Re: “ISIS in a turbulent world,” November 11, 2019.

Dear Editor,

I think that it’s incredibly important to be able to stand up against tyranny and all forms of senseless violence. Therefore, I would understand why the American government felt it important to execute the leader of ISIS. However, I’d like to make it known that I believe that America does not care about the well-being of people in the Middle East. To be under the impression even for an instant that the American state, or any other one for that matter, genuinely cares about the state of the people that are affected by conflicts would be to believe in fiction.

States are unable to affect real and tangible change because the people who are financing these wars don’t actually care about achieving peace. People want to see grandiose accomplishments manifested in single events in order to easily use them as testaments to their own greatness. These (sometimes) insignificant events are ones that diverge the conversation away from those that are actually suffering the atrocities and places the focus on those who are ‘affecting’ change. This paints them as the champions of democracy, freedom and liberty—qualities that are rarely ever implemented permanently.

The threat of ISIS and other issues will forever exist so long as people and states are fixated on these accomplishments as testaments to their own greatness.

In other words, the U.S. doesn’t care about civilian causalities, or actually supporting their allies—they will continue with whatever actions will garner support within their nation.

Until people start caring about tangible change, large shows of force seem to be the only way to make Uncle Sam seem like the cool uncle… sorry.

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