Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Volume 42, Issue 19 (February 29, 2016)

Archive > Volume 42 > Issue 19

Liberals make changes to student assistance

Students will soon see several changes made to provincially funded financial support for postsecondary tuition. Announced as part of the Ontario Liberals’ 2016 provincial budget...

CUPE and U of T meet to mediate over union allegations

Conflicting reports have surfaced following a meeting held between members of the Black Liberation...

Historic election win follows changes to Governing Council

Last week, the UTM MSA held Islam Awareness Week, featuring informative booths, motivational events,...

Governing Council updated on StudentMoveTO study

Sheridan College has named former Mississauga mayor Hazel McCallion as its first chancellor in...

On free speech and endorsements

Freedom of speech has been a difficult topic for me personally to wrap my head around. On the one hand, I’ve generally been opposed to statements that, even if not qualified as hate speech, strictly speaking, promote ignorance and lead to harm. I’m often reminded...

Blackfriar actors have good sea legs

I somehow managed to talk myself into the idea that Pericles, Prince of Tyre, the second installment in Theatre Erindale’s Blackfriars Project, would somehow...

The final show of Hart House’s ’15/16 season goes out with a slam of doors and a conflict of fiancées

Just Another Ordinary Day starts in a moody place, sounding like your average indie-rock...

Singh’s play Blasphemy explores the making of a criminal

Musical Theatre Club’s first musical brings laughs, quirky characters, and good music to the stage

Showcase features campus-wide performance groups

As Michael J. Fox’s career-launching movie and one that will keep you in the...

All in for ALL; survivor returns to UTM

Back in 2012, Marell Tomeh joined UTM intending to pursue an English major. As the end of the second term grew closer, Tomeh had...

Odgers Berndston’s program paired UTM student to Aon Hewitt Canada’s managing director

The start-up luxury auction website was launched this January, has had a total of 10 auctions

Last Friday, UTM MSA ended Islam Awareness Week with their second annual “Muslim Talks”...

For this week’s Blackboard Special, fourth-year CCIT and English double major Christine Sharma has...

A Cinderella story comes to an end

The Varsity Blues men’s hockey team have ended their season with an overtime loss to the Western Mustangs on Sunday night, losing 4-3. They...

The Canadian Armed Forces recently eliminated crunches from their fitness testing

It’s so close to becoming warm outside, when you won’t have to spend a...

UTM had a strong showing at the OCAA badminton championships at Seneca College on...