UTSU has appointed Alessia Rodriguez as VP campus life after the impeachment of Akshan Bansal last December following allegations of sexual assault.

Before being appointed, Rodriguez served as Bansal’s associate since June and is currently a student ambassador, social representative of her residence floor, and orientation leader at New College.

“I believe that being part of the process since the beginning has provided me with the knowledge and practice to make this transition as smooth as possible and continue working on everything that was set, and more,” said Rodriguez in an email to The Medium.

Rodriguez further explained her intentions of creating a stronger community within U of T by incorporating a variety of student opinions.

“Improvement can only be achieved if we work together and take into account and integrate everyone’s opinions,” said Rodriguez. “So I am committed to connecting, listening, and working together with every college and faculty that, similar to me, wants to create a positive change for our students. Only by listening to students can we know the change they want to see.”

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