No double standard

Dear Editor,

I was surprised to see that Mr. Begs recent letter describes the UTMSU as being unaccountable and unapproachable. He implies that the student union does not truly represent students views, which is simply not true.

Since September, the UTMSU has had a number of consultation meetings through various ministries such as Equity, Environment, Education & Outreach, International Students Affairs, Social Justice, Campus Life as well as an information session for all first years which every student had the opportunity to attend. We have heard many excellent ideas and suggestions from students, which have directly influenced the approach we have taken on a number of issues.

Mr. Beg even goes on to praise the efforts of the Student Union, saying he supports the campaign to drop tuition fees and other opportunities for students to be heard. The UTMSU has worked tirelessly to be true advocates of students on campus, and we make every effort to represent the campus groups and individual students who ask us to do so.

In his conclusion, Mr. Beg laments that he does not know his president and execs as much as they [UTMSU] seem to want to know the principal. The door to the student union office is always open, and we are always glad to chat with any student — including Mr. Beg — if they take the time to visit us.

I finally would like to update you that due to the collective students effort during the referenced town hall, the Vice President and Provost Cherly Misak has agreed to provide funding for the 24/5 library thanks to all students who came and voiced their concerns.

Henry Ssali

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