Saturday, August 31, 2024

Tag: Editorial

The Medium’s place at UTM

As a student publication, we owe it to our readers to provide the most factual and up-to-date information in all sections of our paper....

Publishers beware—the medium is the message

Growing up in a poor country was not a cool experience for me. Now that I live in a rich country, I am often...

Think before you speak

It’s official. Far from being being reduced to zero, the cost of attending UTM is actually going up. Students (see article on the cover...

An obligation to demand the most of ourselves

Last week UTMSU representatives met with departing Vice-President Orchard to discuss what they wanted from the next president. (Predictably, the issue of tuition fees...

It's our job

Coco Chanel once said, “Friends, there are no friends.” She was probably referring to the fashion world, or perhaps about life in general. But...

A different kind of work ethic

It’s close to midnight as I type these lines. I should've finished my editorial a while ago, days ago actually. Tha’ts what happened the...

Inexperience can be a good thing

When renowned graphic designer Paula Scher was asked to incorporate elements of graphic design into the architecture of the Museum of Modern Art, the...

Just look at your right hand

Its the joke issue. Chill the fuck out. No, the Undergraduate Commerce Society hasnt been abandoned by the Department of Management. No, the Student Union...

Editorial response to letter

This past week, I was forced to think long and hard on whether I should respond to Gabriel Galangs Letter to the Editor. There...

Protest solidarity

Wherever you go there seems to always be a protest of some sort. Most of you are aware, Im sure, of the fierce protests...

Election Woes

397 voters. 397 students. If a lecture hall worth of students had bothered to cast a ballot, perhaps popular Liberal MP Omar Alghabra would...

Proxy Problems

When UTM student Ehsan Motamedi approached the podium repeatedly at last years AGM to voice his concern over the collection of proxy votes, many...

Social Medium
