Saturday, August 31, 2024

Jeanlouis Rebello



Have you ever felt like an “imposter”?

Do you ever feel like you’re a fraud? Like you aren’t worthy or deserving of success or anything good in your life? You aren’t alone. This...

All hands on deck: learning beyond the classroom

This week we have a piece in our features section on four undergraduate students who took a trip to Hokkaido, Japan with Dr. Gary...

One UTM slate running unopposed

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union’s Candidates Forum was held on March 15th in anticipation of the upcoming union elections and saw the...

Increases to UTM housing rates passed

The University of Toronto Mississauga’s Campus Council approved the ancillary budget for the 2018-2019 year, which includes raising residence fees and meal plans, on...

University of Toronto honours fallen soldiers

UTM’s Remembrance Day ceremony was hosted outside of the William G. Davis building on Friday, November 10th, where principal Ulrich Krull gave remarks regarding...

Athletics for UTM summer students

As classes come to an end and exam season begins, there will still be plenty of opportunities for students to stay active this spring...

Possible Student Centre expansion

The Campaigns and Advocacy Committee convened on February 14 to discuss campus events and the possibility of a Student Centre expansion. Nour Alideeb, the president...

Campus Council approves fee hikes

The Campus Council convened last Wednesday and approved a motion to increase the 2017/2018 ancillary fees for food, residence, and parking. Proposed by UTM’s chief...

Renovation plans for UTM residence

UTM Residence and Housing has announced a 15-year initiative, Focus Fifteen, to renovate and build new student housing on campus. Chad Nuttall, the director of...

UTM VP discusses international students

UTM’s reliance on international students as a source of revenue may be “problematic,” according to UTM’s vice-principal academic and dean Amrita Daniere in an...

Faculty recruitment on the way

The UTM Campus Affairs Committee meeting, held last Monday, discussed the intent to create a new building and town house for residence students, new...

Motion to introduce three new commissions

UTMSU’s Annual General Meeting this year will be focusing on bylaw changes, and will discuss the expansion of the Student Centre. Ministries removal Currently there are...

Haunted UTM Carnival and pub

UTMSU started the Halloween celebration early with a three-day event filled with Halloween activities. UTMSU decorated the Student Centre with an array of skulls, zombies,...

UTM designs a new vision draft

The Office of the Dean has designed a new vision draft that will help UTM determine its goals as a community, and guide the...

What’s next for marijuana legalization?

With Canada inching towards marijuana legalization, the federal government announced on April 20, 2016, that a new law is expected to be introduced in...

Science Literacy Week wraps up

The third annual Science Literacy Week last week featured activities to show the diversity and excellence of Canadian science, according to the Science Literacy...

Welcoming international students

UTMSU hosted their annual International Meet and Greet event last Thursday, where students got a chance to learn more about on-campus activities and meetings,...

New policy for student unions

The Governing Council approved a policy on Open, Accessible and Democratic Autonomous Student Organizations last June that will mandate student unions to operate in...

Counting down the final days of print?

Within Canada’s Digital Divides (a Poynter Institute report written by Ken Goldstein) lies an ominous statement: “In 2025, it is likely that there will...

UTMSU request denied, fee increases prevail

UTM Campus Council moved ahead with student service fee increases despite UTMSU’s attempts to defer the motion last Thursday. As previously reported in The Medium,...

Parking permit and residence costs face hike

Campus Council has passed a motion to increase residence and parking permit fees for the 2016/17 academic year. In the third Campus Council meeting of...

MSA and Tarboosh unite to sponsor a family

As Canada welcomed its first 10,000 refugees from Syria on January 13, UTM’s MSA will soon also welcome its first sponsored Syrian refugee family. Last...

Confessions from the other side

This week, The Medium reached out to the students behind UTM’s most popular anonymous social media pages to discuss their experiences running their respective...

Stretching the canvas

I enter the dark hallways of Mississauga City Hall, guided by the illuminated AGM. Just a week ago, these halls were bustling with people...

UTM: the petri dish of culture on campus

Culture Fest turned this campus into a party zone last week. The vibrant costumes of the performers alone caught the audience’s eyes as they...

Housing plan in the works

UTM’s Department of Student Housing and Residence Life is working to establish a Campus Housing Master Plan, aiming to be completed this summer. In a...

Reflecting on the aftermath of COP21

If you’re like me, you actively used Facebook over the winter break and may have noticed a trending topic very close to our hearts:...

Final countdown to fossil fuel divestment

In March 2014, U of T president Meric Gertler received a petition from Toronto350 (a student group) requesting that U of T fully divest...

A good cause for music

The weather may be chilly and assignments may pile up, but the power of pub nights never fails to attract and unify students. On...

Poetry not just for pros

Hosted by the English and Drama Student Society and the UTM Drama Club, UTM’s first slam poetry event this year was held at the...

UTM remembers with a moment of silence

Faculty, students, and members of the community came together on the steps of Davis to pay their respects during Wednesday’s Remembrance Day ceremony. “We live...

Sandwiches to sponsor Syrian family

With the current global refugee crisis and estimates of up to 3 million Syrians leaving their homes due to the unrest, UTM’s Muslim Students...

Dancing alone in spite of stormy weather

Embracing powerful topics through the art of dance is nothing new. Choreographers play around with different themes and subject matters, all trying to convey...

Flash mob, dancing, Diwali

This year’s Diwali Dhamaka was an energetic event, with an estimated 450 attendees participating at the Blind Duck on the night of October 23. Diwali...

I could’ve danced all night

Sampradaya Dance Creations, a Mississauga-based dance company, performed earlier this month at the opening ceremonies of the Museums of Mississauga’s Wrapped, Tied, and Tucked...

Taking a look at UTM’s marketing efforts

While taking a walk around the campus, you will easily spot the various Boundless posters hanging off several poles. Are you heading towards the...

Saini outlines potential plans for Brampton facility

UTM has revealed more details about its plans for a possible facility in Brampton. According to UTM principal Deep Saini, the Brampton presence, if...

Outdoor yoga is a breath of fresh air

Last Thursday, a dozen students attended UTMAC’s first outdoor yoga session. Students had the chance to show off their flexibility—and falling-over skills—on the beautiful...

Fall’s flavour: the Pumpkin Spice Latte

As I walk outside in a light jacket, a cool breeze rushes by and vibrant leaves fall to the ground from the trees around...

U of T considers Brampton presence

U of T has announced an interest in establishing a presence in the City of Brampton. This presence would take the form of a “facility or...

Have you ever felt like an “imposter”?

Do you ever feel like you’re a fraud? Like you aren’t worthy or deserving of success or anything good in your life? You aren’t alone. This...

All hands on deck: learning beyond the classroom

This week we have a piece in our features section on four undergraduate students who took a trip to Hokkaido, Japan with Dr. Gary...

One UTM slate running unopposed

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union’s Candidates Forum was held on March 15th in anticipation of the upcoming union elections and saw the...

Increases to UTM housing rates passed

The University of Toronto Mississauga’s Campus Council approved the ancillary budget for the 2018-2019 year, which includes raising residence fees and meal plans, on...

University of Toronto honours fallen soldiers

UTM’s Remembrance Day ceremony was hosted outside of the William G. Davis building on Friday, November 10th, where principal Ulrich Krull gave remarks regarding...

Athletics for UTM summer students

As classes come to an end and exam season begins, there will still be plenty of opportunities for students to stay active this spring...

Possible Student Centre expansion

The Campaigns and Advocacy Committee convened on February 14 to discuss campus events and the possibility of a Student Centre expansion. Nour Alideeb, the president...

Campus Council approves fee hikes

The Campus Council convened last Wednesday and approved a motion to increase the 2017/2018 ancillary fees for food, residence, and parking. Proposed by UTM’s chief...

Renovation plans for UTM residence

UTM Residence and Housing has announced a 15-year initiative, Focus Fifteen, to renovate and build new student housing on campus. Chad Nuttall, the director of...

UTM VP discusses international students

UTM’s reliance on international students as a source of revenue may be “problematic,” according to UTM’s vice-principal academic and dean Amrita Daniere in an...

Faculty recruitment on the way

The UTM Campus Affairs Committee meeting, held last Monday, discussed the intent to create a new building and town house for residence students, new...

Motion to introduce three new commissions

UTMSU’s Annual General Meeting this year will be focusing on bylaw changes, and will discuss the expansion of the Student Centre. Ministries removal Currently there are...

Haunted UTM Carnival and pub

UTMSU started the Halloween celebration early with a three-day event filled with Halloween activities. UTMSU decorated the Student Centre with an array of skulls, zombies,...

UTM designs a new vision draft

The Office of the Dean has designed a new vision draft that will help UTM determine its goals as a community, and guide the...

What’s next for marijuana legalization?

With Canada inching towards marijuana legalization, the federal government announced on April 20, 2016, that a new law is expected to be introduced in...

Science Literacy Week wraps up

The third annual Science Literacy Week last week featured activities to show the diversity and excellence of Canadian science, according to the Science Literacy...

Welcoming international students

UTMSU hosted their annual International Meet and Greet event last Thursday, where students got a chance to learn more about on-campus activities and meetings,...

New policy for student unions

The Governing Council approved a policy on Open, Accessible and Democratic Autonomous Student Organizations last June that will mandate student unions to operate in...

Counting down the final days of print?

Within Canada’s Digital Divides (a Poynter Institute report written by Ken Goldstein) lies an ominous statement: “In 2025, it is likely that there will...

UTMSU request denied, fee increases prevail

UTM Campus Council moved ahead with student service fee increases despite UTMSU’s attempts to defer the motion last Thursday. As previously reported in The Medium,...

Parking permit and residence costs face hike

Campus Council has passed a motion to increase residence and parking permit fees for the 2016/17 academic year. In the third Campus Council meeting of...

MSA and Tarboosh unite to sponsor a family

As Canada welcomed its first 10,000 refugees from Syria on January 13, UTM’s MSA will soon also welcome its first sponsored Syrian refugee family. Last...

Confessions from the other side

This week, The Medium reached out to the students behind UTM’s most popular anonymous social media pages to discuss their experiences running their respective...

Stretching the canvas

I enter the dark hallways of Mississauga City Hall, guided by the illuminated AGM. Just a week ago, these halls were bustling with people...

UTM: the petri dish of culture on campus

Culture Fest turned this campus into a party zone last week. The vibrant costumes of the performers alone caught the audience’s eyes as they...

Housing plan in the works

UTM’s Department of Student Housing and Residence Life is working to establish a Campus Housing Master Plan, aiming to be completed this summer. In a...

Reflecting on the aftermath of COP21

If you’re like me, you actively used Facebook over the winter break and may have noticed a trending topic very close to our hearts:...

Final countdown to fossil fuel divestment

In March 2014, U of T president Meric Gertler received a petition from Toronto350 (a student group) requesting that U of T fully divest...

A good cause for music

The weather may be chilly and assignments may pile up, but the power of pub nights never fails to attract and unify students. On...

Poetry not just for pros

Hosted by the English and Drama Student Society and the UTM Drama Club, UTM’s first slam poetry event this year was held at the...

UTM remembers with a moment of silence

Faculty, students, and members of the community came together on the steps of Davis to pay their respects during Wednesday’s Remembrance Day ceremony. “We live...

Sandwiches to sponsor Syrian family

With the current global refugee crisis and estimates of up to 3 million Syrians leaving their homes due to the unrest, UTM’s Muslim Students...

Dancing alone in spite of stormy weather

Embracing powerful topics through the art of dance is nothing new. Choreographers play around with different themes and subject matters, all trying to convey...

Flash mob, dancing, Diwali

This year’s Diwali Dhamaka was an energetic event, with an estimated 450 attendees participating at the Blind Duck on the night of October 23. Diwali...

I could’ve danced all night

Sampradaya Dance Creations, a Mississauga-based dance company, performed earlier this month at the opening ceremonies of the Museums of Mississauga’s Wrapped, Tied, and Tucked...

Taking a look at UTM’s marketing efforts

While taking a walk around the campus, you will easily spot the various Boundless posters hanging off several poles. Are you heading towards the...

Saini outlines potential plans for Brampton facility

UTM has revealed more details about its plans for a possible facility in Brampton. According to UTM principal Deep Saini, the Brampton presence, if...

Outdoor yoga is a breath of fresh air

Last Thursday, a dozen students attended UTMAC’s first outdoor yoga session. Students had the chance to show off their flexibility—and falling-over skills—on the beautiful...

Fall’s flavour: the Pumpkin Spice Latte

As I walk outside in a light jacket, a cool breeze rushes by and vibrant leaves fall to the ground from the trees around...

U of T considers Brampton presence

U of T has announced an interest in establishing a presence in the City of Brampton. This presence would take the form of a “facility or...

Social Medium
