Saturday, July 27, 2024

Weekly Workout Tips

J-Curl, dislocates, and hinge rows

Christopher Sommer, the founder of GymnasticBodies, spent 20 years coaching the U.S. national gymnastics team, and he recommends some different exercises that are sure...

Basketball player asking questions

Lucius Seneca once wrote, “Nothing, to my way of thinking, is a better proof of a well-ordered mind than a man’s ability to stop...

Tips from Tools of Titans

The highly-publicized self-improvement book, Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers written by Tim Ferriss, is a...

What you get out of your body depends on what you...

It can be extremely difficult to lose weight—there never seems to be the proper combination of diet and exercise that works. If you were...

Sitting on a stability ball and the resistance band exercise

“You should get one of these—do you even know what this is? It’s a fitness orb, and it’s completely changed my life. Forget everything...

Get out of your basement

It’s so close to becoming warm outside, when you won’t have to spend a lot of money on a simple date idea, where the...

Procrastination is killing you

Right now you’re procrastinating until the point that it becomes more painful not to finish your assignment than it is to just do it—right...

Tricks on the TRX

The TRX is arguably the most versatile piece of workout equipment on the planet. Simply designed, it’s ready to turn your beer belly into...

Exercising with your dog

You’re sitting alone in your bed watching Netflix, and there’s absolutely nowhere else you’d rather be, but there’s a little problem—your dog is staring...

Bursting your testosterone, supplementation, free-weight movements, and nutrition

Burst your testosterone Testosterone is an anabolic hormone that not only exists in men but also in women—about one-tenth helps positively balance estrogen levels. If...

Resolve means every day for 30 days

While walking through UTM’s athletic facilities this week, I made it a goal to ask students, trainers, and staff about their New Year’s resolutions....

Diet, same routine every day, & sleep

You began the school year with the resolution that you’d hit the weight room multiple times a week, you’ve worked tremendously hard to get...

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