There has been an impressive amount…

Dear Editor,

There has been an impressive amount of student involvement already in the new academic year. Never before have I seen students so eager to make a difference, share their talents, and cooperate for lasting achievements! Frosh Week was a huge success; it sold out very quickly, and saw a high turnout at all events. During Clubs Week, over 80 clubs came out in full force and broadcast their upcoming events. It was really heavenly to see each student that walked through the Student Centre greeted with genuine smiles, diverse cultural treats, and giveaways. Every day there are several big club events in the Student Centre, so rest assured there’s lots to do! Indeed, UTMSU’s First Pub, which sold out in the blink of an eye, is just the tip of the iceberg of the fun in store for this year. What’s more, our Commission Meeting and the individual Ministry meetings had an unprecedented amount of students come, listen eagerly, and participate!

This momentum should never die. We must keep it ignited, because otherwise this campus is a boring and anti-progressive place. In order to accomplish the many student-driven goals we share (including a Student Centre expansion), we must stay united and involved.

The UTM Student Union has been doing a tremendous amount of reaching out to students via tabling, promotions, and classroom talks. If you haven’t already, sign up for our listserv to receive a monthly email with the dates on which the various Ministries will meet. Ministry meetings are open to all students, and are where all the campaigns and services you enjoy are born. Our Ministries consist of Student Services, Campus Life, Social Justice, Equity, Education and Outreach, International Student Affairs, Part-time Student Affairs, Environment, and Academics and University Affairs. Please come and let your voice be heard!

If you’re interested in lowering food prices, parking fees, and residence fees—all of which are entirely too high—please consider being an electoral student candidate for Erindale College Council. In the past, motivated students have been able to freeze and decrease parking fees through ECC. If you are in your first year of studies, and are interested in representing first-year voices and opinions, and ensuring that they are recognized by UTMSU, please consider being a first-year electoral candidate for UTMSU’s Board of Directors. If you’re interested in giving your fellow students the UTMSU highlights, such as vital charity and relief efforts, please register with us to become a class representative. To inquire about any of these things, please email me at

As a final word, I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, and dare to maximize your potential for the student union. I encourage you to see the common good in all of us, and to respect, connect, and cooperate with your fellow students. I encourage you to “Think Big” and to protect your dreams always.

Remain dedicated, determined, disciplined, devoted, and anxious! Join UTMSU, your student union!

In Solidarity,

D. Gilbert Cassar II

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