of Welcome Week and settling into another school year at the good old University...

You can’t be transparent and silent

As an editor-in-chief who stepped into the role after three years not as a journalist but as a copy editor, and who abstained on...

Luke’s Languages: The only sane course is flexibility

Hey, everyone. It is now endgame, and frankly I’m impressed you’re still taking time to read a newspaper at this point in the semester...

Welcome to next year

Hi, everyone. I’m Luke, a senior linguistics and French student, and next year’s editor-in-chief. My background at the paper is three years of copy-editing and...

Luke’s Languages: Let me Presto Myself

Hi, everyone! Good to see you again! Yeah, I know it’s getting to that heavy time of the semester… but after a weekend of...

Sugar Man’s albums find a home

A few weeks ago, my parents rented Searching for Sugar Man, and I watched it over my shoulder while doing homework. You’ve probably heard...

A room with a view

Gazing out windows in Santorini or Jerusalem: our writers describe their rooms in international cities.   KABUL, AFGHANISTAN HAKIMA HAFIZI   The white wood frames of the half-open window...

Luke’s Languages: Between plausible and pseudoscientific

Oh, hello there! Hope you had a relaxing week. (What? It was even more packed than a regular school week? Tell me about it…) Those...

Luke’s Languages: You will always what?

Good morning to you! Or, if you prefer to be greeted in the French supplied by Google Translate, bonjour à vous! That may have seemed...

Luke’s Languages: The simplicity or complexity of things

Hi, everyone! I hope you’re officially back in the groove by now. (I know I ain’t.) This week’s topic is kind of a humble one:...

Luke’s Languages: A Festivus for the rest of us

Hi, everyone. Normally I’m annoyed by how early they start with the Christmas songs, Santa floats, and store displays complete with countdowns, but somehow...

Luke’s Languages: Not sure if meme… or new language

Hello, hello! So, American Thanksgiving happened, and the world is now officially ready to immerse itself in Christmas for the next month. It used...

Luke’s Languages: Legen-wait for it-dary

Hello there! And congratulations on using your procrastination time to read instead of watching videos of cats! Speaking of YouTube, I’m currently doing research by...

Luke’s Languages: I must be hearing things

Hi! Today’s topic comes from a friend of mine who posed a question to the world of Facebook in his status. That’s the best...

Luke’s Languages: Words, words, words—or are they?

Oh my goodness! You’re reading this! That means you survived Hurricane Sandy! The sheer stamina it must have required—just imagine, to have to carry...

Luke’s Languages: Whom does it bother?

Hello, and welcome to what they tell me will be another rainy week! Let’s all stay indoors and take advantage of the fact that...

Luke’s Languages: Tired of Theory?

Hi again, everyone! I hope you’re getting some time to enjoy the leaves as they enter what I consider the ideal colour range. Blessed...

You can only care about what you know

Dear Editor,   Every week I read every article in your paper two or three times. I’ve done so for the last three years—ever since I started...

Luke’s Languages – Register – It’s way fun

Oh, hello, reader! It’s been a little while, hasn’t it? Welcome back. Today’s topic is register—and not the kind you had to switch on...

Luke’s Languages – Sound and Symbol

helloeveryoneimgladtoseeyoubackagainforanothervolumeoflukeslanguages thisweekwellbetalkingaboutthedifferencesbetweenspokenandwrittenlanguage Huh, that’s funny. Why does my spell-check say that’s wrong? “Hello” is a word, “everyone” is a word… oh, wait. That’s right. Unlike when...

Everyday Language Changes

Oh, hello! Welcome back to this column, in which I try to make the study of language interesting to everyone. Today’s topic is “Is...

The Medium holds AGM, fails to reach quorum

About 20 students attended, including regular students and members of UTMSU

Old Ideas—Leonard Cohen

Whatever it is, it’s working.

Luke’s Languages #10

When other languages do borrow, in this modern age it tends to be English they lift what they need from.

Luke’s Languages #9

Sir! I’ve just come from the frontlines—the enemy is upon us! The dreaded Essays are advancing, the Assignments are attacking from the east, and...

Luke’s Languages 8

We’re just going to look at what I call “linguistic candy”: checking out some random and cool stuff from various languages.

Luke’s Languages #7

Since we closed last semester’s run of the series with a piece on defining your own style of language, let’s start this one with something both unique and universal among us: Canadian English.

Luke’s Languages #6

We do so with the concept of “idiolect”. There’s a lot to be said about this. It comes down to the principle that what you say is unique to you. Because of your genes, your culture, your history, your personality, and even your own choices, you have certain habits of speech (and both old and new habits die hard).

Luke’s Languages #5: Connote and Denote

So what do words mean and how is it we all tacitly agree? You say, “Go look in a dictionary, stupid.” But I mean—ah,...

Luke’s Languages #4

Hello again, everyone! We’re halfway through the series now, and I’m going to take this opportunity to apologize that each subject must be treated so broadly; each one could easily have an entire series of its own.

Luke’s Languages #3

So, last week I promised you we’d try some do-it-yourself experiments with phonetics (the sounds of language). And I have good news: We will!

Luke’s Languages; Part 2

What’s a dialect? “Talking with an accent.” What’s an accent? “When people talk funny.” What’s talking funny? “When they don’t sound, you know, normal!” So what’s normal? Actually, not so easy to answer.

Luke’s Languages

“Prescriptive and descriptive? Sounds like you’re trying to teach me something!” (Well, just briefly, okay? Go make some popcorn if it’s that bad.) Basically, whenever people...

Language is everything

As a linguistics student, a new member of LSAS, an editor, and a wannabe writer, I’ve come to appreciate just how pervasive, how everywhere...

The prodigal reader

Don’t get me wrong. I used to read a lot. I remember my gramma teaching me to read when I was four, and when...

Re: Mr. Boutillier’s letter

Dear Editor, Re: Mr. Boutilier’s letter I’m glad you sent in your letter, which makes important points about the ban. As an average reader, though, I...

I’ve written in before to praise…

Dear Editor, I’ve written in before to praise The Medium, and my opinion hasn’t changed. Unfortunately, neither has that of the general student population, who...

How did that get there? part 2

Oh, it’s you! Hello again! So you’ve come back for more fascinating Histories of Everyday Items? That’s great, because I just happen to have...

I am a faithful reader of The Medium…

Dear Editor, I am a faithful reader of The Medium, and some (but not all) of my friends are, too. I don’t mean everyone should...

How did that get there? part 1

Oh, hello there! This is my first try at writing for The Medium. For this article (which will be printed in several installments), I...

Strike ends by arbitration

In a decisive vote, Unit 1 has accepted U of T’s offer to end the strike through binding arbitration. Unit 1 members will return to...

An illness to manage, not cure

I’ll be honest—now and then I get tired of writing my typical editorial, so I like to keep a lookout for the topics that...

After graduation: service trip to Pakistan

It’s the start of the year, but soon it’ll be that time again, people, when the question of what to do with your future...

Tunnel, bus shelter, cafés next year

The university hopes to offer organic, free-trade coffee in a café called North Side Bistro in Deerfield Hall when it opens, among other changes...

Mindwaves launch celebrates storytelling

“Writing doesn’t just allow me to tell a story. It allows me to feel at peace with the event I’m writing about, as if...

Chartwells contract to be extended

UTM has asked Chartwells to extend its contract for another year, Chartwells’ contract with UTM, originally set to expire in April, will likely be extended...

Few attend open forum

Clubs and academic society representatives discussed the failure of the Student Centre expansion referendum at UTMSU’s open forum held on February 13. The event, which...

UTMSU audit shows significant profit

Students gathered at the UTM Students’ Union’s annual general meeting last week for the presentation of audited financial statements that recorded a significant profit...

New interim principal

Professor Ulrich Krull has been appointed as the new interim vice president of UTM until August 31, 2017. Krull has served the UTM campus for...

Deerfield officially opens

Deerfield Hall is officially open following a ribbon-cutting ceremony last Monday. “Deerfield Hall will serve as an ideal foundation for new experiences, and of...

UTM aims to graduate “innovators”

In his new position as vice-principal of special initiatives, Professor Ulrich Krull plans on moving UTM towards the vision of a more comprehensive university,...

In Retrospect Promo

The Medium was established in 1974 by a small team of student journalists. In our 40th anniversary magazine, we dive into the past four decades...

Social Medium
