Sunday, September 15, 2024

Volume 45, Issue 8 (November 5, 2018)

Archive > Volume 45 > Issue 8

UTMSU allegedly bribes students with food

The University of Toronto Mississauga Student Union has recently come under criticism for allegedly encouraging students to sign a petition opposing the newly-elected provincial...

The meeting featured lengthy discussions on union separation , policy changes, and free speech

On Friday, November 2nd, the UTMSU held its second Board of Director’s meeting for...

The survey collects data on the composition of U of T staff to improve initiatives and recruiting efforts

Office of the registrar offers pre-booked appointments

Students report difficulty in finding places to sit, study on campus

The Medium’s place at UTM

As a student publication, we owe it to our readers to provide the most factual and up-to-date information in all sections of our paper. A daunting thought at first, yet an rewarding  feat to achieve every day of the year. Our hope is that students...

Sebastiane (1976)

Before Derek Jarman became a feature film director, he was a stage designer. Before that, he shot his own experimental short films on Super...

Blackwood Gallery’s presents its newest installation by Carolina Caycedo

This Is Us chronicles the lives of the Pearson family and how they overcome relatable hardship

The Medium sat down with Professor Chester Scoville to chat about the book he...

Victoria College Drama Society presents The Importance of Being Earnest with a modern-day twist

The Reading, Again exhibit questions things not immediately seen

In the highly competitive field of barroom lecture podcasts, one show stands above the...

Students can fundraise with UNICEF UTM

Apart from gruelling academics and athletics, universities also offer students the chance to join or start a club comprised of students with similar interests...

Last Friday’s “Women in Law” panel featured Dr. Erin Tolley, MP Iqra Khalid, and MP Ruby Sahota

When I was in high school, I was a shy and timid girl that...

Dr. Maria Wesslen, assistant professor in UTM’s math department, discusses Ford’s new legislation

A fourth-year provides an insider’s account on Halloween Pub and reflects on her experience over the years

Dr. Quintin Cutts discussed challenges of teaching CS in last week’s E.A. Robinson Education Lecture

Third wellness routes discusses nutrition

The RAWC took to the woods once again last Tuesday, October 30th for a nature walk. This time the walk was joined by several...

Jiana Alnajjar tore her ACL and MCL at the age of 18, but this never stopped her from playing the game

Intramurals allow students to play low commitment level sports

UTM Eagles defeated the UTSG black team in a 6-0 win last Wednesday, October 31 at Varsity Arena