Saturday, December 21, 2024

Volume 47, Issue 24 (February 22, 2021)

Archive > Volume 47 > Issue 24

UTMSU will issue partial refunds for 2020-2021 U-Pass fees

On February 18, 2021, the University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union (UTMSU) announced that all eligible UTM students will be given partial refunds for...

After the approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines in December 2020, the Canadian...

On January 20, the Mississauga City Council approved a motion put forward by Mayor...

Reflecting on the misogynistic and conspiratorial responses to the Indian farmers’ protests

Since last September, more than 250 million protestors have crowded the streets of Delhi to overturn three new agricultural laws set forth by the Indian government. Deemed the largest protest in human history, protestors are calling to have the government repeal the three laws that would...

How our flat screens are helping flatten the curve

While many people suspected Covid-19 would creep into our TVs and influence show plotlines, it’s actually television that’s impacting how we view the pandemic....

The Cecil Hotel stands tall, looming over a dark and dreary downtown Los Angeles....

It’s odd to explore another world and still feel at home, but this is...

What happened to Elisa Lam?  That’s the question director Joe Berlinger asks in his latest documentary miniseries—Crime...

In January, the English & Drama Student Society (EDSS) unveiled a unique playwriting competition....

The promises and perils of social media

Social media is everywhere. It follows you from the early morning when you wake up and check Instagram, to lunch break when you retweet...

The Desmond Morton Research Excellence Award is awarded annually to a talented researcher for...

Now more than ever, people are spending large quantities of time on the internet....

Here’s why psychiatric drugs can be a hit or miss for...

Despite the prevalence of mental illness in today’s society, many people struggle to find a method of treatment that works for them. However, for...

To commemorate Black history month here in North America, The Medium’s Sports section will be...