Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Volume 42, Issue 10 (November 16, 2015)

Archive > Volume 42 > Issue 10

UTMSU axes VP part-time position

At last Thursday’s annual general meeting, more than $1.5 million worth of UTMSU assets were reported, and members voted to remove VP part-time affairs...

UTM community can now sign out radios to stay in contact with Campus Police

UTSU to vote on bylaw amendments and board structure

Our mandate as a newspaper

Last week, we commemorated Remembrance Day and reflected on the role of freedom and democracy in our society. These are big concepts, but certainly important ones, especially when taken into consideration with the role that independent media play in a democracy. We need people to...

Let’s talk about sex in a canoe, baby

You can argue that all actors are exhibitionists. By that logic, I suppose that anyone who goes to the theatre is automatically a voyeur. I’ll...

Young artists embrace their individuality though class assignments on display at Sheridan College

UTM students take the mic at this year’s first poetry slam

It’s 1974 in New York City. Four armed men hijack the first car of...

I was five years old when an iron bird tore through the sky on...

Alternative coping methods arrive in the form of crafts

Online gallery opens debate concerning the advantages and disadvantages of virtual artwork

Taking care of students’ wellbeing

As the end of the semester approaches, the library’s silent study zones are not the only place on campus experiencing increased student traffic. A...

The UTM-based video game will have 12 chapters and is set to release in September 2016

This week, The Medium’s Kaitlyn Fernandes reviewed the various food options present on the UTM campus

Rahman shares his struggles with housing, “slaving away”

Last week’s chilly weather and rainy days called for some hot, soul-comforting food. Thankfully,...

Students skate on artificial ice surface

With handmade cutout snowflakes adorning the walls, festive music playing in the background, and a synthetic skating rink made from a high-tech plastic polymer...

Kyle Draga and D. J. Sackey epitomize what it takes to be a successful student athlete at U of T

UTM men’s hockey committment level correlates with their perfect 3-0 record this season

How skinny guys build muscle You may be a genetic ectomorph—in other words, “thin”—but want...