Monday, July 15, 2024

Alain Latour



Parting Shot

I was flattered when Luke Sawczak, the Medium’s current EIC, asked whether I wanted to write for this year’s Medium Magazine. I did co-found Medium...

Deer slaughtered on Five Minute Walk

Note from the Editor: in keeping with tradition, the issue closest to April 1  features at least one article meant as an April's Fools...

A sales pitch

Like many of you, I’m graduating in  June. This is therefore the last editorial I’ll ever write for The Medium. Knowing this, I’m tempted...

More voices

The results are in: the Yellow team won the UTMSU election. In a meeting that took place Monday afternoon, Vickita Bhatt, presidential candidate for this...

Emergencies on campus

Last Thursday, UTM students received an email with instructions on how to download a software program that will automatically send emergency alerts to their...

Voting does make a difference

Voting will take place this week at UTM. Not many students tend to bother with elections—in a campus that counts around 11,000 students, only...

UTM student dominates Canadian finance

Matt Goulart is a UTM student. He has yet to graduate, but he has already become a successful entrepreneur and has been featured in The...

Is food at UTM really that bad?

“How much did you say that was?” I ask the teller. He repeats the amount—ten dollars and change. I stare at my tray. It only...

Turning a blind eye?

Reading the statements, if they can be so called, by Salman Hossain, the former UTM student and Islamic extremist who in 2008 called for...

An unfashionable cause

The death last week of Cuban political prisoner Orlando Zapata Tamayo saddened me for many reasons. First, it saddened me because a brave, honest...

Gazing out the window

Calle Colón was dark and dead under the moon, except for the trees alongside it that whispered to him, and the air that made...

Politics is always the same

I always thought university campuses are a reflection of the country they are in. Take UTM. Like Canada, it has a small, yet diverse...

Has campaigning begun before the elections?

For the last two months, the UTMSU has held caucus meetings during which select student club presidents and UTMSU executives discussed who should run...

This magazine probably comes as a surprise to most of you.

As far as I know, The Medium never had one before, although other university papers do. Nor has there been a demand for it—try as I may, I can’t hear students clamouring for a Medium Magazine outside of this office. So why did we do it? Why now?

The cool factor

Somewhere in the world a boy will ogle at a pair of Adidas sneakers, a grown man at an iPhone, a girl at an Armani dress, and they will all wish they had it.

There’s an app for that

Many laughed when the iPhone was first released. No keypad? Apples gone mad, they said.

Why we did it

What do you like? We must have asked over one hundred people that very question, and this magazine is the answer.

Rights group asks UTM professor to resign

UTM political science professor Aurel Braun was asked to resign from his position as chair of Rights and Democracy, a non-partisan organization based in...

Publishers beware—the medium is the message

Growing up in a poor country was not a cool experience for me. Now that I live in a rich country, I am often...

Depardieu: Actor & Foodie

Gerard Depardieu’s "My Cookbook" has been around for a few years—four to be exact. It’s not standard practice to review a book so long...

Think before you speak

It’s official. Far from being being reduced to zero, the cost of attending UTM is actually going up. Students (see article on the cover...

You can't handle the truth

Last week's editorial, as well as the news article "UTMSU denies a student attendance at CFS meeting,"  caused quite a stir: we received over...

Here we go again

This week, I had to make a decision that may on the surface seem unethical. It concerns The Medium and the UTMSU. It also...

Much ado about harper

I’ve long argued, much to the dismay of some of my North American friends, that the leaders of democracies are not necessarily better human beings...

Are student's ideals naive?

That's it. 2009 is over, and with it, the first decade of the millennium. We're re all probably coming up with new resolutions. Some...

UTMSU AGM runs smoothly

UTMSUs 2009 Annual General Meeting took place last Thursday afternoon in the Council Chambers in the South Building. Attended by approximately 50 students, the...

Students plan campus wide TV station

Andrew Hamilton-Smith, former News Editor with The Medium, wants to create a campus-wide TV station. His project, UTM/TV, will likely launch in January. The...

Our near future

One January afternoon of my first New Year in Canada, a little over five years ago, at around four oclock, not the busiest time...

Transparency: A forgotten ideal?

When the UTMSU Annual General Meeting took place last November, I thought future AGMs could hardly get more controversial. Yet last week's events proved...

We do what we can

In our previous issue we published an article about the latest Blind Duck pub event and another about the Thomas Cottage, that spooky little...

The Berlin What?

In the fall of 2000, when I was a German Language and Literature sophomore at the University of Havana, a professor lied to my...

Paving the way for Aikido at UTM

On September 21, we published an article about Aikido that prompted many student inquiries. To satisfy these inquiries, we sat down with Christopher Young,...

Liquor is quicker, but wine is fine

It's Thursday evening and I'm in the cramped Music Room of Hart House where I had come to write about a pinot noir tasting...

A busy week

Ive never found it particularly hard to come up with a topic for my editorials. This week I found the opposite: I have too...

Strike averted

According to a message posted this morning on the University of Toronto's website, the University has reached a tentative agreement with CUPE 3902, Unit...

Strike at UTM?

In a bulletin issued last Thursday, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 3902 announced a strike deadline for sessional instructors at the...

Les escargots

I had a breakthrough as I sat at a table in the patio of a Parisian restaurant on a sunny afternoon, scanning the menu...

You asked for it.

The Library (I can never bring myself to call it the Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre) announced this Friday that it would resume the...

Style in focus: part one

There's one thing that us former tropic natives and style aficionados like about Toronto, and it is that the four different seasons give us...

Environment week brings a breath of fresh air

With the tagline "A breath of fresh air," Environment Week was held from October 5 to October 8. The three-day long event was organized by the UTMSU Ministry of Environment and started in the CCT Atrium with a display of information [...]

A talk with Professor Dax Urbszat

Dr. Dax Urbszat began his post-secondary education by attaining a Bachelor of Science from the University of Toronto with a Specialist in Psychology and...

Taking a closer look

This newspaper aims to inform us about UTM. Its right there in the nameplate — The Voice of University of Toronto Mississauga. That, more...

La cuisine Chinoise

Paris in the summer was beautiful. Paris was life after oppression. Paris was food, except I barely ate any. But I smelled it, and...

An obligation to demand the most of ourselves

Last week UTMSU representatives met with departing Vice-President Orchard to discuss what they wanted from the next president. (Predictably, the issue of tuition fees...

It's our job

Coco Chanel once said, “Friends, there are no friends.” She was probably referring to the fashion world, or perhaps about life in general. But...

A different kind of work ethic

It’s close to midnight as I type these lines. I should've finished my editorial a while ago, days ago actually. Tha’ts what happened the...

A gentle martial art

A casual visitor to UTM's Recreation, Athletics and Wellness Centre, where at any given time a dozen students jump back and forth from the...

Editorial 2

I had it all ready. Prompted by news that the University of Waterloo reconsidered a much-vilified logo after students orchestrated a media campaign to...

Campus prepares for swine flu

As the world braces itself for an H1N1 flu pandemic that could infect up to 30 per cent of the population, and with Washington...

Inexperience can be a good thing

When renowned graphic designer Paula Scher was asked to incorporate elements of graphic design into the architecture of the Museum of Modern Art, the...

Recycled food: UTM's future?

In light of the food crisis at UTM, with students complaining about high prices and poor food options, recent Commerce graduate Steve Jamazon teamed...

Commerce student goes Italian

There are good stereotypes and bad stereotypes. Mondello Ristorante, an Italian eatery co-founded by Jessica Iatomasi (a soon-to-be graduate of UTM's commerce program), chef...

CCIT job fair and alumni reunion

Last Wednesday, fifty-three CCIT students gathered in the South Building to discuss career strategies with six panelists, most of whom are CCIT graduates themselves....

Making the most of the summer

Many students will tell you that university is about more than just going to class. To the casual observer strolling past Starbucks in the...

Walk the safer way

UTM student Liza worries when she has a late class in the North Building. “It’s dark and isolated over there,” she says, “and if...

UTM's Passport to Wellness

When the Roman poet Juvenal, with quill pen in his hand, wrote the words Mens sana in corpore sano (a sound mind in a...

Students can make a difference

Many people wish the world was a better place, one where fellow human beings didnt have to face genocide or severe socioeconomic disparities. Other...

The ugly side of Father Christmas

The time of the year when we are supposedly at our happiest and kindest has just ended. Christmas trees, crowded stores, bearded old men...

Parting Shot

I was flattered when Luke Sawczak, the Medium’s current EIC, asked whether I wanted to write for this year’s Medium Magazine. I did co-found Medium...

Deer slaughtered on Five Minute Walk

Note from the Editor: in keeping with tradition, the issue closest to April 1  features at least one article meant as an April's Fools...

A sales pitch

Like many of you, I’m graduating in  June. This is therefore the last editorial I’ll ever write for The Medium. Knowing this, I’m tempted...

More voices

The results are in: the Yellow team won the UTMSU election. In a meeting that took place Monday afternoon, Vickita Bhatt, presidential candidate for this...

Emergencies on campus

Last Thursday, UTM students received an email with instructions on how to download a software program that will automatically send emergency alerts to their...

Voting does make a difference

Voting will take place this week at UTM. Not many students tend to bother with elections—in a campus that counts around 11,000 students, only...

UTM student dominates Canadian finance

Matt Goulart is a UTM student. He has yet to graduate, but he has already become a successful entrepreneur and has been featured in The...

Is food at UTM really that bad?

“How much did you say that was?” I ask the teller. He repeats the amount—ten dollars and change. I stare at my tray. It only...

Turning a blind eye?

Reading the statements, if they can be so called, by Salman Hossain, the former UTM student and Islamic extremist who in 2008 called for...

An unfashionable cause

The death last week of Cuban political prisoner Orlando Zapata Tamayo saddened me for many reasons. First, it saddened me because a brave, honest...

Gazing out the window

Calle Colón was dark and dead under the moon, except for the trees alongside it that whispered to him, and the air that made...

Politics is always the same

I always thought university campuses are a reflection of the country they are in. Take UTM. Like Canada, it has a small, yet diverse...

Has campaigning begun before the elections?

For the last two months, the UTMSU has held caucus meetings during which select student club presidents and UTMSU executives discussed who should run...

This magazine probably comes as a surprise to most of you.

As far as I know, The Medium never had one before, although other university papers do. Nor has there been a demand for it—try as I may, I can’t hear students clamouring for a Medium Magazine outside of this office. So why did we do it? Why now?

The cool factor

Somewhere in the world a boy will ogle at a pair of Adidas sneakers, a grown man at an iPhone, a girl at an Armani dress, and they will all wish they had it.

There’s an app for that

Many laughed when the iPhone was first released. No keypad? Apples gone mad, they said.

Why we did it

What do you like? We must have asked over one hundred people that very question, and this magazine is the answer.

Rights group asks UTM professor to resign

UTM political science professor Aurel Braun was asked to resign from his position as chair of Rights and Democracy, a non-partisan organization based in...

Publishers beware—the medium is the message

Growing up in a poor country was not a cool experience for me. Now that I live in a rich country, I am often...

Depardieu: Actor & Foodie

Gerard Depardieu’s "My Cookbook" has been around for a few years—four to be exact. It’s not standard practice to review a book so long...

Think before you speak

It’s official. Far from being being reduced to zero, the cost of attending UTM is actually going up. Students (see article on the cover...

You can't handle the truth

Last week's editorial, as well as the news article "UTMSU denies a student attendance at CFS meeting,"  caused quite a stir: we received over...

Here we go again

This week, I had to make a decision that may on the surface seem unethical. It concerns The Medium and the UTMSU. It also...

Much ado about harper

I’ve long argued, much to the dismay of some of my North American friends, that the leaders of democracies are not necessarily better human beings...

Are student's ideals naive?

That's it. 2009 is over, and with it, the first decade of the millennium. We're re all probably coming up with new resolutions. Some...

UTMSU AGM runs smoothly

UTMSUs 2009 Annual General Meeting took place last Thursday afternoon in the Council Chambers in the South Building. Attended by approximately 50 students, the...

Students plan campus wide TV station

Andrew Hamilton-Smith, former News Editor with The Medium, wants to create a campus-wide TV station. His project, UTM/TV, will likely launch in January. The...

Our near future

One January afternoon of my first New Year in Canada, a little over five years ago, at around four oclock, not the busiest time...

Transparency: A forgotten ideal?

When the UTMSU Annual General Meeting took place last November, I thought future AGMs could hardly get more controversial. Yet last week's events proved...

We do what we can

In our previous issue we published an article about the latest Blind Duck pub event and another about the Thomas Cottage, that spooky little...

The Berlin What?

In the fall of 2000, when I was a German Language and Literature sophomore at the University of Havana, a professor lied to my...

Paving the way for Aikido at UTM

On September 21, we published an article about Aikido that prompted many student inquiries. To satisfy these inquiries, we sat down with Christopher Young,...

Liquor is quicker, but wine is fine

It's Thursday evening and I'm in the cramped Music Room of Hart House where I had come to write about a pinot noir tasting...

A busy week

Ive never found it particularly hard to come up with a topic for my editorials. This week I found the opposite: I have too...

Strike averted

According to a message posted this morning on the University of Toronto's website, the University has reached a tentative agreement with CUPE 3902, Unit...

Strike at UTM?

In a bulletin issued last Thursday, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 3902 announced a strike deadline for sessional instructors at the...

Les escargots

I had a breakthrough as I sat at a table in the patio of a Parisian restaurant on a sunny afternoon, scanning the menu...

You asked for it.

The Library (I can never bring myself to call it the Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre) announced this Friday that it would resume the...

Style in focus: part one

There's one thing that us former tropic natives and style aficionados like about Toronto, and it is that the four different seasons give us...

Environment week brings a breath of fresh air

With the tagline "A breath of fresh air," Environment Week was held from October 5 to October 8. The three-day long event was organized by the UTMSU Ministry of Environment and started in the CCT Atrium with a display of information [...]

A talk with Professor Dax Urbszat

Dr. Dax Urbszat began his post-secondary education by attaining a Bachelor of Science from the University of Toronto with a Specialist in Psychology and...

Taking a closer look

This newspaper aims to inform us about UTM. Its right there in the nameplate — The Voice of University of Toronto Mississauga. That, more...

La cuisine Chinoise

Paris in the summer was beautiful. Paris was life after oppression. Paris was food, except I barely ate any. But I smelled it, and...

An obligation to demand the most of ourselves

Last week UTMSU representatives met with departing Vice-President Orchard to discuss what they wanted from the next president. (Predictably, the issue of tuition fees...

It's our job

Coco Chanel once said, “Friends, there are no friends.” She was probably referring to the fashion world, or perhaps about life in general. But...

A different kind of work ethic

It’s close to midnight as I type these lines. I should've finished my editorial a while ago, days ago actually. Tha’ts what happened the...

A gentle martial art

A casual visitor to UTM's Recreation, Athletics and Wellness Centre, where at any given time a dozen students jump back and forth from the...

Editorial 2

I had it all ready. Prompted by news that the University of Waterloo reconsidered a much-vilified logo after students orchestrated a media campaign to...

Campus prepares for swine flu

As the world braces itself for an H1N1 flu pandemic that could infect up to 30 per cent of the population, and with Washington...

Inexperience can be a good thing

When renowned graphic designer Paula Scher was asked to incorporate elements of graphic design into the architecture of the Museum of Modern Art, the...

Recycled food: UTM's future?

In light of the food crisis at UTM, with students complaining about high prices and poor food options, recent Commerce graduate Steve Jamazon teamed...

Commerce student goes Italian

There are good stereotypes and bad stereotypes. Mondello Ristorante, an Italian eatery co-founded by Jessica Iatomasi (a soon-to-be graduate of UTM's commerce program), chef...

CCIT job fair and alumni reunion

Last Wednesday, fifty-three CCIT students gathered in the South Building to discuss career strategies with six panelists, most of whom are CCIT graduates themselves....

Making the most of the summer

Many students will tell you that university is about more than just going to class. To the casual observer strolling past Starbucks in the...

Walk the safer way

UTM student Liza worries when she has a late class in the North Building. “It’s dark and isolated over there,” she says, “and if...

UTM's Passport to Wellness

When the Roman poet Juvenal, with quill pen in his hand, wrote the words Mens sana in corpore sano (a sound mind in a...

Students can make a difference

Many people wish the world was a better place, one where fellow human beings didnt have to face genocide or severe socioeconomic disparities. Other...

The ugly side of Father Christmas

The time of the year when we are supposedly at our happiest and kindest has just ended. Christmas trees, crowded stores, bearded old men...

Social Medium
