Governing Council Elections Underway

As clubs and student unions across all three campuses prepare for upcoming year-end elections, the senior governing body at the University of Toronto election is already underway. The Governing Council, the body that oversees academic, business, and student affairs, consists of fifty seats. External appointees, teaching staff, alumni, and students work with the President and Chancellor of the University to oversee matters that include academic programs, capital expansion, tuition fees, and student life. Eight elected students will meet with the rest of the Governing Council six times during a one year term with responsibility to provide guidance on the University’s strategic direction, advice on financial policies and budget, and uphold the mission of the university.

With twenty-one undergraduate students in the running, only two students are from UTM. UTM Residence Council President, Aly Madhavji wants to work with the Council to lobby for better tuition, parking, and residence fees. UTSU VP University Affairs, and former UTMSU VP UA, Maria Pilar Galvez wants to advocate for split tuition fees, better funding for student services, and ensure proper academic planning.

“We haven’t had a UTM representative in the past few years,” said Madhavji. “I’m really passionate about helping students. I want to see the issue of UTM having representation addressed which will lead to things such as a 24/5 Library or more food diversity.”

One of UTM’s own professors, Emmanuel Nikiema, Associate Professor of French and Linguisitics, holds a seat on the Academic Board.

The student election period runs between Monday, February 28 and Friday, March 11. Students can vote on ROSI by clicking on the Elections tab on the left sidebar. For more information and candidate statements, students can check out

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