Tag: international women’s day
Women, Culture, and Society at UTM
Busy waiting outside offices and translating ideas into plans, little did UTM students Selina Azizi and Maleeha Iqbal know that the following winter, their...
Female artists unite for Women’s Day
Every year on March 8, millions of people around the world eagerly celebrate International Women’s Day, a day that commemorates the past and present...
What’s it like to be a female academic?
This week, The Medium reached out to UTM female faculty members to find out what it’s like to be a female member of their...
Students shed light on global gender inequality
In celebration of International Women’s Day last Tuesday, UTM’s Because I Am a Girl Club held an awareness campaign throughout the week to inform...
Placing third-wave feminism
To be honest, I can’t recall how it began—the sensation that something was changing in our culture.
The feeling could have been inspired by any...