Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Tag: election

One Toronto: “Myth Busters”

With two mayoral candidates out of the race and less than one week left until election day, One Toronto continues to educate citizens and...

I am not a public relations guru…

Dear Editor, I am not a public relations guru. But I believe that the voter turnout at last years election shows that not everyone is...

To renew or to unite

Henry Ssali, UTMRENEW “Our team is inspired by regular students to advocate for Democratic Renewal in their students union. Our platform focuses on UTM...

Politics is always the same

I always thought university campuses are a reflection of the country they are in. Take UTM. Like Canada, it has a small, yet diverse...

First year election results

Elections for UTMSU first-year representatives took place this month as nine hopeful candidates ran for Division I representative positions. Campaigning began on October 5...

Election results approved

An emergency meeting involving the UTMSU Board of Directors was held in the Boardroom of the Student Centre on March 31 in order to...

Inside the UTSU Election

From Tuesday March 10 until Thursday March 12, students at the University of Toronto will be voting to elect a new student union, which will either be the "Change U of T" slate of candidates or the "Demand Access" ticket. Jason Marin from Change and Adam Awad from Demand Access discuss their reasons for running and what their tickets represent.

Election Woes

397 voters. 397 students. If a lecture hall worth of students had bothered to cast a ballot, perhaps popular Liberal MP Omar Alghabra would...

Social Medium
