Paul Donoghue, UTM’s chief administrative officer, retires from his position at the end of September.

“It has been a remarkable journey for which I am grateful,” Donoghue said in an email to The Medium. “I think we should, collectively, be very proud of what we have achieved at UTM, and excited about being strongly positioned to continue to realize our aspirations in the years ahead.”

Donoghue has served as UTM’s CAO for 11 years and has worked to enable campus growth by increasing existent resources and offering administrative assistance to build a better experience for the student population, as well as staff and faculty members. He has also been responsible for planning construction projects, budgeting, overseeing human resources, and overseeing the hospitality and retail department.

“I have had the chance to work with many remarkable people: faculty, staff and students,” Donoghue continued, “I think we have been able to build upon those institutional characteristics that makes us a very special place for all of the UTM community.”

During his time in office, new infrastructure and governance systems have been developed to allow the school to better fit into its role as part of the tri-campus structure of the university as a whole.

Beginning October 2017 to July 2018, Susan Senese, director of information and instructional technology, will serve as UTM’s interim CAO.

University of Toronto Mississauga’s principal, Ulrich Krull, will begin a search for a permanent replacement of the CAO.

According to Donoghue, a firm deadline for establishing a permanent CAO has not been set yet, as job searches for the administrative roles of chief librarian and registrar will take place at the same time as the search for the CAO, as well.

1 comment

  1. This guy is so crooked, he embezzled money through Utm’s building contracts (aka the million dollar sign)

    He manipulated graduation rates of the school and misled the public in regard to how many students actually graduated from UTM

    So praise the devil

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