Saturday, December 21, 2024

Volume 44, Issue 8 (October 30, 2017)

Archive > Volume 44 > Issue 8

UTSU’s motion to remove VP internal and university affairs failed

The motion to introduce vice president advocacy and remove the positions vice president external and university affairs from the University of Toronto Students’ Union...

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders talks American health care and how wealth affects politics and power

Former 2015/16 UTMSU president, Uranranebi Agebeyegbe, is now the new campaigns coordinator

UTSU to vote to remove VP external and university affairs

A formal opening date has not been set

U of T enrolment rates to be smaller

The governing council officially approved Davis Phase 2 to move forward towards construction

Ending the graphic novel stigma

I’m sure many of us have read a graphic novel or comic in some form. You may have just read a few panels at the back of a local newspaper while on a bus, or an entire novel from beginning to end. Graphic novels have...

Just do it, sell it, and market it yourself

Combining what you love to do and what would be profitable, for most, is a recipe for an ideal career. For fourth-year French and...

The Sobey Art Award rewards finalists with $50,000 in cash to fund their future artistic endeavors

Ronna bloom discusses new and efficient methods of instructing poetry to students.

Stooshinoff takes listeners on a stoic journey with new EP

Child’s Play (1988) is a horror movie which follows the story of a killer...

“Fifteen Dogs” by André Alexis explores the implication of power in the hands of...

A new UTM classroom experience

As a high school biology student at Alternative Scarborough Education 2, Sanja Hinic-Frlog, an evolutionary biologist, paleontologist, and assistant professor at the University of...

Students in the ITA235 course spent their reading week in Italy learning about culture through food

Thousands of women share stories of sexual assault and harrassment with the #MeToo campaign

Last Monday, Branksome Hall hosted activist and Ms. Magazine co-founder, Gloria Steinem

Cooking class with Kimberly Green

In the past, certain tribes would sacrifice sleep, food, and all worldly pleasures for a single cause. Today, they’re known as university undergraduates. Students...

Mindfulness meditation can help students keep their anxiety levels down as the semester comes to an end

Students should be sure to watch their sugar and salt intake

Pop contains a significant amount of sugar which can lead to a variety of issues within the body