Sunday, February 16, 2025

Volume 41, Issue 22 (March 23, 2015)

Archive > Volume 41 > Issue 22

Strike ends by arbitration

In a decisive vote, Unit 1 has accepted U of T’s offer to end the strike through binding arbitration. Unit 1 members will return to...

Unit 1 to vote tomorrow on whether to accept process of binding terms over negotiations

Ratification fails by 109 votes in the early hours as community follows anxiously on social media

Candidates from Brighter U of T and Change U of T take questions during forum

UTSU is asking students to vote on fee increases for Downtown Legal Services, one...

Student rallies aim to pressure admin to end the strike

Professional or personal?

“Where is the divide between our personal private life and academic work life?” asks Natasha Hartono in this week’s lead feature story on social media. We are connected, she points out, with some as close as family and some as formal as employers and...

Good cause, subpar performances

It’s pretty rare that I attend an event I dislike so much there’s hardly anything positive for me to write about it, but alas,...

Comments on modernist pieces that bring Chinese concerns to light in the wider world

Theatre Erindale’s 2014/15 year comes to an end with director Sten Eirik’s Living Curiosities

Many new beginnings come with spring; things slowly begin to come back to life...

Babadook: a good, modern horror film

Snowpiercer is disturbing but captivating

Father, son to bike 600 km for the cure

Max, the four-year-old son of UTM’s Andrew Sedmihradsky and a sufferer of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, will bike 600 kilometres from Ottawa to Hamilton this...

With only two weeks left of the term, students suggest how to make this year count

Forget endless hours on Facebook; social media has entered our academic and work lives

Lena Dunham and Caitlin Moran challenge our generation’s attitude towards feminism

As a child, one of my favourite pastimes was visiting my dad’s office and...

Rico’s breakout season

Christina Rico has been playing soccer for more than half of her life. Like many kids who went through a rite of passage playing...

United 6 and Pk Tun’s year-long rivalry comes to a shocking one-sided finish in cricket final

With a list of seemingly unending exams and essays piling up this time of...