Friday, October 4, 2024

Tag: Blackwood

Discovering UTM’s comfort zones

Comfort Zones is an upcoming event at Blackwood Gallery that takes a step back from the traditional style to bring viewers a more in-depth look...

Painting the gallery red

Students showcase artwork in annual graduate exhibition at the Blackwood Gallery

The weightlessness of the world

Printmaking iconoclasts take over the Blackwood Gallery with 3D paper installations.

Cinema stirs the senses

The Blackwood Gallery is always looking for new ways to transform the gallery space, and its latest exhibition, Lost Secrets of the Royal—curated by Ben Donoghue and Heather Keung—is no exception to this tradition.

Blackwood curates anniversary show

To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Art & Art History program, curator Shannon Anderson devised a collaborative curatorial approach for Viva Voce by selecting artwork, designs, and films created by a diverse group of UTM graduates.

Blackwood Gallery hosts graduate art exhibition

There is talent all over UTM, but it’s possible to find it conveniently concentrated in one space at the Blackwood Gallery this month during...

Blackwood follows up with new exhibit

Following the massive success and undertaking of Traffic: Conceptual Art in Canada 1965:1980 last year, the Blackwood Gallery’s latest exhibit appears much more modest...

No more boring art

From September 11 to November 28, the Blackwood Gallery will be home to a portion of Traffic: Conceptual Art in Canada: 1965-1980, which includes...

Conceptual art on campus

Yesterday afternoon, the Blackwood Gallery hosted its opening reception of Traffic: Conceptual Art in Canada 1965-1980, a tri-campus exhibition showcasing some of the world’s...

Throwing students forth

A crowd filtered in and out of the Blackwood Gallery in the Kaneff Centre last Wednesday evening. Graduate students, Sheridan faculty, proud parents, curious...

Beauty in the breakdown

The construction of art is a multi-layered process. An initial stroke of inspiration, some preliminary drawings, an assemblage of materials and a whole lotta...

A talk with Christof Migone

Christof Migone is a multidisciplinary artist, curator and writer. His work and research delves into language, voice, bodies, performance, intimacy, complicity and endurance....

Social Medium
