Friday, May 3, 2024


Last year, when I was the News Editor of The Medium, I was amused when a student union employee called not only every news...
Last week, I wondered why no one from the student union spoke up about the homophobic graffiti written on a student’s residence room door....
Last week, I was truly disturbed when I found out a student’s residence door was vandalized with homophobic and racist slurs. I immediately assigned...
As Clubs Week wrapped up, hundreds of students happily joined a new society or club, and I was reminded that we students do want...
It’s official. The fall semester is in full swing and with it comes busy schedules, early classes, late night procrastination, and lots of coffee....
Last week hundreds of new students dressed in matching green t-shirts flocked to the student centre to meet their frosh leaders. I first noticed...
Like many of you, I’m graduating in  June. This is therefore the last editorial I’ll ever write for The Medium. Knowing this, I’m tempted...
The results are in: the Yellow team won the UTMSU election. In a meeting that took place Monday afternoon, Vickita Bhatt, presidential candidate for this...
Voting will take place this week at UTM. Not many students tend to bother with elections—in a campus that counts around 11,000 students, only...
Reading the statements, if they can be so called, by Salman Hossain, the former UTM student and Islamic extremist who in 2008 called for...
I always thought university campuses are a reflection of the country they are in. Take UTM. Like Canada, it has a small, yet diverse...
Growing up in a poor country was not a cool experience for me. Now that I live in a rich country, I am often...

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