Saturday, July 27, 2024

Volume 39, Issue 9 (November 12, 2012)

Archive > Volume 39 > Issue 9

Criticizing the local food movement

Pierre Desrochers, an associate geography professor at UTM, criticized local food movement and policies in a talk titled “Locavore’s Dilemma” on campus last Thursday....

The City of Mississauga organized an event to welcome international students at the Mississauga...

UTM collaborated with Safe City Mississauga to host the third annual Crime Prevention conference. Professionals...

The UTM Young Liberals hosted an educational political event in the Davis Building for...

A cloudy, chilly Friday morning loomed over the plaza between the Instructional Centre and...

Student union executives questioned the procedures of the Elections Committee of the Governing Council...

The UTM Women’s Centre raised $200 at their annual “Walk Five Minutes in Her...

Why I’m dropping out of school

Dear Editor, Many suggest I should finish my undergrad (chemistry, philosophy, and math) with only two and a half credits left to finish—but I think the university owes me an honourary PhD. The truth is that my marks won’t get me anywhere. Hear me out. Stressed...

UTM is big. Before you start laughing, I want you to know that I’m...

Music Club rocks for a good cause

Tickets? Sold out. Tables? Hauled in from other rooms. Chairs? Not enough! That was how the Mosaic Charity Dinner went on Friday. The fourth...

You’ve got the bandmates and the music ready to go, but what comes next?

B3 is the perfect example of that point in a band’s life when they...

If you’ve been tuning into radio at any point this year (pick a dead...

Skyfall, the 23rd and newest instalment in the James Bond series, follows Bond (Daniel...

When I asked my best friend if she wanted to have a BFF date...

Happy hour ends early at UTM

Ever tried going for a drink at the Blind Duck Pub on a Friday night? If so, you probably peered through the bars at...

Hi! Today’s topic comes from a friend of mine who posed a question to...

“When I made Facebook two years ago, my goal was to help people understand...

Men’s intramural soccer lose thriller

The UTM men’s tri-campus soccer team travelled downtown to Varsity Stadium for a playoffs game against their rival team, St. George Black, on Thursday....

History was made on Wednesday at UTM’s South Field as the first-ever campus rec...

On Wednesday, the UTM Division One women’s soccer team braved the cold to play...

Following a disappointing 23–43 campaign and their fourth consecutive season without a playoffs run,...

After losing their last game by a score of 72–58 to U of T...