Sunday, January 19, 2025

Kayvan Aflaki



“Is the government being candid about why they are doing this?”

The Ontario government’s decision to make some student fees optional was challenged on Friday by student union representatives at an Ontario Divisional Court. Earlier this year...

French debate kicks off federal campaign race

The French-language leaders’ debate last Wednesday plunged into issues on abortion, medical assistance in dying, the urgency of climate change, and Quebec’s controversial provincial law against...

Climate crisis moves students to strike for change

Thousands of people took over the area in and around Queen’s Park, U of T’s downtown core, last Friday to take part in the climate strike...

Week review of election campaigns

After a week of campaigning, the political landscape leading into Canada’s 43rd federal election on October 21 has slowly shifted with platform reveals and several controversial announcements. Last...

Taxi owners sue Mississauga

Taxi drivers are suing the City of Mississauga for $100 million dollars for the damage caused by ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft. Back in March,...

Conservatives lead Liberals in 2019 election

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau officially announced the beginning of Canada’s 43rd federal election at Rideau Hall in Ottawa last Wednesday. Trudeau formally asked Governor General Julie Payette...

U of T’s 2019 Demo Day

Last Wednesday, 14 student-led start-ups from across Ontario were invited to participate as part of the University of Toronto Entrepreneurship Hatchery’s 2019 Demo Day. The event,...

U of T students challenge prejudice

On Tuesday, March 26, the Mosaic Institute, a ‘think and do tank’ that creates platforms for learning and dialogue among diverse Canadian communities, hosted a roundtable...

UTMSU renegotiating health and dental plan

On October 30, members of the University of Toronto Students’ Union (UTSU) voted to endorse separation from the University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union...

U of T receives $2.4 million for A.I. research

The University of Toronto has received a $2.45-million donation to establish a Chairperson to study how the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) will affect...

UTMSU Board of directors meet

On Friday, November 2nd, the UTMSU held its second Board of Director’s meeting for the 2017-2018 academic year. The monthly board meetings are held in...

UTM expansion to bring new facilities

Since 1972, the main atrium of the William G. Davis building, known as the Meeting Place, has remained untouched. As of 2018, UTM embarked...

Changing the face of university sports

U SPORTS, the governing agency of post-secondary athletics in Canada, introduced a new policy concerning transgender athletes on September 27th that will allow athletes...

Kevin Johnston denied entry into candidates forum

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union (UTMSU) hosted Mississauga’s mayoral candidates on Thursday October 4th in the Kaneff Centre. The two-hour panel is...

UTM parking criticized for lack of space

UTM’s shortage of parking spaces on campus has caused complaints amongst students who have paid for parking passes, many of who are calling for...

U of T partnership raises security concerns

In July, senior lawmakers on U.S. intelligence committees raised concerns that Chinese telecommunications conglomerate, Huawei, was a “grave cybersecurity risk,” and that “its smartphones...

Ontario government mandates free speech

On August 30th, the Progressive Conservative provincial government announced that publicly funded Ontario colleges and universities would be required to establish free speech policies...

UTMSU and UTSU campaign dates align

The Spring election dates for the UTMSU and the UTSU campaigning period will overlap this year, according to details released by the UTSU. UTMSU’s campaign...

Diving into a healthier lifestyle today

Swimming is an activity with several physical and mental health benefits. In all forms of swimming, the participant remains supine and floating in a...

UTMSU hosts multicultural week

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union hosted its third annual Multicultural Week last week, celebrating the cultural and ethnic traditions of UTM’s student...

U of T gets electric vehicles’ investment

The University of Toronto Electric Vehicle Research Centre (UTHEV) has obtained a large investment to support collaborative research into next-generation electric vehicle technologies with...

Razors behind St. George posters

On November 2nd, the University of Toronto Students’ Union reported hidden razor blades behind posters placed across the St. George campus to the U...

UTM hosts science week

The University of Toronto Mississauga held its fourth annual Science Literacy Week last week, where it highlighted national scientists and science communicators across Canada. Hosted...

New CRO for by-elections

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union hired a new chief returning officer for their fall by-elections as of August 21st. Details regarding the...

UTM expands mental health initiative

The former Canadian First Lady and mental health advocate, Margaret Trudeau, is expected to share her life story and personal struggle with mental health...

North building underway

North Building Phase 2 is still currently in development and expected to open on schedule in late August of 2018. UTM’s chief administrative officer, Paul...

MPs address Syrian refugee issues in Q&A

Last Thursday, the Young Liberals Club at UTM hosted several members of parliament representing the Liberal Party of Canada in a round-table Q&A session...

UTM increases accessibility

Last Monday, the Academic Affairs Committee meeting presented UTM’s guidelines and existing policies in regards to accessibility and accommodations. Andrea Carter, the assistant dean of...

UTMSU introduces nap room

Last Monday, UTMSU announced the opening of their full-time nap room in the Student Centre, which has effectively replaced the “Forest Room” on the...

Professors talk Bill C-16 at U of T debate

Following a series of controversial statements, U of T psychology professor Jordan Peterson took part in a debate on Saturday, November 19 at 9:30...

Science Literacy Week wraps up

The third annual Science Literacy Week last week featured activities to show the diversity and excellence of Canadian science, according to the Science Literacy...

Phase B construction underway

Following the demolition of the remaining sections of the North Building last March, construction is currently underway for North Building Phase B—a six-storey facility...

“Is the government being candid about why they are doing this?”

The Ontario government’s decision to make some student fees optional was challenged on Friday by student union representatives at an Ontario Divisional Court. Earlier this year...

French debate kicks off federal campaign race

The French-language leaders’ debate last Wednesday plunged into issues on abortion, medical assistance in dying, the urgency of climate change, and Quebec’s controversial provincial law against...

Climate crisis moves students to strike for change

Thousands of people took over the area in and around Queen’s Park, U of T’s downtown core, last Friday to take part in the climate strike...

Week review of election campaigns

After a week of campaigning, the political landscape leading into Canada’s 43rd federal election on October 21 has slowly shifted with platform reveals and several controversial announcements. Last...

Taxi owners sue Mississauga

Taxi drivers are suing the City of Mississauga for $100 million dollars for the damage caused by ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft. Back in March,...

Conservatives lead Liberals in 2019 election

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau officially announced the beginning of Canada’s 43rd federal election at Rideau Hall in Ottawa last Wednesday. Trudeau formally asked Governor General Julie Payette...

U of T’s 2019 Demo Day

Last Wednesday, 14 student-led start-ups from across Ontario were invited to participate as part of the University of Toronto Entrepreneurship Hatchery’s 2019 Demo Day. The event,...

U of T students challenge prejudice

On Tuesday, March 26, the Mosaic Institute, a ‘think and do tank’ that creates platforms for learning and dialogue among diverse Canadian communities, hosted a roundtable...

UTMSU renegotiating health and dental plan

On October 30, members of the University of Toronto Students’ Union (UTSU) voted to endorse separation from the University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union...

U of T receives $2.4 million for A.I. research

The University of Toronto has received a $2.45-million donation to establish a Chairperson to study how the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) will affect...

UTMSU Board of directors meet

On Friday, November 2nd, the UTMSU held its second Board of Director’s meeting for the 2017-2018 academic year. The monthly board meetings are held in...

UTM expansion to bring new facilities

Since 1972, the main atrium of the William G. Davis building, known as the Meeting Place, has remained untouched. As of 2018, UTM embarked...

Changing the face of university sports

U SPORTS, the governing agency of post-secondary athletics in Canada, introduced a new policy concerning transgender athletes on September 27th that will allow athletes...

Kevin Johnston denied entry into candidates forum

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union (UTMSU) hosted Mississauga’s mayoral candidates on Thursday October 4th in the Kaneff Centre. The two-hour panel is...

UTM parking criticized for lack of space

UTM’s shortage of parking spaces on campus has caused complaints amongst students who have paid for parking passes, many of who are calling for...

U of T partnership raises security concerns

In July, senior lawmakers on U.S. intelligence committees raised concerns that Chinese telecommunications conglomerate, Huawei, was a “grave cybersecurity risk,” and that “its smartphones...

Ontario government mandates free speech

On August 30th, the Progressive Conservative provincial government announced that publicly funded Ontario colleges and universities would be required to establish free speech policies...

UTMSU and UTSU campaign dates align

The Spring election dates for the UTMSU and the UTSU campaigning period will overlap this year, according to details released by the UTSU. UTMSU’s campaign...

Diving into a healthier lifestyle today

Swimming is an activity with several physical and mental health benefits. In all forms of swimming, the participant remains supine and floating in a...

UTMSU hosts multicultural week

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union hosted its third annual Multicultural Week last week, celebrating the cultural and ethnic traditions of UTM’s student...

U of T gets electric vehicles’ investment

The University of Toronto Electric Vehicle Research Centre (UTHEV) has obtained a large investment to support collaborative research into next-generation electric vehicle technologies with...

Razors behind St. George posters

On November 2nd, the University of Toronto Students’ Union reported hidden razor blades behind posters placed across the St. George campus to the U...

UTM hosts science week

The University of Toronto Mississauga held its fourth annual Science Literacy Week last week, where it highlighted national scientists and science communicators across Canada. Hosted...

New CRO for by-elections

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union hired a new chief returning officer for their fall by-elections as of August 21st. Details regarding the...

UTM expands mental health initiative

The former Canadian First Lady and mental health advocate, Margaret Trudeau, is expected to share her life story and personal struggle with mental health...

North building underway

North Building Phase 2 is still currently in development and expected to open on schedule in late August of 2018. UTM’s chief administrative officer, Paul...

MPs address Syrian refugee issues in Q&A

Last Thursday, the Young Liberals Club at UTM hosted several members of parliament representing the Liberal Party of Canada in a round-table Q&A session...

UTM increases accessibility

Last Monday, the Academic Affairs Committee meeting presented UTM’s guidelines and existing policies in regards to accessibility and accommodations. Andrea Carter, the assistant dean of...

UTMSU introduces nap room

Last Monday, UTMSU announced the opening of their full-time nap room in the Student Centre, which has effectively replaced the “Forest Room” on the...

Professors talk Bill C-16 at U of T debate

Following a series of controversial statements, U of T psychology professor Jordan Peterson took part in a debate on Saturday, November 19 at 9:30...

Science Literacy Week wraps up

The third annual Science Literacy Week last week featured activities to show the diversity and excellence of Canadian science, according to the Science Literacy...

Phase B construction underway

Following the demolition of the remaining sections of the North Building last March, construction is currently underway for North Building Phase B—a six-storey facility...

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