Sunday, October 6, 2024

Volume 46, Issue 12 (December 2, 2019)

Archive > Volume 46 > Issue 12

U of T alumnus wins the 2019 Scotiabank Giller Prize

On November 18, Scotiabank’s 2019 Giller Prize was awarded to University of Toronto’s alumni, Ian Williams, for his debut novel Reproduction. Williams is a three-time graduate...

The Designated Smoking Areas (DSA) on the UTM campus will most likely decrease this coming spring

The Annual General Meeting discussed UTMSU’s successful lobbies, capped funds, and student motions

The new club, Women in Science and Computing (WiSC), advocates for gender diversity in STEM fields

To comply with fire code regulations UTM installed a new emergency exit at the library

The RAWC incidental fees have increased drastically since 2016

The intergenerational rift: ok, boomer

There is a famous quote that is often attributed to Socrates complaining about ancient Athenian youth. The quote lists all the things that are wrong with kids during those days, and while lengthy, it’s worth reading again: “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for...

Over the past two weeks, many of us have heard about a student who...

Internalized misogyny is almost unavoidable when we’re raised to fit into standard gender roles

With a suicide epidemic on the rise, there are a variety of contributing factors for us to consider

The normalization of hostile rhetoric and actions toward Israel alienates Jewish students on campus

“There: Stories about Places Near and Far”

Recently published, There: Stories about Places Near and Far is an anthology written by eleven writers from the WRI370: Writing about Place course. Collected and edited...

December means that Netflix has turned on its Christmas programming with knights, santas, and dates

What happens when you put one kid, one big house, and two clumsy burglars together?...

Music follows us everywhere. Whether you are at a store, in the car, or in...

The play details the account of four Canadian soldiers following their operation in Panjwaii, Afghanistan

Jack Torrence returns from The Shining and struggles with the memories of the past and his parents

The event, hosted by UTM Scribes, featured six panelists from various writing fields to talk shop

How to effectively prepare for finals

As final exams approach, tensions rise as students try to balance their already complex lives with studying. Knowing the effects of stress, and especially the difference...

Kwanzaa was created by Professor Maulana Karenga in 1966 to honour African heritage

Ice critical to the survival of endangered species and the sustenance of the entire Arctic ecosystem

Canadians forecasted to spend $1,593 per person on average during the 2019 holiday season

The innovative healthcare communication platform was cofounded by University of Toronto alum Albert Tai

Sleep deprivation is worse than we thought

As students, we all know what it’s like rushing to finish assignments for an 11:59 p.m. deadline, or studying for tomorrow’s test into the early hours...

UTM’s Varsity Women’s basketball team take definitive win over the St. Lawrence in weekend double-header

The first team UTM entered into the OCAA is finally rising as a competitive program within the league

UTM Men’s Varsity basketball win 80-76 over St. Lawrence Vikings