Busiest year yet for the Safety Day BBQ

Campus Police’s annual Safety Day BBQ raised $482.80 for United Way and saw its largest turnout in years this past Thursday.

Corporal Bobbi-Jo Duff, who attributes the day’s success to social media advertising, managed the event from the behind the barbecue. She directed students to the condiments and the info booth set up to keep the community aware of the services available to them.

Shane Madhani, the manager of the Blind Duck Pub, has partnered with Campus Police for this event for the past four years. “[The] amazing thing is that the whole UTM community, faculty, staff, everybody comes out,” he said. “It is a great charity.”

United Way provides services helping people in need of shelter, food, counselling, and services related to crisis support, substance abuse, and employment. The charity funds outside agencies, which are better able to help within their own communities.

Each year, UTM donates over $65,000 to United Way through fundraising, payroll deductions, donations, and student events.

Len Paris, the manager of Campus Police Services, says that the Safety Day BBQ is important to him because of the “faculty, staff, and students who in one way or another have used United Way services”.

Campus Police also raised $500 with their lost and found sale in September. They hope that this, together with the funds from the BBQ and those from another event to come in November, will make a difference.

“[The] big message is, if we all give a little of our time and, if possible, our finances, we can give back to people in need,” Paris said.

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