Thursday, December 26, 2024

Tag: volume-37-issue-12

What to do with your leftover holiday junk

1. Candy Canes. You could eat these minty hooked treats OR use them as actual canes for your younger sibling or cousin’s mangled Barbie...

Tips for jumping out of a speeding car

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only. The Medium takes no responsibility for any injuries incurred by jumping or failing to jump out...

I’ve written in before to praise…

Dear Editor, I’ve written in before to praise The Medium, and my opinion hasn’t changed. Unfortunately, neither has that of the general student population, who...

Did you miss us?

Did you miss us? This is our first issue of the new year and we’re excited to share some of the new changes that...

The science of advertising

“It only does everything.” “Why buy a mattress anywhere else?” “I’m lovin’ it.” Chances are, you recognize the products and companies those slogans belong to. Everyone knows advertising...

Speed dating and mate preferences

Lisa fixes her hair, powders her nose, and checks her lipstick. She steps into the speed dating room and glances at the men she’s...

Why, Wendy’s! What big thighs you have!

In 2004, one man was brave enough to plow through a one-month binge of high-calorie protein, high-sugar soft drinks, and a cavalcade of low-nutrient...

Oldfield at UTM

It’s 3.5 hectares in size, and older than UTM. It was the beach of a glacial lake and is now our campus’s largest lab....

Who’re you calling a moderate Muslim?

Growing up in Canada and watching Canadian news, I’ve often had issues with the usage of the term “Moderate Muslim” in our media. According to...

What’s for dinner: hunger factors in Peel

“What’s for dinner tonight? Crabby Joe’s,” says Daniel Ngo, a third-year computer science student at UTM. Vince Leung, a fourth-year CCIT student, agreed. “Some type...

U of T develops microchip for cancer research

Currently, there is only one test on the market that can detect cancer cells in the blood: CellSearch, a Johnson & Johnson creation. The...

HIV-positive man is cured

Currently, there are approximately 33 million people worldwide living with HIV. However, doctors now believe they have cured a man after he received a...

Social Medium
