Saturday, July 27, 2024

Volume 47, Issue 21 (January 25, 2021)

Archive > Volume 47 > Issue 21

A review of the UTMSU in 2020

With the ongoing pandemic, the past year has been challenging for all students and faculty. However, the University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union (UTMSU)...

The Ontario government began the first stage of its three-phase Covid-19 vaccine immunization program...

On January 21, Governor General Julie Payette announced her resignation from her position after...

Recapping one full year of the Covid-19 lockdown

Exactly one year ago, on January 25, 2020, the first reported case of Covid-19 was identified in Ontario, Canada. When I first heard the news, I was shocked, but frankly skeptical, about the gravity of the situation. It was only on March 7, 2020,...

Just two weeks after the Capitol was ravaged by conspiracy-addled Trump supporters, Joe Biden...

The boom and benefits of streaming video games

In August 2013, Swedish gamer Felix Kjellberg—also known as “PewDiePie”—became the most-subscribed channel on YouTube. His popularity proliferated with his “Let’s Play” videos, which...

Movies are powerful. They can influence our beliefs, shape our morals, and coerce our...

In 1603, when Shakespeare put his quill to paper and penned the first line...

If you’ve strolled through the UTM campus recently, you may have come across the...

Looking at Toronto after the first wave

Dr. Shauna Brail, an associate professor at UTM’s Institute for Management and Innovation, is passionate about urban life, and her previous research endeavors have...

Beginning a new life on unfamiliar grounds presents a unique set of adversities. Immigrant...

Despite Covid-19 vaccine shipments arriving in Canada, the virus continues to devastate intensive care...

University of Saskatchewan finds troubling impacts of Covid-19 Isolation on University...

Confined to learning from home, isolated from their peers, students and their daily schedules have arguably been most notably affected by the pandemic. The University...

A study from the University of Illinois, led by Florin Dolcos, examines how religion and psychology...