Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tag: Salma Fakhry

Vertical Gardens at UTM

Two UTM alumni and co-owners of the company Just Vertical, Conner Tidd and Kevin Jakiela, have constructed two new vertical gardens for the Student...

Ulrich Krull installed as UTM’s principal

Professor Ulrich Krull was officially installed UTM’s ninth principal in a ceremony on November 16th after taking the oath of office. Krull was led into...

UTMSU talks grade forgiveness

The UTMSU’s Campus and Advocacy meeting last Tuesday discussed the union’s plans to advocate for a grade forgiveness policy and the resources that the...

AGM fails to remove executive positions

The removal of vice-president external and vice-president university affairs was rejected at the University of Toronto Students’ Union’s Annual General Meeting in a vote...

UTSU’s motion to remove VP internal and university affairs failed

The motion to introduce vice president advocacy and remove the positions vice president external and university affairs from the University of Toronto Students’ Union...

Past UTMSU president hired for new position

Former president of the University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union, Uranranebi Agbeyegbe, who is currently a non-UTM student, was hired into the newly created...

UTMSU’s bursaries available

The application process has opened for five different bursaries, offered by the University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union: a need-based bursary, book-based bursary, international...

Metrolinx merges PRESTO and U-Pass

Metrolinx has announced a new initiative that combines university transit passes onto PRESTO Cards for the fall of 2018. The new program will allow...

UTSU collaborating for transit pass

The University of Toronto Students’ Union is in the final stages of collecting data needed to move forward for the implementation of a transit...

UTMSU negotiates GTA U-Pass

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union is currently undergoing negotiations with Metrolinx regarding providing students with a GTA U-Pass. During the 2017 spring elections,...

New CRO for by-elections

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union hired a new chief returning officer for their fall by-elections as of August 21st. Details regarding the...

U of T denies hosting a nationalist rally

Following online backlash, the University of Toronto has denied the booking of a Canadian Nationalist Party rally on the St. George campus on September...

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