Monday, January 13, 2025

Tag: response

Ruba in Response

This letter is written is response to last week’s letter to the editor, “Disappointed with the Union”. I would like to begin by apologizing...

Re: Gay-straight alliance ban lifted

Re: Gay-straight alliance ban lifted Dear Editor, This letter is in response to the article “Gay-straight alliance ban lifted”, which was published in the last issue...

Re: Mr. Boutillier’s letter

Dear Editor, Re: Mr. Boutilier’s letter I’m glad you sent in your letter, which makes important points about the ban. As an average reader, though, I...

I am writing in response…

Dear Editor, I am writing in response to your editorial about recent discriminatory events on campus. Your student union, UTMSU, has a long history of...

We do what we can

In our previous issue we published an article about the latest Blind Duck pub event and another about the Thomas Cottage, that spooky little...

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