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Volume 46, Issue 16 (February 3, 2020)

Archive > Volume 46 > Issue 16

UTMSU and CFS-O host coalition meeting

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union (UTMSU) and the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario (CFS-O) came together on January 23 to discuss student rights and activism. The...

UTM celebrates the silver designation with a Fair Trade Market

The city council approved new budgets that include changes to transportation and public facilities

The three recommendations under mandate three include improving external relationships and coordination

The incidental fees for the HCC increased more in one year than the RAWC did in four years

Reflecting on Auschwitz and its meaning for the present

In the hearts and minds of many, this past Monday, January 27, was a day of somber reflection and mourning in recognition of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp. The case for myself was no different. On my way home from class that day, I...

As people are working to preserve humans, let’s work as individuals to defend our collective humanity

Panic over the virus is a human response but not the right one

The Tiny Fist Gallery is student run

White walls that were once blank are filled with a six-foot-tall painting of a white silhouette on a black background, mirroring the other wall with a...

The Japanese film tells a different love story with mesmerizing animations and an emotional plot

The nominations are largely white and male-dominated with actors and actresses of colour shut out

Louis wrote the story as an assignment but got published in an anthology on Asian-Canadian cultures

Big winners Lizzo, Lil Nas X, and Billie Eilish performed their biggest hits with Kobe Bryant in mind

If you had a twin, what would you do? Would you trade places with your...

From horror and comedy to sci-fi and superheroes, these are the upcoming must-sees for 2020

Why is the toilet water in MN murky?

Water is becoming more and more of a commodity. It is estimated that by 2025, two thirds of the world’s population will face severe water shortages....

Microplastics can take up to hundreds of years to degrade and are excellent pollutant absorbents

The Johnsons conducted a study on the role of spines in seed dispersal on the Galápagos Islands

The 2019-nCoV has claimed the lives of hundreds and infected thousands around the world

Have questions about the coronavirus?

Ordinary symptoms of a cold that people normally brush off may now be the sign of the possibly fatal and novel coronavirus of 2019 (2019-nCoV). According...

A recent health study has identified some of the top strategies for successfully maintaining weight loss