Monday, July 15, 2024

Volume 45, Issue 18 (February 11, 2019)

Archive > Volume 45 > Issue 18

UTMSU releases survey

On Friday, the UTMSU began to send out their Task Force Survey with the hopes of hearing personal recounts from students where they or others felt...

The equity centre will provide a safe and inclusive space for marginalized and minority students

The consultation gave students an opportunity to provide feedback on the current sexual harassment policy

Construction work on The Meeting Place continues in the Davis building. According to the University website,...

The Association of Part-Time Undergraduate Students’ (APUS) provides bursaries for students in need. Recently, as part...

An open invitation to our AGM

For those who aren’t aware, we are hosting our Annual General Meeting on February 28th. I urge students who are active readers of our content—and those who aren’t­­—to come and participate. An AGM is an open forum for you. It’s our space to openly discuss how we’ve spent...

Widows: four women, one impossible heist

Widows offers a rare take on the contemporary caper and proves to be both enthralling and flat at times. It sees the widows of four robbers...

Theatre Erindale’s third-year theatre and drama studies class presents a production exploring social issues

Roman Holiday, directed by William Wyler, is a romantic comedy starring Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn....

Broken is a collection of autobiographical short stories written by former University of Toronto student,...

It’s that time of year when pink and red wallpaper is up in Wal-Mart, endless...

The 2019 U of T Drama Festival brought together drama communities for three nights of theatre

What is going on with the weather lately?

In the past two weeks, the GTA has witnessed seemingly unstable weather conditions.  Due to these extreme weather conditions, University of Toronto Mississauga closed the campus...

Our Ad Manager’s perspective on a networking night event

Name: Vanessa Cesario Position at The Medium: Sports Editor Year: Fourth year Program of Study: Double major in CCIT and English...

The Medium catches up with Dr. Jordache A. Ellapen, who joined the UTM faculty in 2018

Dr. Andrew Almas spoke about urban forestry and his research at this month’s Lecture Me! event

Knights defeat eagles by fourteen

This Saturday, February 9 the UTM men’s varsity basketball team went toe-to-toe with the Niagara College Knights. Although a game fought with heart, the Eagles lost...

The UTM Eagles were defeated 103-64 by the Niagara Knights

Noor Aldoori is seen as a leader both on and off the soccer pitch, with a true passion for the game