Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Volume 40, Issue 9 (November 11, 2013)

Archive > Volume 40 > Issue 9

The UTM Women’s Centre collaborated with the UTM Women and Gender Studies Action Group...

The Business Banquet sees students and professionals mingling

UTM’s Health and Counselling Centre launched its annual flu immunization clinics last week, the...

The University of Toronto has halted admission of high school students to its Concurrent...

Professors debate Syria in the “Great Professors’ Debate”

Sacrificing a good program with little to gain

I never finished CTEP. I was enrolled in it for three semesters after entering it in its third year of existence at UTM on the advice of a few well-meaning people, but I decided teaching wasn’t for me and kept my anchor, French, as...

A Fine Frenzy | Pines

The jacket art of A Fine Frenzy’s most recent album, 2012’s Pines, is admittedly striking, if not particularly original. Swaddled in a blanket and...

As if love weren’t already complicated enough, Shakespeare decided to add another element to...

The Peel Art Gallery Museum and Archives is displaying the works of Aba Bayefsky...

Thor and Loki return for another round

UTM’s Artistic Resource Team held their first coffeehouse open mic night last Wednesday in...

It’s tricky to do a movie soundtracks well. How many movies have you watched...

Fifty students gathered in the Blind Duck on Friday night to support UTM’s United...

Students want lectures, not laptops

An article published last year by University Affairs summarized a study on students’ preferences for spoken lectures over those presented to them through other...

Students aren’t sold on adding security cameras to their classes

LinkedIn allows its users to establish an online presence centred on building and extending...

Stay awake late enough and you’ll surely catch an infomercial on the latest diet...

There are quite a few things that separate UTM from other campuses. There’s our...

UTM brothers lead Varsity Blues

Being competitive comes naturally to Jordan and Justin Marra. The Brampton natives, Varsity Blues football players, and fourth-year UTM students expect to be the...

The Division 1 UTM Eagles men’s White basketball team defeated Woodsworth College 69-51 last...

The UTM Eagles women’s basketball team defeated the UTSC Maroons in their first home...

UTM’s rugby team educates the student body on the basics en route to their playoffs