Monday, July 15, 2024

Larry Lau

A contributor to The Medium.


    Adversities of climate change and our role in saving the Earth

    In the past century, the human race has achieved immense technological advancements as well as scientific and artistic accomplishments—a great feat in human history....

    Myanmar’s political crisis: Democracy’s stand against the military

    On February 1, 2021, Myanmar’s democratic government fell to a coup d’état organized by the Myanmar military. The leader of the National League of...

    From Geographies of Exclusion to Inclusion: Examining Urban to Rural Migration...

    The Desmond Morton Research Excellence Award is awarded annually to a talented researcher for their phenomenal achievement in their chosen field at UTM. This...

    Covid-19’s role in Canada’s economic downturn

    Despite Covid-19 vaccine shipments arriving in Canada, the virus continues to devastate intensive care units of hospitals across the country. With the healthcare system on...

    Racing to the Top for Career And Racing to the Bottom...

    Leadership, and the adjacent faculties of power and control, can come at a cost. Contemporary wisdom shows that being a leader comes with its...

    Canada’s insufficient police training system raises police brutality rates

    It takes seconds for a bullet to reach its target. And it takes a split-second decision for a police officer to spare or end...

    Adversities of climate change and our role in saving the Earth

    In the past century, the human race has achieved immense technological advancements as well as scientific and artistic accomplishments—a great feat in human history....

    Myanmar’s political crisis: Democracy’s stand against the military

    On February 1, 2021, Myanmar’s democratic government fell to a coup d’état organized by the Myanmar military. The leader of the National League of...

    From Geographies of Exclusion to Inclusion: Examining Urban to Rural Migration...

    The Desmond Morton Research Excellence Award is awarded annually to a talented researcher for their phenomenal achievement in their chosen field at UTM. This...

    Covid-19’s role in Canada’s economic downturn

    Despite Covid-19 vaccine shipments arriving in Canada, the virus continues to devastate intensive care units of hospitals across the country. With the healthcare system on...

    Racing to the Top for Career And Racing to the Bottom...

    Leadership, and the adjacent faculties of power and control, can come at a cost. Contemporary wisdom shows that being a leader comes with its...

    Canada’s insufficient police training system raises police brutality rates

    It takes seconds for a bullet to reach its target. And it takes a split-second decision for a police officer to spare or end...

    Social Medium
