This was an entry in the 2014/15 Writing & Photo Contest.
Judges' Comment
A series of three views that instinctively read as scenes in a single day work together well to imply narrative. An artful handling...
Judges' Comment
Strong lines and a focus that allows the textures to contrast sharply make the photo visually compelling. The various layers, too, lead the...
with tears carving lines down our faces
we are saying sorry
we are watching rocks fall down cliffs
we are kneeling under a cross with our sins...
PD Day
The basement smelt of old pine, which drifted around in a thick haze. I was nervous to have come here, but Jake said,...
Steve and Allen
Blessed are the ectomorphs, the skinny minis, and naturally thighgapped women of the world—or so the marketing industry claims. “Toned bodies, we...
The Other Side
The candle burns out. My bedroom goes dark.
I lie on my carpeted floor. My face presses against a pile of worn sweatshirts...
We bonded over bones.
The other’s ivory insides,
Hidden by shells of red, white, and blue.
We kept tokens of each other’s skeletons,
To act like broaches on...
I curled up in the middle of my bed. I gazed at the TV screen, but couldn’t concentrate on Full House just then. I...
St. Paul’s United Church
Polished organ pipes soar to the ceiling in chorus. Adorned in white and blue, the choir is positioned in a semicircle...
“Someone’s hurting Dad!” Sajid blurted, almost crying. He scrambled downstairs to the family room. Mom told Sajid to phone the police while she investigated...
A Separate Peace
Innocent, I once found joy
In all there was to find
And had peace, separate from the world,
In this sheltered life; surprised
By every shift...