Friday, July 26, 2024

Tag: Jose Wilson

UTMSU’s campaign promises reviewed

Last year, Fresh UTM was elected on a platform that promoted making fees more affordable for students and increasing student services. The elected team...

Campus Council passes fee increases

Campus Council approved fee increases to University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union and Association of Graduate Students. This final approval indicates that the increases...

Students prompted about elections

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students Union is aiming to spread awareness among students about the upcoming 2018 provincial elections and student issues. Several...

UTSU’s motion to remove VP internal and university affairs failed

The motion to introduce vice president advocacy and remove the positions vice president external and university affairs from the University of Toronto Students’ Union...

More shuttle buses on the way

The Quality Service to Students’ first meeting of the academic year announced four new shuttle buses running from the University of Toronto Mississauga with...

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