Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tag: poetry

Play on: music and language join forces

Last Tuesday, the Language Studies Academic Society and the UTM Music Club got together to bring us Cultural Night, billed as a chance to...

Shattering the silence on an Indian tragedy

Last Wednesday, Ashok Vajpeyi, an award-winning Indian author, spoke about what motivated him and other writers to return their awards as a form of...

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (T.S. Eliot)

Do you ever feel that people are looking at you funny? Talking about you behind your back? But you can’t tell whether you’re overthinking...

Poets plough through Pump & Patio noise

UTM students eagerly piled into the Erindale Pump and Patio last Thursday for EDSS’s Poetry Night Live. Students sang, recited slam, danced, and stuffed...

Poetry in motion

Slam poets Andre Prefontaine and Sabrina Benaim came to UTM earlier this month at a poetry masterclass EDSS held for students. Prefontaine is a slam...


Restless and reckless, too many close calls In the Sahara developed a Defiance Messiah Complex on dexedrine with brain-drain. I’m all in with a winner’s grin, grinning...

Poetry—for everyone

Poetry has a pretty weak rep in today’s day and age. The average university student (or anyone, for that matter) doesn’t really care about...

Speaking out against oppression

Dear Editor, The Speak Out against Oppression poetry event, held last Friday, was organized in conjunction with UTMSU. They recently rejected the poems I sent...

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