Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Volume 44, Issue 18 (February 5, 2018)

Archive > Volume 44 > Issue 18

Mandated leave policy is withdrawn

The University of Toronto has withdrawn the university-mandated leave of absence policy proposal from the current governance cycle, following concerns raised by the Ontario...

Presidential candidate and current VP operations Deena Hassan was disqualified for pre-campaigning

The day was held to prepare for Ontario’s provincial elections

The Medium’s Annual General Meeting saw a historic turnout with over 40 students and...

UTMSU’s goal is to get students thinking Ontario provincial elections

A Turbah Box was found damaged on Friday in the Bahen prayer room in...

UTMSU and UTSU will review their membership agreement

The era of “crazy women”

On February 3, The New York Times published an op-ed tell-all of the abuse Uma Thurman had to endure from Harvey Weinstein and Quentin Tarantino. According to the article, Thurman claims that Tarantino forced her to do a scene in one of Tarantino’s best...

Always be in search of your own progression to find what truly speaks to you

Judging a book by its landscape art

In commemoration of UTM’s 50th birthday, along with UTM Library’s 10th anniversary, the library commissioned Guy Laramée to make “Oxford Dictionary”—a book sculpture. Currently,...

Notably present at The Art Bar’s weekly poetry event, held at Free Times cafe, was The UTSC Poets

Justin Timberlake’s recent album is a refreshing, eclectic mix of country and pop music tracks

Brief Encounter (1945), directed by David Lean, gives a glimpse into a short and...

Bad Buzz is an emerging Toronto-based punk rock band

In WRI395, titled Re-languaging: Writing Across Cultures and Languages, the readings for the course...

Stage and resist: beyond the curtain

For the second speaker in the 2017-2018 Home, Exile and Return series, the UTM English and drama department hosted Dr. Elizabeth Maddock Dillon. Dillon,...

Conversations from last Thursday’s Careers in Humanities and Social Sciences networking event

The UTM TimeTracker is a new scheduling tool introduced by the UTM Office of Student Transition

The second Financial Literacy Workshop hosted by the DEM association discussed banking strategies

Talk your way to better mental health

On Wednesday, January 31st, Bell hosted their annual Let’s Talk Day and the whole nation answered the call. Every interaction was worth five cents....

Swimming provides a multitude of perks to one’s health, such as improved cardio and muscle strength

MMA fighting requires immense amounts of hard work and training

Sleeping disorders can affect a person’s life drastically which is why it is important to get the necessary help