UTMAC elections: Blackout or Blueprint2?

The UTM Athletics Council campaign period began last Monday. This year, Blueprint2, Team Blackout and an independent VP Administration candidate are vying for positions.
Blueprint2 launched their campaign last Monday at 12:01 a.m. with a Facebook group and flooded the Meeting Place with blue and red balloons to attract the attention of voters. Reiterating the platform points of last year’s Blueprint slate to increase school spirit, increase athlete recognition and enhance communication, Blueprint2 promises to continue to improve and expand upon these initiatives. The candidates hope to bring progression and victory to campus athletics if elected as next year’s UTMAC. Collectively, the candidates of Blueprint2 claim experience in UTM athletics, UTMAC events, UTMSU affairs and involvement in various clubs.
Team Blackout promises to seek student input to guide allocation of finances, an increase of on and off-campus events and to promote community through athletics. The candidates insist that they have an effective plan and enough experience to take on their respective positions on UTMAC. As a team, Blackout has experience in UTMSU and UTMAC programs.
Independent VP Administration candidate Kasim Baluch also wants to promote student involvement and diversity of events. The third-year student was approached by Team Blackout, but made the decision to campaign solo as a personal goal. Baluch has participated in a multitude of campus sporting events and teams and advocates for increased involvement and events.
The All Candidates debate was held in the Blind Duck Pub last Tuesday to give students the opportunity to address the candidates. Candidates answered questions regarding their plans to increase student and athlete involvement, promote school spirit and build awareness of athletic programs and opportunities.
One of the questions brought up concerned pick-up games in the RAWC. Participants called “next” to enter the floor; however, often times female athletes were neglected. The candidates expressed the need to implement an organized system or authority figure to ensure the games are fair.
Each slate announced their slogan for the coming academic year if elected. Blueprint2 chose “We bleed blue,” inspired by Jay-Z’s “Empire State of Mind.” Blackout chose “D-Up,” and Baluch announced “Be true, so be blue.”
“The campaign period has been running smoothly. It’s great to see so many interested candidates,” reported this year’s Chief Returning Officer Dhananjai Kohli. “All candidates have been working hard on promoting themselves and the platform that they stand for, and so far everyone has been playing fair. I was very pleased with the crowd participation [at the debate].”
In contrast to last year’s contested UTMAC elections, the executives of the present council decided to conduct voting online. Kohli has been in contact with the administration to initiate the new process. Candidate profiles and platforms are available on posters around campus and on Facebook. Students will have the opportunity to cast their vote online at voting.utoronto.ca from 12:01 a.m. on March 30 through to 11:59 p.m. on March 31.

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