Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Contest Winners

Judges' Comment The variation of colour and the use of black and white really made the photos in this series stand out. The photos are...
Judges' Comment This shot is so simple yet so intriguing. The model's stillness, elegance, and natural stance all combine perfectly to create a portrait shot...
Under Cover Amanda watched the slow rise and fall of Lucy’s chest. Lucy’s small body shook with every inhale, and she whimpered with every exhale....
Crawly Things I still remember those tiny crawly things in our New York apartment. My parents called them cockroaches, and my grandparents would stick their...
Lucid The moon cast its pale glow along the ridged surface of the barren field. Its freezing breeze wafted through my body. My brittle bones...
All of You Your body is a map The curves that swerve along your sides Are long, unknown roads that stretch for miles The gaps between your fingers...
Judges’ Comment These photos are aesthetically pleasing to the eye and evoke a feeling of curiosity. The viewer is drawn into this world;...
Judges' Comment What was interesting with these portraits was that the flow of the water and the woman’s hair are almost in harmony...
Draw Me a Dress Draw me a dress that I can colour in inside the lines and wear during the dances that spin inside my head. Ballrooms of marble fringed with...
The Night Shift “Wake up, Mom,” I whisper. I gently shake her deep breathing body. She groans beneath the covers. All I can see is the...
Probability of Mom “She has a 40% survival rate… I’m sorry, it doesn’t look too good, but we’re trying our best.” I wept until dawn. It...
This was an entry in the 2014/15 Writing & Photo Contest.

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