Christian Unity Association’s First Event, “Great Expectations”

The Christian Unity Association introduced “Great Expectations” on Tuesday, its first event of the year which consisted of live band music, an introduction of the club, and a message from the club’s president.

Christian Unity Association (CUA) is a conglomeration of five different Christian clubs on campus: Baptist Student Ministries,  UTM Chinese Christian Fellowship, Erindale Christian Fellowship, Catholic Students’ Club, and UTM Agape Impact. These monthly events organized by CUA aspire to promote unity among all the Christian clubs on campus and to allow every student and faculty member a chance to be exposed to Christianity.

Though the event began a little after 6 pm, students started filling lecture hall CC1080 as early as 5 pm.

“The preparation that goes into events of this size is just incredible, and it’s never easy coordinating an organization as diverse as this, but I trust that God will work as He pleases!” said Tarak George, President of Christian Unity Association.

The evening started with the Christian Unity band leading the attendees into a time of worship. Afterwards, representatives from the five different Christian clubs introduced their own individual clubs, informing students about details and upcoming? events. A talk by Tarak George on the theme of “Great Expectations”, regarding the credibility and historical value of the Bible summed up the event.

“Overall, I thought it was good. It was nice seeing a good number of new people coming out to the event. Also, the clubs had a chance to get exposure. I really liked the message [from George] about how we should, instead of trying to fit God into our plans, we ought to fit into His. Anyways , it was a great way to kick off the year,” says Timothy Daniels, executive of both Christian Unity Association and Baptist Student Ministries, when asked about how the night went.

The event concluded with free pizza for everyone.


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