Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tag: meditation

Let’s take a nature walk

The RAWC has received an alluring new addition to its services, known as Wellness Routes. These consist of weekly walks around campus, each woven...

Yoga for mental clarity

  University can be demanding for students both mentally and physically and having the mental and physical strength is crucial when completing even the most...

The wonders of mindfulness meditation

As the end of the semester approaches, anxiety tends to rise. Reflecting on the past and considering the future can turn into a constant...

Alternative ways of learning poetry

Developed by poet Ronna Bloom, the Poet in Community program aims to develop the creative writing interests of students at U of T.  Bloom...

Reacting to stress in the right way

Many of us can admit that we often get caught up with the stresses and anxieties associated with student life, so we simply don’t...

Mindfulness can improve performance

That moment in your workout, when you’re completely out of breath, can feel your heart pounding out of your chest, and your muscles about...

Your better performance

Cross-country athletes and Olympic weight lifters are only a select group of individuals who understand that though the demands from their activities can be...

Multi-faith space: a “band-aid solution”?

Two new multi-purpose areas opened in Deerfield Hall intended for multi-faith, meditation, and study purposes have been deemed a “band-aid solution” to address calls...

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