Tricks on the TRX

The TRX is arguably the most versatile piece of workout equipment on the planet. Simply designed, it’s ready to turn your beer belly into a six-pack. Constructed of nylon webbing so the resistance is generated by variable bodyweight and gravity, the TRX is just lying there in the workout facilities calling your name, ready to turn you into an all around better-looking and performing specimen.

A Navy SEAL designed the TRX, allowing the men and women who defend their country to stay in top physical condition. The full-body workout allows anyone, from average men and women in their bedrooms to top-notch athletes, to get themselves ready for strenuous tasks or get the blood flowing and burn off some calories. If you’re tired of walking around to all of the different machines reading the instructions on what to do, or you’re frustrated that your crunches haven’t worked your oblique muscles as well as your abdominals, then try some unique TRX movements that will blast your body into a summer dream, you’ll incorportate more muscles than you would with a machine. Make time and put effort into joining the Group TRX class in the fitness studio on Wednesdays from 11:10 a.m. to noon; you’ll be sore for the next few days. Typically, the TRX costs upward of $400, but I bought mine a couple of years ago from a guy on Kijiji for $100—to this day I feel like I stole it from him; it was such a good deal.

TRX Single-leg Squat

A lot of people don’t have the strength or balance to do a single-leg squat without help. The TRX trains your body to activate the muscles used in the movement with help. You’ll build stronger hamstrings, glutes, and core because you flex your core and keep it in a solid upright position without swaying or tilting from side to side. Grab the handlebars with both hands, tighten your core, and bend down with your hips. Have your hips sink to the group until it’s about a foot above. Your heel should be planted firmly on the ground. Your opposite leg should be extended in front of you, stretching and strengthening hip and hamstring muscles. When you have one leg off the ground, you’re exposing weaknesses with your balance and posture; you’ll learn how to correct those issues with this movement. Once you’ve made it to this seated position, use your hips to power your way back up to standing position. Remember, your core is activated all the way through.


Grab the handlebars with both hands and extend your arms above your head so that your body forms the shape of the letter “Y”. Lower your body while keeping your arms extended and maintain an active core—breaking at the hips or bending your elbows will decrease the resistance and you’ll lose the effectiveness of the movement. Then bring your arms back to the “Y” position, keeping your core tight. You’ll feel your muscles in your core, back, and shoulders screaming.

TRX Atomic Pike

Start in plank position with palms face down against the floor and both feet in their respective foot cradles. Your body should be parallel to the ground, maintaining an active core and straight back. Once in this position, you hinge at the hips and drive your butt up while keeping your torso straight. Whatever you do, don’t bend at the knees anytime during this exercise. You’ll get a pump in the arms and an extreme core workout from this plank and hinge motion. This movement is more advanced than a regular plank because you’re activating more muscles while moving, giving this exercise a purpose for everyday life scenarios where you bend at the hips. When you’ve hinged your hips, try to walk your feet back away from the anchor point until you’re in full plank position again.

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