Tag: fee
Last stage for fee hikes
Fee increases for the U-Pass and student services were approved by Campus Council, the last step before confirmation by the Executive Committee, last week.
U-Pass fee increases recommended
Motions to recommend higher UTMSU fees and student service fees have been passed by the UTM Campus Affairs Committee.
The UTMSU fee increases include an...
The international fee misconception
International students do not pay more for their university education when you take into account the hidden (or, more accurately, brushed over) costs to regional students.
QSS fee increases
UTMSU and University Faculty came together on February 14 for a QSS Special Purpose meeting in order to discuss fee increases and vote on...
Student Housing defends residence fee increases
Residence fees are increasing, largely due to a five-million dollar mortgage that the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) took out twenty years ago. The...