Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Volume 42, Issue 6 (October 19, 2015)

Archive > Volume 42 > Issue 6

UTSU AGM in 60 seconds or less

A brief look at some of the goings-on in UTSU's annual general meeting on October 7.

Zhuk’s board structure failed 562 to 455 in a vote requiring a two-thirds majority

Of the eligible voters, 2.64 percent cast their ballot in the fall by-election

Cockroaches were discovered in the UTMSU Food Centre on Monday, October 5, leading to...

Last Tuesday, candidates running for the federal elections discussed issues related to youth voters...

Proposals to address deficit include increasing enrolment and seeking alternative revenues

Who says youth aren’t engaged?

Every UTM student should attend UTSU’s annual general meeting—at least once. I attended my first AGM downtown last year and was amazed. I’d never seen so many young people so passionate about politics. What was even more impressive was that the students actually seemed to...

Dishing the dirt on Greek dramatics

With tech week—also known as crunch time—starting next week, Theatre Erindale cast and crew are all extremely busy. I sit down with Autumn Smith,...

UTSG’s Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library offers a glimpse of international literary masterpieces

Outdoor production of The Winter’s Tale switches things up

Martinez bridges language gap with musical inspiration

Ever wondered what your professors read in their spare time? Do profs only read...

Singin’ in the Rain is the classic musical that brought you Gene Kelly’s infamous...

Hackathon inspires student ideas

What is a hacker? If you pose this question to a group of people, chances are that you’ll get a variety of answers. Some will...

Marketing includes “selling” UTM to potential donors, dealing with controversy, emergencies

Imagine endless possibility—having an idea and then turning it into something tangible in minutes....

“Classes Without Quizzes” event discussed the religious aspects hidden within superheroes

This week, the Blackboard Special is back but with a different spin: we’re taking...

The Medium explores DT soup options

Varsity Blues push for playoff position

University of Toronto Varsity Blues football fell to the Western Mustangs (6-0), who rank third best in the country. The one-sided affair saw Western...

Students gathered in Blind Duck Pub to witness Joey “Bat Flip” clinch the ALDS for Blue Jays

UTM students find machines’ physical output calculations either discouraging or motivating

I started playing ice hockey at nine years old. There were no girls’ leagues in...