At this point of the semester, assignments, midterms, and exams are all piling on top of each other. The question is, how does one cope with the stress that lingers even after the tasks are completed? The answer is a simple one. Get your body moving and release those endorphins.

Working out not only helps relieve stress but also boosts memory. The Huffington Post states, “Regular physical activity boosts memory and ability to learn new things.” It is clear to see that exercising is a better alternative than chugging that venti cup of coffee right before a major due date.

The RAWC offers many free programs that help students engage in an active lifestyle. One in particular is the boot camp that happens every Wednesday.

In the boot camp, each circuit consists of 30 to 60 minute intervals of high-intensity workout, and then a 30-second break.

Ayah Abdeldayem, a fourth-year biology for health sciences and chemistry double major and instructor for the boot camp says, “When we’re talking about physical activity, it has been proven that students who participate in physical activity actually have higher GPAs than those who don’t. It also helps with feeling awake.”

“It doesn’t have to be an intense workout; it could just be getting your body moving, and it helps keep your body refreshed and your mind more alert,” Abdeldayem adds. “Other than that, there are obviously physical benefits, like improvements in cardiovascular health.”

By the end of the boot camp, you’re sure to be wiped, but the cognitive and physical benefits are rewards that even hours of studying can’t achieve.

Students can recreate a bootcamp-like circuit at home or in the UTM athletic facilities. Engage in exercises such as jump rope­—the exercise works your thighs, calves, and shoulders, and is a great way to maintain a good cardiovascular system. Incorporating air squats into your workout routine is a great habit. The exercise will work your glutes and thighs. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and arms at your sides. Keep your back straight and squat down by bending both your knees and dropping your hips, as if you’re sitting in a chair. Bend your legs to about 90 degrees, then slowly return to starting position.

Whatever your physical activity wishes or needs are, there is always opportunity and knowledge available in the training facilities.

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