Saturday, August 31, 2024

Tag: exercise

Weapon threat at the RAWC

Panic swept through the RAWC Tuesday evening as reports of a gun threat spread after the sound of a gun being fired went off. Students, desperate to...

No gym membership? Not a problem

It might not look or feel like it right now, but hot days and short sleeve shirts are almost here. You want to look and feel...

Myth: Women shouldn’t lift weights

Whether it be rendering yourself inflexible, the fear of transforming into a “mini-hulk,” or feeling as if you just can’t do it as a...

Marathoning your way through exams

Soon enough, students will begin emerging from hibernation and congregating in libraries and study spaces to prepare for the most painful time of the...

What you get out of your body depends on what you...

It can be extremely difficult to lose weight—there never seems to be the proper combination of diet and exercise that works. If you were...

Resolve means every day for 30 days

While walking through UTM’s athletic facilities this week, I made it a goal to ask students, trainers, and staff about their New Year’s resolutions....

Combating the stressful time of year

University students are ignoring a significant stress release: exercise. December signals the start of an escalating workload, beginning with essays and ending with exams....

Diet, same routine every day, & sleep

You began the school year with the resolution that you’d hit the weight room multiple times a week, you’ve worked tremendously hard to get...

Review the basics, focus on recovery, and do something fun

You prepared your healthy meals, washed your gym clothes, and made your way to the gym deciding that you’ll undoubtedly have your best workout...

The freshman 15: fact or fiction?

It’s an enormous step for most students. It’s a time for change and new experiences. The beginning of university brings with it many new...

“How are we selling exercise?”

Research symposium hosted by the University of Toronto questions the cost of advocating healthy lifestyles

Exercise as medication?

Research symposium held at the University of Toronto discusses the medical effects of exercise on health

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